Chapter 395 Couple Photos

At the entrance of the water-tight courtyard, Gu Shizhou got out of the Porsche and looked up through the gap in the security window to see the beautiful girl standing in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Meeting after a year.

My heart instantly felt like hot oil dripping into water, making waves.

However, Jiang Nuannuan's eyes did not fall on him immediately. The first thing she looked at was Fei Jinzhao who came out of the police car next to her. Suddenly, the monster's face became a little more surly.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and entered the house. He Xiang went upstairs first and took the key to unlock it for her. The young man said with vigilant eyes: "Those police are here to investigate whether you have been kidnapped."

Jiang Nuannuan twisted her free ankle, "I know."

He Xiang added: "I have no doubts about your ability to send Fei Jin to prison, but you'd better not do that."

"I do not know."

Jiang Nuannuan handed him the chain, "They are coming up soon, please put it away."

One end of the chain was connected to the bedpost. He Xiang put it away into his backpack, feeling a little helpless.

Fei Jinzhao's move that is forbidden for prisoners is a thousand miles away from what was shown in the TV series. Even the chain that binds the feet has someone go to a tailor shop to thoughtfully add a small cushion inside. I really don't know what to say about him.

Fei Jinzhao allowed the police to enter the house, but was unwilling to let the other three men in. The legally armed bodyguards at the door looked very oppressive.

Gu Tingyan looked at all the doors, windows and even the balcony with security windows, which were incompatible with this European-style building. He frowned and said, "You are restricting her freedom."

Fei Jin called back and said, "The police will tell you the answer."

In fact, he just gave Jiang Nuannuan the choice. When she said he was imprisoned, he was willing to confirm the suspicion.

When the police arrived on the second floor, Jiang Nuannuan was sitting on the sofa watching TV and eating snacks, leaning lazily on the side, feeling extremely comfortable.

Several people looked at each other.

Is this called imprisonment?This is called enjoying happiness.

Sensing that the person who came was not kind, Jiang Nuannuan stood up with surprise and walked to Fei Jinzhao, holding his arm, "Why did you suddenly bring the police back?"

Fei Jinzhao's eyes softened, "There are some misunderstandings."

Under pressure from several men outside, the police officer still asked as a routine, "Ms. Jiang, is it true that you and Mr. Gu were kidnapped while traveling abroad?"

"Is she telling the truth? Is it just to protect Fei Jinzhao?"

Gu Shizhou sneered at the door, "Yes, she protected him like this a year ago. She used the pretext of supporting poor students to stay by his side every day, even spending his birthday with him."

Among the people present, who celebrated her birthday alone and ambiguously with her?
Gu Tingyan himself didn't know when this happened, so he asked him, "How did you know?"

Gu Shizhou snorted heavily, thinking of those painful memories, but he didn't speak after all.

Embarrassed and jealous, what is there to say.

Zhai Lin lost his patience and wanted to force his way in. The bodyguard at the door blocked him tightly and only said, "It is against the law to break into a famous house privately, Mr. Zhai."

He couldn't bear to hear this, and the two groups immediately started a conflict.

Speaking of using guns, this situation was obviously not appropriate. There was only a conflict involving bodyguards on both sides beating each other with electric batons. It looked like a big brawl between gangsters in suits. The police had no choice but to send double the police force to coordinate, so that neither side could be offended. People are going numb.

Gu Shizhou leaned against the car door and looked at the upstairs window, "Anyway, none of us can even think about going in today. Fei Jinzhao has been thinking about it for a long time."

Zhai Lin came back with his gray eyes lowered, his features hidden in the night, and he said gloomily: "Can she never come out?"

This matter has come to a standstill.

The nanny had closed the curtains in the villa. Fei Jinzhao didn't want Jiang Nuannuan to come near the window. Her tone was calm as usual, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"What do you want to eat?" Jiang Nuannuan followed him into the kitchen and picked up the apron, "I'll make it as promised."

Fei Jinzhao held her wrist for a moment, then let go and tied her apron.

The smell of fat and smoke in the pot was like catkins sweeping across her throat. Jiang Nuannuan couldn't breathe, so she tilted her head and coughed several times.

Fei Jinzhao took away her shovel and asked the nanny to take over. He took her out to drink water, "Did you catch a cold at night?"

"It's just the spicy smell that makes my throat itchy." Jiang Nuannuan didn't tell the truth, her eyes were filled with moisture, and she felt a little uncomfortable coughing.

Fei Jinzhao asked her to sit in a chair, "I know you are very delicate, and there are some things I don't want you to do."

In the past, it was easy to understand that he didn't know the truth, but now Jiang Nuannuan is a little funny, "Did I just tell you that I was a 996 social animal before?"

He replied calmly: "Does this affect how you are in my heart?"

Even if she lives like a superman, he still loves her.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't stop laughing. She watched him walk into the kitchen and take over the cooking, and rubbed his painful chest with his fingertips.

