Chapter 4 Mr. Gu

The noble man said to her: "If you can't survive, follow me."

It was a very soft tone, so soft that the voice he spoke on the phone with today was completely different.

Of course, this sentence was not actually said to Jiang Nuannuan, but to Fu Shiliu.

"Normally no one lives here. Mr. Gu has arranged for a chef to come over later. Miss Jiang can tell her whatever she wants to eat." The driver left a message and got in the car and left.

She looked at this gorgeous villa, which was limited to the living room. The decoration was in the wabi-sabi style, and all the things that caught her eye were logs or gray. There was really no atmosphere of life, it was cold and completely silent.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't go upstairs to look around before she was officially invited. She found a sofa and sat down to wait.

During this break, she took a look at the negative news about herself on the Internet.

What is still on the hot search list is the happy event of the newly minted young flower Jiang Meng who risked everything for love and married Ji Yansen. The following two are incidental. One is that Jiang Nuannuan pushed Jiang Meng into the water, and the latter The popular word about being generous and careless, and the second is the historical hot word about Jiang Nuannuan begging Ji Yansen to be humble and not break up.

If you click on it casually, you will see all the comments with disgusting online names.

"Jiang Nuannuan is so disgusting. I hope she gets out of the Jiang family! Don't hurt our Mengmeng!"

"In the final analysis, she, a fake daughter, refuses to let go of Ji Yansen just to catch the last golden son-in-law. She is greedy for money and loves money in her heart."

"We, Jiang Meng, are so pitiful. We have been living on the outside since we were young, and we have to be framed by a bad guy who doesn't know where he came from."

"Jiang Nuannuan, go and die!"


The reason why Jiang Nuannuan is so bad is inseparable from the fact that Jiang Meng, a real daughter, entered the entertainment industry to build momentum.

Gu Tingyan helped her get out of jail, but he never thought of dealing with her negative news.

I don’t have a computer now, so the contents of the recorder will have to be uploaded later.

Jiang Nuannuan turned off her phone expressionlessly, yawned, and lay down on the sofa to sleep.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, a Maybach stalled in front of the villa.

Assistant Li turned his face sideways and said, "I just received the news that the chef had a car accident on the way here and is still in the hospital."

"Are you still looking for someone? I don't know if Miss Jiang is still here." He was uncertain about the meaning of Mr. Gu sitting next to him. Most of the man's face was hidden in the darkness, showing no emotion.

Gu Tingyan stared at the unlit villa outside the window for a few seconds and said softly: "No need."

He opened the door, got out of the car, and walked onto the porch.

Opening the door, a warm lamp lit up in the entrance hall, and the faint light extended into the living room, casting a very faint light on the woman curled up on the sofa.

Gu Tingyan walked over and saw the girl sleeping peacefully, her collar half open, revealing a thin white neck, sleeping defenselessly.

He slowly knelt down and looked at her face intently for a few seconds. The words he said quickly at the time were a promise, and there was no reason to take them back. But the face shown in front of him, now that he looked closely, it was indeed consistent. Mind.

Jiang Nuannuan slept a little uncomfortable. Something kept touching her eyelids. She subconsciously reached out to grab it and caught a slightly cold finger. She was about to throw the thing out of her hand. The system 66 screamed in his mind to stop it.

"It's Gu Tingyan here! I'm here to see your eyes and miss you! Don't dump me! According to the script, you'd better pretend to be sleepy. That's when you look most like the heroine."

Hearing these words is no different from sending money to your door.

The hand that wanted to shake people off immediately let go, Jiang Nuannuan snorted softly, her eyelids trembled, and she opened a slit in response.She stared blankly at the vague but angular handsome face in front of her, and her voice was as soft as a marshmallow, "Mr. Gu? Are you back?"

Gu Tingyan's long eyelashes were slightly furrowed, and his handsome face was slightly frozen.

Under the hazy light, the girl's foggy eyes overlapped with those in her memory, as confused and loving as a lost lamb.

The slightly cool fingertips rubbed the ends of Jiang Nuannuan's eyes. Listening carefully, the man's voice felt warm, "Why don't you go upstairs to sleep?"

"I don't know which room is mine." Jiang Nuannuan snorted a few times, winced and leaned back, grabbed his finger and whispered, "Stop touching it, it's very itchy."

Gu Tingyan's hand paused slightly, and he retracted his fingertips slightly.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly sat up and pressed the button of the remote control light with her butt. Instantly, the light in the living room turned on, clearly illuminating all the facial features of the person in front of her.

After she woke up completely, she was stunned. If Ji Yansen is still young and good-looking, then the elderly Gu Tingyan is the best among stable men, and the best fighter among the best.

He must have just finished work. He is still wearing a custom-made dark suit. He has broad shoulders and a narrow waist, deep eye sockets, a nose as straight as a peak, and a slightly thin face, but with exquisite outlines. There is almost no flaw in the facial features carved by the Creator himself.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at his dark eyes that had not yet restrained the warmth in time, knowing that he was looking at another person through her, but she still screamed crazily in her heart.

This time she made a profit!
Not only can you make money, but you can also be accompanied by a top-notch man. This place is simply paradise.

The light shone brightly, taking away the moment of misunderstanding. Gu Tingyan stood up, his brows becoming serious again, "I don't come here often. You can sleep wherever you want in the room here."

"I understand." Jiang Nuannuan sat up, her face immediately turning red. "Does the suggestion you made last time still count?"


Gu Tingyan was condescending, and the light of the living room lamp cut the shadow of his face almost perfectly. He leaned down again, pressed his fingertips against his eyes, and said emotionlessly: "I need a lover, no exposure, no status, Miss Jiang is willing agree?"

"The fact that I came to you means that I have no choice but to leave, Mr. Gu."

Jiang Nuannuan responded with a smile, "You are the only one who helped me after I betrayed all my relatives. Of course I agree, but there are two small conditions."

Hearing that she wanted to negotiate terms, Gu Tingyan let go and sat down on the sofa, took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and put it to his lips, ready to light it, "You tell me."

"For a period of two years, I, Jiang Nuannuan, am willing to be your underground lover, Mr. Gu. During this period, I hope you can pay me a monthly salary."

Gu Tingyan's hand holding the lighter paused, then turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan with surprise in his eyes.

How many people were trying to crawl into his bed at all costs, and what had he just heard?salary?Did she think he was recruiting employees?
Jiang Nuannuan continued to put on her professional smile, "Although being a lover is an informal and high-paying profession, we still have to divide it into details. You provide me with material security, and I will be your caring little man, ready to serve you at any time."

Gu Tingyan put down the cigarette and stared at her, "Are you short of money?"

"I'm penniless." Jiang Nuannuan nodded honestly. She didn't have a dime now. "But I only receive income from labor, which is 10 per month. I won't have to pay the five insurances and one housing fund myself. You can see it." What?"

Seeing her acting like she was talking about work, Gu Tingyan was speechless for a long time.

"it is good."

After a while, he finally lit his cigarette and said, "We can get what we need."

System 66: "Alipay payment: 100 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 2%. He seems to like people like you who are obedient and aware of current affairs."

(End of this chapter)

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