Chapter 409 Fresh
The fresh strawberry cake was decorated with final touches. Jiang Nuannuan sat there and took a few photos. Taking advantage of the break, Gu Shizhou asked the store manager to send the finished photos to him.

The video of more than two hours was long, but it didn't stop him from fast forwarding to watch the two of them touching hands and touching each other intimately.

"Nice photo." Gu Shizhou handed over a bank card, "I bought it as a souvenir."

The store manager didn't respond at once, "I mean to buy it."

"This is not your promotional video." Gu Shizhou smiled, tapped his bank card with his fingertips, and quoted a list of amounts to buy out directly.

After Jiang Nuannuan tied the bow on the transparent cake box, he also collected the bank card and came back to take her away.

The clerk also enthusiastically opened a separate cake card for Jiang Nuannuan, and she is welcome to come and spend for free at any time.

Jiang Nuannuan held the unlimited cake card and said, "They are doing charity."

Gu Shizhou: "Maybe, after all, my appearance fee is quite expensive."

What kind of appearance fee does he have?
But deliberately degenerating like this has nothing to do with her.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged the cake box and got on the motorcycle, "Then where should we go to eat cake?"

Gu Shizhou glanced at her, as if she had said nonsense, "You and Fei Jinzhao can celebrate your birthday at home instead of with me?"

The vinegar vat started churning, and the sour water could flood the Dragon King Temple.

Jiang Nuannuan added in time, "I mean, when I go back to Bishui Bay, it's still your home."

"Why did you go back to Bishuiwan? Sitting at the dining table where I don't know how many men were sitting next to you, and asking you to feed me the cake made by the two of us?"

He had already slept in the same bedroom as Fei Jinzhao, so what was he still trying to hold on to?
Jiang Nuannuan rested her chin on his back, raised her head to look at his tilted head, and said helplessly: "Let's go, the sour smell on your body is almost infecting everyone on the street."

The man snorted lightly, and the upward curve of his lips indicated that he was still in a good mood.

Gu Shizhou, who has always paid attention to body management, finally used various methods to eliminate most of the cake that was only 6 inches in size.

He knew very well that in the warm home decorated for Jiang Nuannuan, he could do whatever he wanted.

When she got home and entered the room, Jiang Nuannuan had just put the cake on the entrance cabinet and was about to take off her shoes. When she was halfway bent, Gu Shizhou hugged her and pressed her against the cabinet.

Her heels stepped back into her shoes, and her lips were blocked by his, kissing her fiercely.

Jiang Nuannuan was surprisingly not surprised.

But she placed the cake box casually, and the entrance cabinet was not wide enough. Seeing that she would knock it down, she struggled to raise her hand to hold it.

Gu Shizhou bit her lip, helped her push the cake back, and gasped softly: "One cake is enough for us to eat for a few hours."

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly felt bad and turned her head to squeeze out the words from her lips, "You don't have to eat until midnight for an afternoon tea, right?"

Gu Shizhou lowered his lustful eyes, "Are you sure? It's not like we haven't done that before."

Jiang Nuannuan said warily: "You won't be like this these days, right?"

"It's not enough to make you happy?" Gu Shizhou opened her chin and rubbed her lips with his thumb, "Living well is also a big part of the test of a spouse."

How could she have sweet cake with others, and he would have to eat twice as much?

Jiang Nuannuan: "No, I will be angry." That's what he said, but when he really fell into the web of desire he outlined, he couldn't help himself.

Strawberry juice soaked in cream fell from the entangled mouths of the two into his neck, staining the collar of his vest. The black motorcycle suit had been thrown on the coat rack before he entered the door.

Jiang Nuannuan pressed her waist against the dining table and sat on his long legs. Her fingertips dug into the strong and exposed arm flesh, leaving a few shallow crescent marks.

Her mouth was full of sticky cream and sour strawberry flavor, and she begged him intermittently, "I really don't want to eat anymore."

"Why can't you eat any more?" He asked with a smile in an increasingly thick voice. One arm was bent, and the muscles were tense and moving in an unusual way.

The piece of cake that was only about the size of a palm had been pushed away from the dining table. Jiang Nuannuan's face turned red, her eyes were moist, and her slightly opened lips were blocked until she could say a word.

Gu Shizhou pressed his palm on her lower back a little harder, and said in a low voice, "If you feel good like this, you should feel good when you agree to marry me, okay?"

"Kick them all, okay? After all, your body only wants me."

"I almost can't get out."

Jiang Nuannuan kicked her feet, turned her head and buried her head in his neck, not looking at his sinful hands, "If I don't agree, what are you going to do?"

Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes slightly and moved his long legs slightly, "Then I won't bear it anymore."

He didn't include this item in his options.

Gu Shizhou has never really experienced the art of subduing others, but he has had a lot of experience with those who have fun around him. Although he doesn't know how much those people exaggerate, it is always easy to see Jiang Nuannuan being there. As for the red eye look, it's quite feasible.

Jiang Nuannuan had just realized the danger of saying she disagreed with what she said, and it was already too late to regret it.

"I'm sweating too much. Let's take a shower."

In a fair competition, everyone insists on the last step for various reasons, but there are too many solutions to desires, especially for people like Gu Shizhou, who is obviously the second generation ancestor.

It was so dark outside that I couldn't tell what time it was.

Gu Shizhou turned on the air conditioner, went out naked and put the remaining cakes on the table into the refrigerator, and then took out a bottle of water and came back to feed her.

She didn't even have the strength to move her fingers, and her throat hurt, so she could only cling to his arms and enjoy his services in vain.

"Go take another shower."

The man's voice after he felt comfortable was particularly magnetic and gentle, and Jiang Nuannuan moved aside with great vigilance.

Gu Shizhou chuckled, grabbed her back, and licked the wet hair on her cheek with his fingers. He lazily said with a bit of impropriety, "You'll get dizzy if you keep doing this. I'm just going to wash you." I promise."

There were no clothes for her at home, so Jiang Nuannuan finally put on one of his black vests, sat on the end of the bed and lay on his lap, asking him to help dry her hair.

The roar of the hair dryer made her drowsy, but Gu Shizhou was really unskilled in taking care of people. She pushed his abdomen and said, "Move away, you are going to blow my scalp."

Obediently, he raised the hairdryer a little higher and blocked it with the back of his hand.

After changing the bed sheets with his own strength, Jiang Nuannuan fell down on the comfortable bed and groaned as she tried to fall asleep. In the hazy moment, she heard him mutter to himself as he came closer.

(End of this chapter)

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