Chapter 410 Review

Early the next morning.

Fan Jiang called and said something happened in the company. The famous video queen Deng Menglan accidentally had an accident on the set. She fell from a height of three stories and was rushed to the hospital. The doctor told her that the situation was not good. He may have injured his spine and was about to become paralyzed, and a fan happened to be visiting the class that day, so the news online instantly exploded.

Fan Jiang said: "Deng Menglan now has hundreds of millions of fans. She is the number one celebrity recruited by the company. Didn't you have some friendship with her before? There are many people involved this time. You'd better come forward to deal with it."

In short, he had to go to the company to have a meeting and get this matter sorted out.

At this stage, no one would come to rob her, so Gu Shizhou took advantage of Jiang Nuannuan's sleep to book Chinese food for her and went out to do errands.

It was approaching 11 o'clock, and Jiang Nuannuan got up with her sore legs and went to open the door.

"Ms. Jiang, this is the Chinese food that the second master asked us to deliver. You can see if it suits your taste. We have brought a chef. If not, you can cook it to order."

The middle-aged man wearing a chef's hat smiled kindly at her.

Jiang Nuannuan coughed twice, "Don't bother, just eat like this."

As soon as she finished speaking, her cell phone rang.

After picking up, Gu Shizhou asked, "Have you eaten?"

"They just delivered it." After she answered, she asked again: "Where have you been?"

"Deng Menglan had an accident on the set and broke her spine. I came to the company to handle it." Gu Shizhou said lightly: "You stay at home and I will be back soon."

Jiang Nuannuan still remembered Deng Menglan. She had met her before to lure Gu Shizhou to participate in a variety show. She was a nice person, but this happened to her.

"It's okay, take your time." Jiang Nuannuan said, "I'll take a nap after eating."

"I made you exhausted last night, so I asked them to prepare sugar water to soothe your throat. Remember to drink it." Gu Shizhou chuckled softly, feeling a little proud.

The woman who served Jiang Nuannuan happened to bring her the jar of throat candy and explained ambiguously, "Loquat syrup can soothe the throat and reduce inflammation."

"Hang up." She cut off the phone decisively, her ears slightly red.

In a serious conference table, only Gu Shizhou put down his cell phone with the corner of his lips curled up, and his fingertips were still rubbing it back and forth.

Last night, my throat was exhausted.

What a great amount of information.

Fan Jiang coughed heavily behind him and wanted to tell him to stop showing off. Then he brought his attention back and lowered the raised corners of his lips, "Sorry, it's just a little housework, let's continue."

After eating, Jiang Nuannuan sat in the living room and watched TV for a while. She accidentally saw the advertisement that Hang Panxia had shot for her studio, and remembered that she also had a company operating outside.

It's been a while since she went to see it. The last time she was taken away by Fei Jinzhao, she didn't find a chance.

Gu Shizhou's people brought new clothes at noon, Jiang Nuannuan put them on and went out.

Seeing their former boss again after a year, Lujin people were stunned for a moment, and what followed was a grand welcome.

"You're finally back!" Lu Jin hugged her excitedly, "Where have you been hidden by the boss during your absence this year? I'm almost exhausted!"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and greeted many unfamiliar faces around her, and then followed Lu Jin to her original office.

"While you were away, Mr. Fei also allowed me to keep your position." Lu Jin said.

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Is everything going well? He treats you all well."

Lu Jin nodded, "I was originally worried that our original internal operating model would be adjusted after changing bosses, but fortunately, Mr. Fei gave us enough room for development and doubled the bonus. He only has one thing for us. Require."

"Don't ruin the hard work you left behind."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled: "It's something he would do." But originally she just felt that it was difficult for him to move forward, and there was no one behind him to support him, so her money could help him.

"It's not easy for you to come back. We have to get together. You can get to know some new faces in the studio and get familiar with them as soon as possible." Lu Jin took it for granted that she would come back to work.

In fact, Jiang Nuannuan wanted to refuse, but accidentally met Bai Liang here.

He knocked on the door and leaned to the side, "Excuse me, do you mind if I order some jewelry first, Miss Jiang?"

Lu Jin had vaguely heard of Gu Shizhou's good friend, and he had a good background. She turned to ask Jiang Nuannuan with her eyes, and the latter nodded slightly to her, "Let's meet up later, I'll talk to him."

She sat down on the sofa and asked him to sit down, "Are you really here to order jewelry? Gu Shizhou is not here with me, and you should also know that something happened to Deng Menglan."

"I really came here to customize jewelry. Xia Xia will celebrate her birthday in a while." Bai Liang said, "I see that she only wears jewelry from your studio, so I want to customize one for her."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows slightly and became curious, "You guys are back together?"

Bai Liang's eyes narrowed slightly and his expression turned pale, "No, didn't you and her have a relationship before? She likes your jewelry, so you should be able to design a pair she likes."

"It turns out that she has been with you for so many years, and you never know what she likes." Jiang Nuannuan finally figured it out. This prodigal in love still didn't catch up with Hang Panxia, ​​who had the guts to never look back.

The other party wears his own jewelry all the time, probably just because he is his spokesperson.
Bai Liang did not refute her and lit a melancholy cigarette, "I admit my mistake in this matter, but people no longer need me to understand. I have only pestered her for two years. Compared with the time she has been waiting for me, it is very long for her not to look back." normal."

"What if she has a new love?" Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously.

Bai Liang smoked in front of her and said, "Don't be so ruthless, I will kill people."

"But," he said, "Has she contacted you since you came back? Since she blocked me, I can't even see her Moments."

Jiang Nuannuan hasn't contacted Hang Panxia for a long time. According to their friendship, he has helped her, so she will indeed pay more attention to him.

She showed mercy and opened WeChat. She didn't see any new messages in Hang Panxia's message column, but she accidentally saw an old friend request in her address book.

My name is Hang Panxia.

Is she trying to hide from Bo Liang's new account number?
He's quite miserable.

Jiang Nuannuan clicked in agreement, sent her greetings, and then clicked on her circle of friends.

There was a new update just 3 minutes ago.

Dim light, a wine table, and a crying emoticon.

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "Since she has nothing to do with you now, you are not obviously protecting her, right?"

"I think you have to give me a chance." Bai Liang laughed at himself, "She has to vomit when she mentions my name now."

Jiang Nuannuan held up the phone and asked, "Where is this?"

Bai Liang took a closer look, then stood up quickly with a sullen face, "Club, she never likes to get into trouble with me. You can cover her and accompany me there."

After all, he was a good friend of Gu Shizhou, and he was from Hangpanxia. Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and sent a message to Gu Shizhou, asking him to pick her up after work.

Lu Jin said that they wanted to go out to play together, and the matter was solved. Mr. Bai paid for all the expenses, saving him a huge sum of money.

As soon as the studio was closed, a group of people set off in great force.

Morning Star Club is Linggang's top entertainment club. In the year after Jiang Nuannuan disappeared, Gu Shizhou opened a low-cost public bar on a separate floor and became a popular local place for disco entertainment.

Here, there are also many women who want to make a fortune from Gu Shizhou.

After all, he has the highest appearance rate here, and he never comes home empty-handed every time.
Of course, Bai Liang didn't remind Jiang Nuannuan of these things. He was so anxious about women that he forgot all about the happiness of those around him and even his brothers for the rest of their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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