Chapter 405 Moral Shackles
The nursing home did not receive a message from the superior that anyone would come to volunteer today, so when Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Lin arrived, the old men and women were walking and playing cards in the yard, and the nursing staff were helping to feed some older people fruits.

Seeing the two of them come in cleanly dressed and carrying a bunch of fruits and snacks, a nurse warmly welcomed them and asked them to help take care of them temporarily.

Elderly people don't often look at young and beautiful faces, but many of them know Zhai Lin.

"Mr. Zhai, right?"

The old lady sat on a stone bench not far away, looking at him with slightly excited eyes.

Zhai Lin turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, received her eyes, and the two approached.

"You know me." He sat down at the table.

"Of course I know him. I read the news every day and his face is familiar." The old lady was very happy and took out an apple from the fruit bowl and handed it to him, "Would you like an apple? Someone just delivered it yesterday. It's very fresh."

Zhai Lin hesitated for a moment and reached out to take it.

The old lady smiled and said: "I can actually meet a real person for once, so I have to say thank you in person."

Zhai Lin didn't answer. He had heard this kind of voice too many times, and he didn't know what expression to make on his face. Just because the other person was an old man, he listened more patiently.

The old lady explained to herself again: "This nursing home used to be the cheapest nursing home in Linggang. At two thousand a month, my own pension is just enough to pay for it. But if it weren't for you asking them to reform, I would still go into it." Not coming, haha.”

Jiang Nuannuan took the apple from Zhai Lin's hand, peeled it and divided it in half with him, saying, "Why can't you come in?"

The old lady said: "Because the price is cheap, I don't want to take in disabled people. I can also understand that the caregivers thought it would be troublesome to take care of us. Now it's okay, because the Zhai Group has provided subsidies, so I can sit cleanly." Otherwise, he would have died long ago and no one in the family would know."

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes and saw the old man behind the stone table sitting in a wheelchair with empty trousers.

"Don't you have any children to take care of you?"

The old lady smiled, her eyes seeming to be nostalgic, "Two years ago, our whole family was traveling in my son-in-law's car. There was a car accident on the way, and my little granddaughter and I were left alone."

She couldn't help but hold his hand on the table, and said gratefully: "She is now adopted by a good family, and she can still visit me regularly. How else can I say thank you? If I were still at home, they would also I don’t want to bring my granddaughter to see me dirty and inconvenient. How good it is now. I have a little more hope to live for two more years and see her go to junior high school and high school and be as good as you in the future."

Zhai Lin moved his lips and said, "You're welcome."

Most of the disabled elderly people in this nursing home have similar or tortuous experiences as the old lady. The reason why everyone can be so decent and sit around playing chess and talking and laughing is all because of Zhai Lin's generous donation.

His identity was revealed, which ushered in a small climax in the nursing home.

Zhai Lin is the only person who has never been sought after as a star by a bunch of old men and women. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

A naughty old man went to the radio station and played a song from that era and asked him to dance.

The other party was not the one who could make him lose his temper, so he could only turn around to look at Jiang Nuannuan at a loss.

She smiled and stepped in, holding his hand, "Do you feel like you are the center of the world here?"

Zhai Lin was led by her to learn how to dance a pas de deux like an old lady. His steps were chaotic and he said helplessly: "This is the date you mentioned."

"Isn't it good? We even danced together."

"Yes, sandwiched among a bunch of old people."

"You're not as good at dancing as them, so forget it if you don't learn. Why do you dislike it?"

"." After finally finishing the trouble, he was pinned under a tree to play chess with the old man opposite who was holding a tea cup.

Whether he loses or wins, there are two ways of saying things, and they all end up praising him.

The love that the elders have for their juniors is extremely pure. When he came out of the nursing home, Zhai Lin's carefully taken care of his hair was messy, and a broken flower that fell from nowhere was stuck in his hair.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand towards him and said, "Lower your head."

He lowered his head obediently and watched her pick a wild flower, "You are playing a trick on me."

"Is this a joke?" She looked at him with a smile.

I just want to tell him that so many people like him, but it is very irresponsible to harm himself.

Zhai Lin knew it was not a prank, and when he got along with these old people who only liked him, he had no resistance in his heart. He was just at a loss because he had never been in contact with them before.

A caregiver trotted out from the door, shouting, "Wait a minute."

The two of them turned around and saw her running over breathlessly. They took a breath and said, "It's like this. Grandma Fang forgot to ask just now. She has a friend's granddaughter studying in a school donated by Mr. Zhai. Their school has organized Letter activity, I don’t know if you have received it.”

Zhai Lin never received it.

He is busy with work, and the donation matters are all handled by his subordinates. If there is no important event, he would not dare to disturb him, let alone this kind of relief project that only costs money but does not make money.

But this time, under Jiang Nuannuan's gaze, he said, "I'll go back and ask."

"Okay, actually this is nothing special. Many children have written handwritten letters and small gifts for you. They always want you to reply once or twice when you have time. They have been looking forward to it."

Jiang Nuannuan expected that maybe it was a big pile of letters.

The two went to a nearby lakeside restaurant for lunch together.

Then, we arrived at the bottom of Zhai's building.

He was two blocks away from Gu Tingyan's site, a towering high-rise building. This was Jiang Nuannuan's first appearance here.

The secretary in charge of the donation project came to receive him and explained cautiously, "Before, you said that you would check the funds regularly and not disturb other trivial matters, so I put all the letters from the school in a separate warehouse."

He led the two of them to a floor dedicated to file management, opened a door, and turned on the incandescent light inside.

Zhai Lin saw what was inside and his pupils shrank slightly.

Looking around, there were about 78 shelves, each shelf filled with cardboard boxes. He didn't expect there to be so many.

The secretary casually picked up a box and opened it. Inside were piles of colorful envelopes and small gifts.

Zhai Lin's throat rolled slightly, "When did it start?"

The secretary said: "After your accident in Landmine Village until now, not only in the school, but also in the instant noodle factory and electronics factory, some disabled people who found jobs because of you will also write to you. I dare not casually Processing, it’s all piled up here.”

No one in this world likes Zhai Lin anymore?Is there nothing to care about?
Jiang Nuannuan randomly took out a letter and opened it. The handwriting inside was crooked and written with a pencil. Some words were replaced with pinyin. At first glance, it was a thank-you letter written by someone with a low level of education.

The content is straightforward.

(End of this chapter)

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