The spicy dish in the evening was not brought out in the end, Fei Jinzhao only cooked non-spicy dishes.

He handed her the chopsticks and said, "If you still have a cough tomorrow, I'll ask the doctor to take a look."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to recruit a doctor so quickly. After eating, she asked: "Can I still go out with you recently?" Fei Jinzhao was silent, "You will be taken away, and there will be people in any corner of the village." possible."

They were of equal strength and had eyes all over the place. No matter how hard they hid her, it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

So all he could think about was to imprison her and tie her to his side for the rest of his life until those people could give up.

But everyone has spent a lot of energy to find this moonlight, who can give up.

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Or do you want to sit down and chat together?"

The room became quiet, and the blood slowly stopped flowing.

After a long time.

The cold voice seemed to be trying its best to stay.

"Then I will lose the opportunity to have you forever, is that okay?"

Once she meets them, she will no longer belong to him alone.

In fact, there was no good solution. Jiang Nuannuan thought about it for a long time, and she always felt that the final outcome could not be as simple as last time. She should at least leave something behind.

Looking at Fei Jinzhao Qingjun's downcast face for a long time, she said softly: "Although it is a bit difficult to get a marriage certificate, Fei Jinzhao, do you want to take wedding photos."

The man suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, his chestnut eyes seemed to have an undercurrent rolling, "It's just the two of us?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, there are only two of us."

"Why do you suddenly want to take pictures?" Fei Jinzhao was a little unconvinced, "Is it convenient to leave?"

You have to leave here when taking photos.

Jiang Nuannuan sat next to him. She couldn't directly say that it was one of the few things she could keep. She just said: "I don't have much thought. I just feel that we have known each other for so long and have never taken a serious photo together. You must wear a wedding dress, and if you have a camera at home, we can also take pictures directly.”

The meaning behind the wedding dress was always related to marriage, and she later realized that this was inappropriate.

Couple photos are already perfect.

the next morning.

The traffic outside was still blocked, and a photographer and makeup artist were led into the courtyard.

None of the men had gone home. The luxury car was fully equipped with everything, so there was nothing wrong with sleeping on it.

Gu Tingyan thought about it all night and thought that he could unethically add a hand to Zhai Lin's way of forcing his way in. He could bear it to the limit.

When he was sleeping alone on the sofa, Fei Jinzhao was holding his girl as she slept soundly. Worry and unwillingness were like a cat's claws scratching his heart, making a 30-year-old man extremely angry.

Jiang Nuannuan got up early. After putting on makeup and dressing up, the sun had already shone into the wooden floor on the second floor.

The heavy double-layer curtains were opened one layer, leaving only the white lace gauze curtains swaying in the breeze through the window cracks.

Fei Jinzhao wore a light gray casual suit, which was a couple's style with her gray short sleeves and short jeans.

Many facilities in the villa can be used as a studio for shooting. Fei Jinzhao rarely faces the camera and sits cross-legged on the floor with sunlight as required. Her movements are still a bit stiff. She does not look at the camera, but stares with her head tilted. bedroom.

Jiang Nuannuan had her long, curled hair loose, and she saw him sitting in front of the lace gauze curtain, with the dim sunlight hitting his shoulders, half of his clear and beautiful face glowing, obedient and good-looking.

Those chestnut eyes, which were bright due to the sunlight, stared at her unobtrusively.

He stretched out his hand and welcomed his lover in the shadow to walk into the sunshine and come to him.

She sat down next to her, and the photographer's mouth that he wanted to direct suddenly felt a little redundant.

Just the way the two of them looked at each other with their backs to the sun and smiled was beautiful enough.

The shutter clicked quickly.

Jiang Nuannuan changed two sets of clothes, and when she was tired, she leaned in Fei Jinzhao's arms. The wind blew the gauze curtain across their backs, almost wrapping them up, and a chuckle escaped.

"It's so itchy."

Most of her face was rubbed by the gauze curtain, and she couldn't help turning her head towards Fei Jinzhao. They both had the same lavender smell, and they couldn't tell each other apart. The smell was strong.

It was obvious that the half-open window was allowing ventilation, but the temperature within a short distance rose to the extreme. There was a silent fire in his eyes, and something seemed to be boiling in his heart.

When Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to lift the gauze curtain that fell on his head, her fingertips were held, and the other person's rapid breathing fell on her ears.

"I wanted to keep some special photos."

Sensing his intention, she said yes gently with a smile in her eyes.

Waiting for them to recover, the photographer smiled and showed them the photos he had just taken. He praised them sincerely, "It's perfect. The love between both parties is almost overflowing."

Both sides, not one-sided admiration.

Such praise made Fei Jinzhao feel very happy.

(Commentary: I haven’t decided how to write it later, so that’s it for now, 3k words per update.)
(End of this chapter)

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