Chapter 406
You were the only hope I saw when I was desperate and headed for death. The job I was lucky enough to get illuminated the path for me and my family for the rest of our lives. Thank you very much. I know you are highly respected and have nothing, so I wish you peace. Health, happiness and joy.

She handed the letter to Zhai Lin to read, then turned around and opened another one.

The secretary quietly exited and closed the door.

The envelopes fell to the ground like snowflakes, and Zhai Lin unconsciously read one after another, spending an entire afternoon.

"Do you want to reply?"

"No, I won't say that."

"Well, it's too late to come back later."

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting next to him playing with a stuffed doll. Seeing him finally raising his head, he said to her in a low voice: "You let me see these letters and let me go to the nursing home to accompany the elderly. The purpose is just to make me not want to Making a mistake, right?"

"Yes." She nodded, "But this has nothing to do with who I choose."

"To you, I am special. To them, you are the only special person. So many people like you. You should pay more attention. "

"I only paid money to get this kind of adoration and likes."

"The beginning of any relationship is conditional. My acquaintance with you was for a certain purpose at the beginning, right? If money can be the link that makes others like you, what's wrong with it?"

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes and threw the letter back into the pile.

Was he really untouched?The handwriting is sincere, and the photo shows the disabled children in a group photo in front of Hope Primary School, with bright and sunny smiles.

He has indeed saved the fate of many people trapped in mountains or broken bodies. Can he destroy everyone because of a relationship without any responsibility?

Jiang Nuannuan thought he wouldn't. He was originally soft at heart, but his disability turned him into a hedgehog. Words of blessing for health came from all directions, and morality had already put a layer of shackles on him.

If you can let him live a good life, then you are doing the right thing.

Zhai Lin pulled her up and said, "I will continue to be a good person, but you have to marry me."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Are these two in conflict?"

"No conflict." He turned his head, suppressing his suppressed emotions with his lips and tongue, and spoke as calmly as possible, "But if you want me to brighten other people's lives, you shouldn't have to take care of me first."

"I will think about it carefully." Jiang Nuannuan said, "Let it be based on the principle of mutual consent."

"Well, we all volunteered."

So he couldn't wait any longer, Zhai Lin put her into the car and drove all the way to Bishui Bay.

"While the Civil Affairs Bureau is still at get off work, let's go get the certificate."

As for Gu Shizhou, who was thinking of overtaking in a corner, they met at the door of his home, together with a master who was squatting outside the door to unlock the door.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the half-opened door lock, speechless in her eyes.

"You broke into a private house without permission, Gu Shizhou."

Gu Shizhou was wearing black short-sleeves and a peaked cap. He was smoking a cigarette with one hand. His jawline was smoothly curved. The star earrings flashed in the light as his neck turned. His black eyes looked straight at her, and he stood up straight with a lazy body.

The locksmith said in surprise: "Ah, this is not your home."

What's wrong with being caught red-handed by the owner?

He stood up awkwardly holding the screwdriver, "But the lock has already been removed. It's none of my business. Reinstalling the lock will cost extra."

Gu Shizhou transferred the money to him and said to her, "I forgot something here, come and get it."

An unknown chuckle sounded next to Jiang Nuannuan. Zhai Lin looked wary and stepped forward with heavy steps, "Is this how to get it? You're not here to steal the household registration book, are you?"

Gu Shizhou, who was poked in his mind, took a puff of cigarette, threw it into the trash can nearby, looked at him and said, "You asked me this and came here suddenly. Are you planning to kidnap someone and get married against my brother's wishes?" ?”

"Me taking Jiang Nuannuan home is nothing like kidnapping. If you want to regret kidnapping someone, just say so." The two looked at each other, and each saw deep contempt in the other's eyes.

The calculations are all written on their faces and they are still pretending to each other.

Gu Shizhou sneered lightly, but moved very quickly, quickly opened the door and went in.

Afraid that the other party would move faster, Zhai Lin followed closely.

Jiang Nuannuan held her forehead, looked at the man blocking the door of her bedroom and refused to let anyone in, and muttered "two childish ghosts".

"How about I go in and get it myself?"

She spoke from behind, trying to interrupt the war-burning atmosphere between the two.

Gu Shizhou pushed Zhai Lin away and took a preemptive strike, "If you take it, you have to put it away. If you don't put it away, I will keep it for you. Otherwise, I'm afraid you will be knocked out and taken to the Civil Affairs Bureau to register in the afternoon."

Zhai Lin, who was poked at the thought on the other hand, didn't mean this. He glared at him fiercely and said, "You are really a troublemaker."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Should she pretend for a while that they both have simple minds and respect her for her own good?

She entered the room sideways, opened the drawer of the bedside table, searched for a while, and found that it was not there.

It was probably in a certain bag. She went to her cloakroom and rummaged through it again, but it was still not there.

"It seems to have been taken away."

Jiang Nuannuan walked back and looked at the bright and dusty house. She was not surprised by the result. Gu Tingyan lived in this place before and he knew the password lock here.

She called Gu Tingyan in front of the two of them.

The other end picked up the call in seconds, starting with, "Am I coming to pick you up?"

Zhai Lin frowned and gritted his teeth: "You're not done yet, are you?"

Last night and tonight too, after a while, I wanted to take him away with his hands full.

The other person was silent for a while, probably feeling a little embarrassed. Gu Tingyan took a sip of water, and after smoothing his deep magnetic voice, he asked calmly: "Can you see me if you have anything to do?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked into Gu Shizhou's half-smiling eyes and said, "I'm with Zhai Lin and Gu Shizhou. Well, they were afraid that someone would take my household registration book and kidnap me to register, so they asked me to come back. The household registration book and ID card were included, but I didn’t find them at home.”

There was silence again, and then there was a very faint sneer.

"I was afraid that someone would do this in advance, so I had someone pick it up one night when I stayed at Fei Jinzhao's house."

So, everything is at his place.

Gu Shizhou's expression was always casual, but there were many emotions in his narrow peach blossom eyes, "Brother has thought so carefully, why didn't he include the possibility of not doing anything?"

Gu Tingyan pursed her lips, looked down at the two pots of cacti that had been dead for who knows how long under the window sill, and said coolly into the phone: "You think I won't consider your calculations? Let Jiang Nuannuan make choices in everything, don't force her. .”

"You pretend to be so sanctimonious, who wouldn't respect her wishes?" Gu Shizhou sneered, "You had already planned to let her have a baby first, and then coax her to get the certificate."

The order may not be right, and there is a high probability that Jiang Nuannuan will not agree. Gu Tingyan will definitely do this.

Jiang Nuannuan hung up the phone in time to avoid a war, "Okay, why don't we put this matter to rest first? It's getting late and we have to go have dinner."

Unable to find her household registration book, someone had to be tied to her side. Zhai Lin held her shoulders and declared his sovereignty possessively, "Our date is not over yet, let's leave first."

Gu Shizhou, who came here in vain and had to watch people walk away, had cold eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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