Chapter 5 Cooking for Him
System 66: "Congratulations to the host for becoming the lover of No. 1 male protagonist Gu Tingyan, please keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Mr. Gu." Jiang Nuannuan was filled with joy, her eyes widened with a smile, and the light in her eyes was so dazzling that the man couldn't take his eyes away.

He put out the cigarette he had only taken a few puffs on, looked away and stood up, "Tomorrow night at the Zhai family's old house, you and I will go to the old lady's birthday party."

Gu Tingyan wanted to take her to the Zhai family's birthday party simply because of Fu Shiliu.

"Okay, this is my bank card number." Jiang Nuannuan handed over her bank card and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, please remember it."

Half an hour later, Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting alone in the living room, received a large transfer, but it was not 10, but 500 million.

The other party not only paid off the two years' fees at once, but also doubled the tip.

She smiled with satisfaction, ordered a luxurious takeaway meal for herself, and went upstairs to find a room to sleep in.

After sleeping until noon, Jiang Nuannuan got up and washed herself in a bathrobe, then went downstairs with her messy hair and bare feet.

She ordered takeaway ingredients from the supermarket and prepared to cook some food for lunch.

When passing the study room on the second floor, she caught a glimpse of the figure behind the table. She paused slightly and then stepped back.

The study room was open, and the man's tall figure was shrouded in the light from the window. He lowered his head, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. His eyes were focused on document processing. There was a halo around his whole person, and he looked elegant and ascetic. .

Gu Tingyan didn't go out this morning.

System 66 promptly reminded: "Fu Shiliu has always been gentle."

Jiang Nuannuan immediately regained her composure and walked in, knocked on the door, and called him softly, "Mr. Gu."

The man raised his head, his narrow eyes slightly stunned.

The woman's silky hair is draped over her shoulders, her face is charming and innocent just after waking up, and her eyes are gentle.

Jiang Nuannuan saw that he quickly calmed down and said gently: "Have you eaten?"

"No." Gu Tingyan put down his pen and stared at her closely.

"Shall we cook something and eat together?" As soon as Jiang Nuannuan asked, System 66 reminded her, "Fu Shiliu doesn't know how to cook."

"It doesn't matter, he will eat it just for these eyes."

"Okay." As expected, Gu Tingyan did not refuse. He nodded his chin, and his half-draped long eyelashes blocked the gaffe he just made.

He was very cold, but only when he looked at her eyes could he shed some warmth and agree to her request.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had found a job for herself, heard the doorbell ringing downstairs and smiled at him, "Then do you have any taboos?"

"up to you."

She nodded, "Then I'll go down and get the delivered ingredients first, and I'll call you when they're ready."

The two of them were quite polite to each other.

On the first day of employment as a stand-in, she had to satisfy her boss and not make him feel that she had spent the 500 million at a loss.

Gu Tingyan had stomach problems and couldn't eat spicy food. She happened to be from the south and didn't like spicy food, so she made two dishes and one soup, both of which were light and nourishing the stomach.

Before she could go up and call someone, the man had already gone downstairs.

"I forgot to say one thing last night." He sat down at the dining table, watching her eyes regain calmness, and said in a low voice: "I don't like my things to be touched by others. The relationship between you and the boy from the Ji family, I I hope you handle it well."

"I also forgot to tell you." Jiang Nuannuan put the bowls and chopsticks in front of him and sat down next to him, "I have broken up with the Jiang family. I am just an ordinary person, otherwise I would not come to you, Ji Yansen He is Jiang Meng's husband and has nothing to do with me. I am innocent. Regarding the negative news on the Internet, I will handle it and not cause you any trouble."

Gu Tingyan glanced at her twice, responded with a low voice, and picked up the chopsticks.His dining etiquette is very good and he doesn't say a word while eating. The same goes for Jiang Nuannuan.

The calm atmosphere was broken when the cell phone call came in.

Jiang Nuannuan walked to the kitchen to answer the phone.

"Nuan Nuan, the jewelry drawing you designed was adopted by a foreign purchaser, and the other party has to sign a purchase contract."

Seeing that she was silent, System 66 took the initiative to explain: "It's your assistant Lu Jin calling. Wasn't your former profession also a jewelry designer? It matches your identity."

Although Jiang Nuannuan was tripped up by love, her design talent was quite outstanding.

After the other party fed her a few times, she said quickly: "Something happened at home recently. I will send you the contract via email later."

"Is it because of Ji Yansen again? You haven't solved the problem of him stealing your designs to design Jiang Mengli's omnipotent character?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows, what about this crappy thing?
"Hurry, I have to hang up beforehand."

By the time she returned to the dining table, Gu Tingyan had disappeared, and the bowl of rice served to him was completely eaten.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, the matching artist and makeup artist hired by Gu Tingyan came to serve Jiang Nuannuan with piles of things.

She styled her hair in an exquisite and simple bun and wore a white satin skirt, like the dress of a Roman goddess. The long veil hung from one thin shoulder, and the milky white skin on her chest was clearly visible, making her noble and generous.

Jiang Nuannuan, who dresses well and doesn't act like a monster, looks as good as anyone else.

As the designer continued to marvel, she looked at Gu Tingyan who had changed into a suit and went downstairs.

The straight, permed dark green suit is cut close to the body, perfectly contouring the man's figure. He is obviously in his late thirties, but there is not a trace of extra fat on his body. He is calm and handsome beyond words.

He walked up to her and stopped, with admiration in his eyes and fascination with seeing another person through her.

"Very beautiful, Miss Jiang."

The designers and makeup artists who came to the door realized what they were doing and left.

"Why don't you change the title to something more intimate? Our relationship is no longer an ordinary relationship." Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him and said politely: "Of course, if you feel bad, then we should stay the same."

Gu Tingyan didn't answer the question, "You are different from before."

Before bringing her back, he investigated clearly the good deeds she had done in recent years. Her conduct was very bad, but she was excusable.

"I depend on you for survival now, Mr. Gu. People have to bow their heads under the roof." Jiang Nuannuan smiled innocently and harmlessly.

Gu Tingyan was silent and said, "Call me whatever you want."

She is his mistress, and although she is new to the job, she does require some privileges.

"Ting Yan." Jiang Nuannuan hooked his arm, feeling his slightly stiff body, and asked deliberately: "Can I call you that?"

System 66: "Alipay payment: 100 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 3%."

System 66: "The host is awesome! How did you know that Fu Shiliu Ai hooked his arm and called him so softly?"

"Do you still need to know this?" Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes inwardly, "Normally the plot will be played like this, do you think I have read the thousand romance novels in vain?"

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, half-smiling, "The Ji family's boy will be there at the Zhai family's dinner, are you going to call me that too?"

"In order to maintain our private relationship, I will call you Mr. Gu in front of outsiders, but I really don't love Ji Yansen." Jiang Nuannuan answered firmly, with pure eyes that could not find any lies. "I don't love him."

(End of this chapter)

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