Chapter 407 Chapter 408: Please
Xiao Zhouxu, Jiang Nuannuan, who was with Zhai Lin, also went to the school to visit the nationals.

There is also a KFC in the school cafeteria, which regularly serves children in different grades to satisfy their cravings. Zhai Lin came up with this idea.

Kuomintang said that his brother saw that he liked fried chicken, so he asked a fried chicken seller to open a shop here.

He always talks about Zhai Lin to Jiang Nuannuan, and his eyes are full of adoring little stars. He no longer feels inferior to his disabled legs. He is proud that he and his brother have similar experiences, but he is so powerful.

Jiang Nuannuan stuffed candies for each of the children, one big and one small, and said with a smile: "That's what you should think of. You will perform well in the school summer sports meeting today."

"I signed up for the 800 meters!" the national told them proudly.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "My legs will hurt."

"I know, but my brother told me, it'll be good if I can persevere." Guomin patted his chest.

Zhai Lin touched his head and said, "It's time to compete, let's go."

After the child ran away, Jiang Nuannuan sat in the stands and said to him with a smile: "I didn't expect you to dote on the child."

"What kind of doting is this?" Zhai Lin said, "I have it, so I'll give it to him."

Whether it is opening classes for people with disabilities, investing in the quality of teachers, or canteens and shops, if he can do it, give it to him.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes."

So Zhai Lin, who obviously likes children and helps others, will never really die because of her.

She was relieved.

The national class teacher suddenly came over, whispered a few words in their ears, and pointed to a certain stand.

Jiang Nuannuan looked along and saw the two women who were dressed in particularly abrupt ways.

"Are they the mother and grandmother of the people? They also come to visit the people often?"

The head teacher said: "No, it is you who are registered as national parents. The school will not let outsiders in. Today is the sports day, so some outsiders are open. They have been particularly diligent in the past month, but I have not been seen. Children, I always feel that I should inform you first.”

Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "Didn't they have another baby?"

Zhai Lin mocked: "There's something wrong with that kid."

Guo Guo's biological mother gave birth to another son, but according to Zhai Lin's people, the younger son was congenitally blind.

This kind of disease that cannot be detected by B-ultrasound has happened to this family.

On the one hand, there is a son who has entered a private school to enjoy higher education and has learned to run with prosthetic legs while still looking normal. On the other hand, there is a younger son who will have to rely on a blind crutch to walk for the rest of his life. At this moment, the family's balance is tilted back, and they want to grasp it again. National.

"How can such a good thing happen and you still want to take people back?" Zhai Lin tugged at the corners of his lips, "Unless I make them spit out all the money I invested."

At the end of the running race, the nationals ran to the end among a group of healthy children. They were not affected at all. Instead, they looked at the finish line waiting for their brothers and sisters and beamed with joy.

When he was about to rush to hug them, a hand came out across the air and called him sadly, "My citizens."

The sunny smile on Guomin's face froze, and he staggered. The moment he fell, Zhai Linti, who came over in time, grabbed him by the collar and stabilized himself.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the two of them with a calm expression, "Let's go to the teacher's office to talk."

Both sets of parents were sitting in the office. The teacher brought a cup of tea. A man carrying a briefcase entered the room and handed the mother of the nation a business card. "I am Mr. Zhai's attorney, and I will complete all subsequent conversations."

Kuomintang sat between the two of them and looked at his mother nervously.

He hadn't seen his parents and grandma in almost a year. Their appearance made him immediately fearful of the future. When he grew older, he would be afraid of going back to the days when he used wooden sticks as legs and would be abandoned at any time.

The national mother actually didn't recognize that this was her son at first. He was wearing short sleeves and long trousers. His height was the same as that of an ordinary child, not a bit shorter. His skinny and sallow appearance was also juicy, just like those of the rich in the city. Just like the children raised by others.

After all, it was her own child, and she regretted saying goodbye to her mother and husband and ignoring him.

"I don't know what to talk about. I am a national biological mother, and I have consulted a lawyer. He is my child, and I have the right to decide whether he should go home with me."

"You can go home." The lawyer said calmly: "But if appropriate, we need to return part of the child support to Mr. Zhai over the past two years."

"Here's the list."

The lawyer pushed the document over, "It's a compensation we legally need to get."

The national grandma quit her job immediately, "It's all of your own free will to install our child's legs and send him to school! Why should we pay for this? Don't you see that we are a poor household?"

The lawyer said, "Our husband helped raise the children, but you never visited us during this period. Even if we file a lawsuit, you will ignore it."

The string of zeros was enough to dazzle the eyes of two women.

"You can support a school kid with this money! Are you blackmailing me?"

A series of unwilling dialects came out, and the people couldn't help but frown, and said in a young voice: "Don't use bad words! If you don't pay back the money, I will pay it back when I grow up."

It's not good for children to listen to this. Jiang Nuannuan stood up and took the person away. "After you finish talking and find out the result, I will bring the person in."

The door cuts off the sound from inside.

The people were dejected, "They have never come to see me and they have given birth to a younger brother. Why do they come to take away my life again."

"No one can take away your life." Jiang Nuannuan squatted in front of him and opened another candy for him. "The limit is two today. There are too many cavities."

“Brother eats every day and doesn’t have any cavities in his teeth.”

"If you want to be as free as him, you have to grow up a little bit." Jiang Nuannuan smiled and pinched his face, "You will always live here, don't worry."

"Are you with your brother and sister? But where have you been this year?" His little hand grabbed a strand of her scattered long hair and pinched it gently, saying in a low voice: "You missed many of my campus activities, and it was my brother every time. There was a guy sitting in the stands, not even a smile."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly and held his shoulders, "Citizen, can I make an agreement with you?"

The kid nodded.

Jiang Nuannuan said seriously: "I will ask you to take good care of Zhai Lin when I am no longer here. Like you, he has no parents who care about him. He only has an old grandmother. Now besides me, you are the only one who can get close to him." He has someone to accompany him, can you help him?"

"Where are you going again?" Guomin looked confused, "Are you leaving again? You have only come to see me once in total."

"I won't leave, but as you have seen, my brother will be extreme in some aspects and emotionally unstable. At this time, we need the help of citizens who are emotionally stable and can help share the burden."

(End of this chapter)

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