Chapter 404
Jiang Nuannuan came close to him, submerged in the water up to her neck, constantly creating the illusion of being suffocated. Her lips were slightly opened, and her body pressed against his chest, touching his forehead.

Both of them were breathing rapidly.

"how do you feel?"

The water temperature was still cold in summer, and under the ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them, the air was extremely hot and seemed to be lacking oxygen.

The tip of Zhai Lin's nose was moist, and the water droplets left on his temples could not be distinguished from the sweat caused by agitation.

Jiang Nuannuan was afraid that it would be inconvenient for him to have one foot in the water, so she kept her hands firmly stuck on his waist, looking up and waiting for his answer.

"You're too bold." He breathed out, his voice filled with warmth and his eyes dancing with fire, "Can't you feel what I'm doing now?"

The body without any barrier, touching her was like a fire with a fuse, which would explode at any time.

Jiang Nuannuan chuckled, "Do you like it?"

Zhai Lin raised his hand, and the moment he kissed her, he hugged her and sank into the dark water.

The lake at night is like a beast's cave, deep, dark and lightless, and the senses of touch on the body are stretched to the extreme.

The suffocating feeling in the water, the bubbles rising between the lips, and the entangled legs constantly stimulated the nerves of the two of them.

When he was about to suffocate, there was a faint ringing of a mobile phone from above, and the two of them came out of the water with a splash. Jiang Nuannuan lay on Zhai Lin's shoulder, breathing heavily, looking at the trestle with blurred vision, "It's my mobile phone."

She was about to swim back to answer the phone. Zhai Lin held her waist tightly, gritted his teeth, and his lips were trembling a little. He was going crazy, "Are you serious? Go up now?"

He had never hated those guys as much as he did at this moment. If he called at this time, it could be for any other reason besides checking the post.

Jiang Nuannuan knew it too, "Just take it."

She swam to the shore and took out her cell phone from her pocket and picked it up.

Gu Tingyan: "Are you asleep?"

"not yet."

"I want to sleep alone." The low tone on the other end paused slightly, "You know how to measure, don't go too far. If Zhai Lin loses his temper, I will take you back."

Zhai Lin, who was on the side, heard clearly. Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly, "I know that I won't do anything excessive."

"go to bed early."

"Ah, you too."

Jiang Nuannuan put the phone back. Zhai Lin became a little angry when he heard her gentle voice, "Do you listen to him?"

She turned around, lowered one of her hands that was intertwined on the back of his neck, touched his face, raised her head and bit his Adam's apple, and the voice mixed with anger suddenly became heavy and unbearable.

"No, I have always listened selectively, and I definitely won't listen now."

She whispered, continuing the kiss and reaching down with her hands.


Zhai Lin didn't expect that she would do this. He raised his head suddenly and looked at the night sky with twinkling stars, his eyes were misty and his ears were red.

The water surface was undulating with small waves, and there were some strange sounds below.

His chest rose and fell rapidly. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head slightly and saw that his lips were slightly pursed and the veins on his neck were prominent. The man suddenly lowered his head, rested his chin on her forehead, and sighed heavily.

The heat brushed across his cheeks, just like the sudden hot temperature in his palms, burning into his heart.

The clouds parted, and the moonlight became clearer and clearer, clearly illuminating the ruddy face of Zhai Lin. The emotional look was really beautiful.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and kissed him on the lips, "This lake has evidence that we went too far."

Deep in emotion, Zhai Lin reached across her neck, placed his thumb on her chin to raise her head, and kissed her.

After enough trouble, the two went ashore to get dressed. Zhai Lin made a phone call and dismissed all the servants who were still walking around the house. He took her hand and stepped on the grass and went straight back to the house from the back garden.

After taking baths separately, Zhai Lin didn't want to let Jiang Nuannuan sleep alone, so he got into bed with her. After the first intimacy, he almost clung to her under the quilt, and his mood never came out for a long time. , failed to calm down.

His stump was close to her leg, and he completely let go.After enjoying the embrace for a moment, Jiang Nuannuan felt sleepy and wanted to sleep, but Zhai Lin's unexpected words woke her up.

"How about I steal your household registration book tomorrow?"


"All your documents are at Bishuiwan." Zhai Lin said, "I'll steal them and we'll register them."

Jiang Nuannuan suppressed her laughter and said, "Let's talk about it again, okay? We still have a date."


Zhai Lin got up earlier than her and went downstairs.

Jiang Nuannuan lay on the sink, coughed violently, and washed away the blood in the porcelain basin without changing her expression.

System 66 said: "I have tried my best to suppress you, otherwise you would have fallen ill after soaking in water like that last night."

"I have the numbers."

Jiang Nuannuan wiped her mouth, put on some lipstick, and walked out of the bedroom.

Passing by Zhai Heng's room, she paused and stood for a while, then finally put her hand on the door handle and pressed it down.

The door was unlocked and she entered easily.

Everything inside was still there, and a very faint medicinal fragrance rushed into the tip of her nose. Jiang Nuannuan walked to the bed and noticed that the photo frame on the low table was a colorful family portrait of three people.

Probably the last photo taken by Zhai Heng before his death.

Mrs. Zhai sat at the front, and Zhai Lin and Zhai Heng each took one side.

She unconsciously knelt down and looked at the back of Zhai Heng's hand on the old lady's shoulder. A ring on the ring finger of her left hand dazzled suddenly.

A man wears a ring on his left ring finger, which means he is married.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips slightly, looking at his gentle face as if she was in another world.

"I won't go to the cemetery to see you." She suddenly said.

"Just wait, you will have a new life soon and live a good life without any pain."

After speaking softly, Jiang Nuannuan put away the suppressed emotions in her eyes, stood up and left.

The door was closed, and the photo frame standing on the low table suddenly fell over, and cracks appeared on the glass surface.

After the relationship warmed up last night, Zhai Lin looked good to everyone today. He wore new clothes, took good care of his short gray hair, and looked forward to the date Jiang Nuannuan mentioned.

"where are we going?"

"Nursing home."

Zhai Lin's face froze slightly, feeling that his ears heard wrongly, "Where are you going?"

Jiang Nuannuan took out her mobile phone, "I checked, and there is a nursing home in Linggang where you donated money. I guess you are too lazy to pay attention to where the money you donated went. Let's do an on-site inspection to see what people are doing. Have you received any help?"

"How can there be an accident if someone cares about this kind of thing?"

"I thought we were on a date." Zhai Lin emphasized in a low voice, "It shouldn't be a candlelight dinner, a fireworks show, an amusement park, a hotel, anything like that."

It's obvious that he wants to do social work, which comes first with dating.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned over and kissed him on the lips, "Are you going?"



(End of this chapter)

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