Chapter 402 Assignment
He sat up and flicked the switch on the wall, and the lights in the bedroom suddenly turned on.

Fei Jinzhao pressed the person into her arms. Seeing this, Gu Shizhou always felt that he was redundant. He walked around the bed, lifted up the mosquito net, lay down next to Jiang Nuannuan, and forcefully pulled the person out of his arms.

Gu Shizhou smiled half-heartedly, "Can't sleep? Can I tell you a story?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at his eyes filled with jealousy, then looked back at Fei Jinzhao, who had a cold face. She was about to burst into tears, so she simply held one hand on each side under the quilt, "I really want to sleep, don't quarrel."

Fei Jinzhao really couldn't bear to lie on the same bed with Gu Shizhou, and didn't want to separate Jiang Nuannuan. He stood up with his hands expressionless, and then forced Gu Shizhou out of bed, saying, "Sleep by yourself." , grabbed the person and closed the door.

After a whole night of fussing, Jiang Nuannuan ended up sleeping alone in the bedroom.

She didn't bother to think about whether they would fight outside. She shrank back into the quilt as soon as the lights were turned off and sighed.

If she is exhausted, forget it.

Gu Tingyan slept for more than two hours. At about 7 o'clock in the morning, he got ready, knocked on Zhai Lin's door, and went to find the other two people, "Let's talk."

The four people sat down in the restaurant downstairs. When the nanny saw that the bosses were about to have a meeting, she served a few cups of refreshing hot tea and left.

Gu Tingyan said indifferently: "Jiang Nuannuan agrees with the pursuit of the four of us at the same time. Everyone likes it. What do you think?"

Gu Shizhou sneered, "I've never been so embarrassed. I was in the official announcement news, but I didn't expect that my brother and his girlfriend had the same official announcement."

Zhai Lin managed to speak properly, "Do you think you are the only one who is embarrassed? I also made an appointment with the media."

Fei Jinzhao Qingjun's face showed a trace of tiredness, and she said calmly: "Jiang Nuannuan can only have one husband in her household registration book, so what's the use of her agreeing to them all? Who wants to be a lover?"

Gu Shizhou, who had already done it once before, didn't say anything this time. The original lover's game was based on his desire to win against his brother.

Later, he really fell in love with Jiang Nuannuan, and he didn't want to be a lover for the rest of his life. He knew best how much injustice he had to endure in this profession, how much jealousy he had to endure, and he would never be ranked first.

Gu Tingyan: "Who would give up?"

They all tried their best to drag the person back from the other world, just because of that promise. They wanted to know whether she had ever been sincere and whether the person she loved was herself. The answer she gave now obviously would not let anyone know. Everyone is satisfied.

Gu Tingyan looked around, lowered his thick eyebrows, and lifted his thin lips lightly, "Since she likes everyone, I have a proposal."

Everyone wants to be in Jiang Nuannuan's household registration book, so let her stay with everyone for a while and finally make a choice to stop everyone else from thinking about it.

Gu Shizhou tapped his fingers on the table and agreed with this idea that he had, mostly because he was stimulated by the threesome last night.

He said: "How much time have you and Fei Jinzhao taken up? Only Zhai Lin and I have yet to resolve the matter. Which one of us will go first?"

Zhai Lin: "Me."

Gu Shizhou stretched out his hand and said, "Let's guess the game."

"You are not childish."

Zhai Lin felt disgusted and stretched out his hand.

Seeing that they had made a decision, Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes silently and stared at the teacup. He didn't think he had much chance of winning in the end, but by the same token, if they didn't do this, they would be entangled forever.

Was he destined to lose her and watch her later marry someone else?
At that point, can he really give blessings without robbing them?

It's hard.

They had many things and he only had her.

Gu Tingyan is relatively confident. All his conditions are the best, except that he is the oldest. But being older is not a bad thing. He knows stability and sense of proportion better than anyone else. He also knows what Jiang Nuannuan likes about him. .

He thought that at least what she told him about having a baby was true.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan came out of the bedroom and found that there was no one on the second floor. She went downstairs and walked to the dining room. Looking at the harmonious scene in front of her, she was still a little confused.With Gu Tingyan as the guest, several others sat quietly around the dining table. Everyone had a teacup in front of them, and they seemed to have had a conversation while she was still asleep.

She walked to the table cautiously, "Good morning, have you all had breakfast? I got up a little late."

"Yes." Fei Jin asked the nanny to bring up the hot porridge and salted duck eggs in the pot, and then said, "You and Zhai Lin will leave in the afternoon. If you don't want to stay any longer, I will bring you back at any time."


Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment and looked at him in disbelief, "You guys have discussed this."

"Otherwise, what should I do?" Gu Shizhou crossed his legs, "Who has ever imagined a life like this with five people huddled under one roof? I can't bear to see you cuddling with other men for even a day."

Didn't he watch it often before?
Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She actually had the illusion that the emperor was choosing his concubines, and she had to sleep with each one for a period of time before she could taste the best one.

She didn't dare to say this, so she lowered her head and stuffed the porridge into her mouth obediently.

Such an allocation would give her enough time to get rid of Zhai Lin's thoughts of self-harm and destroying the world, and enough time to get Gu Shizhou to stop being such a playboy.

Gu Tingyan gave her a new mobile phone with everyone's numbers stored in it. When she came back from Zhai Lin and Gu Shizhou, he solemnly left an answer and that person would eventually take her home.

afternoon.The small villa surrounded by iron barrels was finally evacuated.

Fei Jinzhao whispered in Jiang Nuannuan's ear: "I'll wait for you to come back."

Zhai Lin's people drove over and quickly picked them up.

Everything was normal along the way. Jiang Nuannuan asked Mrs. Zhai about her situation. Zhai Lin said that she had removed all the Buddhist halls at home and turned them into ordinary teahouses.

After Zhai Heng died, the elderly woman no longer had any faith.

Jiang Nuannuan felt sad after hearing this.

Zhai Lin said: "Her praying to God three times and nine times will not be of any use. From the beginning, my brother's fate as a supporting role has been set."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "Yes, it was set from the beginning."

She knew that Zhai Heng was diagnosed with heart failure when he was young, and even the most expensive drugs were ineffective for him, not just for him.

"I don't understand." Zhai Lin turned to look at her, his gray eyes filled with emotion, "Why am I the protagonist and my brother is the supporting role? What do the people who created us think?"

"I don't know." Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I can't guess their intentions."

"I know you had your reasons for doing this in the first place." Zhai Lin said: "I believe what Zhai Heng said before he died, but his and I have different gentlemanly personalities."

The car drove into the familiar old house of the Zhai family.

The furnishings in the manor were the same as before. Jiang Nuannuan looked at the small lake, the stone corridor, and the withered rose bushes she had walked with Zhai Heng, and many memories came to her mind.

She got off the car and was led directly into the living room by Zhai Lin, and then went upstairs into the bedroom.

When she came back to her senses, someone pushed her shoulder, and she fell onto the big bed covered with ink sheets.

"On the surface, I agreed with Gu Tingyan's method and told everyone that I would not mess with you. In fact, I had no intention of doing this at all."

Zhai Lin easily restrained her hands and pressed them above her head. His gray eyes swept down her cheeks, almost wanting to take her off with his eyes.

He was the only one among the few who was the most restrained towards her, limiting himself to kisses. Because of his unstable mood, everyone's biggest worry about him was that they were afraid that he would get angry and want to beat Jiang Nuannuan.
(Word: First update, there is not much text left. The follow-up extra is a single-player CP story line, everyone is the protagonist, and the content is longer.)
(End of this chapter)

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