Chapter 403 Lake
"Since you like everyone equally, then I will make the choice for you."

Zhai Lin buried his head in her neck, wrapped his wet and hot tongue around the ear, and licked it hard, causing Jiang Nuannuan to tremble and her breathing became ragged.

"When raw rice is cooked, they can't take it anymore, right?"

She raised her neck and tilted her head to avoid his harassing lips, "Are you just afraid that I won't want you?"

He was silent for a moment and said against her neck: "No one can cure me except you. Are you willing to let me die?"

His voice was too weak, like a little beast that couldn't find a home, threatening her with the only handle he had.

Jiang Nuannuan softened her heart, slowly relaxed, hugged his head, mingled her fingers in the gray hair, and whispered: "What should I do if everyone threatens me like you?"

"Just let them die." Zhai Lin answered simply.

She laughed and looked at the ceiling, "That's not what I'm saying. You should live a good life even without me."

"How can I live a good life without you? Have you seen what I have done this year?" He said vaguely, biting open the clothes on her shoulders with his teeth, and his hot lips kept falling, leaving a water stain along the way.

"I saw it, I saw it all."

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyelashes, and a strange numbness entered her heart. She endured it and said: "Without me, you are still a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist. The things you have done are enough to prove that you are not a bad person. No It will destroy the world.”

"You overestimate me."

Zhai Lin bit open her button. When he raised his eyes, his gray eyes were slightly red, "I only want you. Do you know how disgusting I was when that fake imitated you and handed me candy?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "My purpose and theirs are the same. The only difference is that I went one step faster and did what they should do."

"You want to say that you haven't liked me so far, so it would be the same for anyone else."

Zhai Lin stopped moving, with suffocating anger on his face, "Is that so? You still think it doesn't matter?"

"No, everyone will fall in love with you while curing you." Jiang Nuannuan touched his face, "No one has any ill intentions."

She wanted him to give up the idea of ​​hurting the mission leader. After all, No. 3 was still locked up and suffering, so she couldn't let him really get killed.

" Nobody likes me."

Zhai Lin's expression was too sad.

Her existence is the only special thing in his life after his disability. She will not look at him differently, will accept his violent and uncontrollable temper, and will let him be himself calmly and face the fact that he is no longer complete.

Without her this year, he felt like he was back to square one. The outside world was bombarded with news about how many children and disabled people he had supported. In fact, he didn't care about anything other than providing money.

He is also the most special one in social situations. Everyone is trembling and afraid of his anger. He still has not made friends. The only brother he can talk to has passed away. His life is lonely and meaningless.

"Don't the people like you?" Jiang Nuannuan asked him.

"How can that be the same?" Zhai Lin gritted his teeth, "I can't hug him and have sex with him. I'm just someone who pays someone to take care of him."

He had no sense of involvement in anything, except for the times when she was around and he would try to fit in with normal life.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed his ears, "Then let's go out together tomorrow."

"What are you doing?" he said. "Looking for nationals? I don't want to waste my time on this."

Jiang Nuannuan had to change her words, "Well, what about the date?"

Zhai Lin stopped talking and continued to unbutton her clothes with his mouth.

She gently tugged on his ear, "Is it okay?"

"Okay." He responded softly, unable to resist such temptation.There was no way to go out today. The chef at home cooked a table of dishes for only the two of them to eat.

Mrs. Zhai is getting older and has been recuperating outside recently. The huge manor is empty, and even Jiang Nuannuan can feel the loneliness.

After dinner, she invited Zhai Lin to take a walk in the rose garden to eat.

The withered rose bushes were nothing to look at, but Jiang Nuannuan always remembered the way he painted here in the summer, like a gloomy prince.

When we came to the lake, we stepped onto the small wooden trestle. The wind blowing from the lake at night was cool.

She took off her shoes and sat down, soaked her feet in the water, and pulled Zhai Lin's hand, "Sit down, the water is very cool."

Zhai Lin glanced at his legs subconsciously, couldn't help but take a step back, and refused in a calm tone, "No."

"Don't worry." Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him, "You know I won't think otherwise of you because of this kind of thing. It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Too ugly."

"Not scary."

Zhai Lin was silent for a while, and finally gave in and sat down next to her, took off his shoes, unbuckled his belt, and took off the prosthetic legs on his feet.

The way he stood upright in his trousers made it impossible to see anything wrong, but over the past year or so, the stump of his limb had shrunk so much that it was much thinner than the other healthy leg, and the scars were hideous.

Jiang Nuannuan watched him put down his legs. The stump of his limb was unable to be soaked in the water because it was missing a section, so he could only sway emptyly in the water.

"It's very cool." Zhai Lin maintained his composure, holding his fingers tightly on the plank of the trestle he was sitting on, and said patiently: "How long do you want to soak in the water? These are all mosquitoes."

Jiang Nuannuan looked up at the night sky, "Just for a while."

Zhai Lin endured it and turned to follow her to look at the dark scenery in the distance, "How was your life in that world? You made a lot of friends."

"No." Jiang Nuannuan said: "In my world, there are no friends who are sincere in dealing with you. I have always been alone."

"There is no one I like."

Jiang Nuannuan chuckled, feeling that she had to answer this question in front of everyone.

"How could it be possible? No one can compare with you."

Zhai Lin said in a dull voice: "Don't lie to me, it doesn't work every time."


She deliberately prolonged her tone, as if she meant to agree. Zhai Lin's face immediately turned two degrees colder, and he turned his head away and let out a soft hum.

Until there was a rustling movement next to him, Zhai Lin turned around again. A piece of clothing was thrown in front of him, and a splash of water fell on his lap.

"Jiang Nuannuan!"

Zhai Lin hurriedly threw away his clothes and rushed to catch her, but it was too late.

She poked her head out of the rippling water, her eyelashes were moist, and her eyes were as bright as stars. She stretched out her hand to him, "Come down?"

The moonlight is hazy and silvery. The woman falling in the water has her long wet hair tangled around her snow-white shoulders. The corners of her bright red lips are slightly raised, like a charming siren.

By the time Zhai Lin broke away from her seductive eyes, he had been tempted to take off his shirt and trousers. He had a figure without any fat, the veins were hidden under his abdomen, and his skin seemed to be smeared cream color by the moonlight. His incompleteness also added an indescribable charm to him.

He bent down and held her hand, and his body fell into the lake. The cold water collided with the body temperature, and he trembled all over.

(End of this chapter)

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