Chapter 411 Bar Gossip
The entertainment nature of the bar in the afternoon is not high. There are only resident singers. Without the craziness of jumping around, it is quite suitable for chatting.

Jiang Nuannuan asked Lu Jin and others to find the booths first. She followed Bai Liang to find the management, asked for Hang Panxia's box number and rushed there.

Before the person arrived, the man behind the beaded curtain spoke to someone who was not sure who he was talking to. He spoke in a smooth tone, and the female voice who replied contained forbearance, "Yes, Mr. Li, I respect you."

Behind the looming curtain, the man was leaning against the back of Hang Panxia's bench, the distance was ambiguous.

Bai Liang cursed in a low voice, and when he pushed the curtain open, there was a loud noise, causing the people inside to turn around.

When Hang Panxia saw Bai Liang, her eyes showed no emotion other than surprise. Jiang Nuannuan came up from behind him, and her eyes suddenly lit up. The cold beauty of the Jiangnan water town came to life.

"Jiang Nuannuan!"

She called out to her in surprise.

This name is probably unknown to everyone present. It was the girl who made a big splash on Weibo back then and made the heart of the flirtatious second master.

Seeing her, everyone was more surprised than seeing Bai Liang.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the hand that was still on Hang Panxia's shoulder and said, "Master Bai met me on the road and planned to come here to get together. It happened that we met here."

The reason why Bai Liang asked her to come was also very simple. Hang Panxia just didn't want to have a relationship with him and owe favors, so he could only let her take the lead.

Jiang Nuannuan walked to Hang Panxia and immediately took away the hand on her shoulder. She asked her, "We haven't seen her for a year. Is my spokesperson not being bullied?"

The girl in the cheongsam had tears in her eyes and said with a smile: "No." How could it not be possible? It was just a hardship to climb in this big dyeing vat by yourself without taking shortcuts.

"It's okay if I don't have one. How can my people be bullied so easily?" Jiang Nuannuan pulled her up, glanced at the script on the table, and then started pretending to be Gu Shizhou's reputation, "I remember the name of the script. Just ask Gu Shizhou to talk to them later, he has been free recently and can give you a satisfactory result."

Who still doesn’t know that the second master is not a star because he controls many entertainment companies behind the scenes and asks him to negotiate a script. He overdoes the talent and underuses it, which is very scary.

"Xiaoxia, we have made a decision. We don't need to find the second master. It would be nice to have a casual meal together when we have the opportunity in the future. I won't bother Miss Jiang to convey it to you, and I won't bother Mr. Bai." A person in the booth stood up and settled the matter with great discernment. Let's do this.

Bai Liang met Hang Panxia Wanglai's eyes, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and said, "It's not that I want to help you this time."

She knew best whether it was true or not.

Hang Panxia took Jiang Nuannuan's arm and declined: "Thank you, but forget it."

She looked at Jiang Nuannuan, who was still dazzling after disappearing for a year, and she had already figured out and determined one thing.

Only if she doesn't have absolute strength, she always has to rely on others to live. She hasn't completely taken off the canary label yet, she is still curled up under the overt and covert protection of Bai Liang.

Can't help but make people do evil.

Without looking at the man leaning against the door, she followed Jiang Nuannuan out.

She whispered her thanks in her ear, and said relieved: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether it succeeds or not this time."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at her, "What should I say?"

Hang Panxia: "I have plans to study abroad. It's my problem that I can't be recognized for my strength. I only have this face."

"Very good, just do whatever you want." After Jiang Nuannuan finished speaking, the woman next to her was snatched away from her hands.

She turned around and saw Bai Liang, who was already dark-faced, saying goodbye and carrying him away. She had no choice but to go to the bar alone and order a glass of lemon wine.

Gu Shizhou sent her a message back and said he would be here soon.The pain in her chest had gotten a lot worse recently. Jiang Nuannuan didn't rush to find Lu Jin and the others. She took a few deep breaths and slowly, unknowingly, there were many people chatting around her, and the topics were interesting.

"Second Master Gu hasn't been here for a while. I almost want to play games with him."

"Which one are you talking about? The one who takes off his clothes or the one who invites him to drink? Or the one who takes someone home?"

After hearing this, Jiang Nuannuan turned around and interrupted the topic by asking, "How do you take off your clothes?"

"Are you playing cards? It's an old rule here. If you lose, you take it off." The woman shared it with her excitedly, thinking it was her first time here. "Have you not seen it? He was gambling with Mr. Bai and lost all his upper body. On the stage, someone opened champagne and took a shower. There was an event in the bar at that time, and a lot of gold powder was sprinkled on his body. His body was amazing."

Jiang Nuannuan supported her head and drank half of the wine, "Yes, the body is very good, you have touched it."

"I played games with them before, and I touched them once. The second master has always been able to play games. At that time, he didn't care about anything, haha." The woman was beaming, and someone beside her joined in the chat.

Jiang Nuannuan could hear that there were girls dancing in champagne glasses to attract his attention, and there were also eldest ladies from wealthy families who came to play with him, with a reserved attitude, hoping that he would put his mind at ease.

"To be honest, it is simply impossible for those young ladies who pretend to be more noble than us to hope that the second master will calm down and go back to get married and live a happy life."

Jiang Nuannuan was convinced, "When you hear it, it's quite impossible."

Unconsciously, she added three more glasses of wine with melon seeds.

When Gu Shizhou arrived, he saw her crowded among a group of colorful beauties, nodding her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

He walked over and said, "That's right, he's so scumbag, but I still like him, hey, it's nice to give him money."

As soon as a woman finished expressing her opinion to Jiang Nuannuan, the chair beneath her was kicked, and the wine glass in her hand suddenly spilled a lot of it onto her thighs.

She screamed and turned back angrily, "Hey! You"

Seeing the unruly and evil face of the visitor, the curse words suddenly got stuck in her throat and she choked back. The beauty forced out a smile again and said hello in a softer tone, "Ah, Second Master, Cao Cao is here."

Gu Shizhou never cared about what people said about his reputation as a playboy, but in front of Jiang Nuannuan alone, he didn't want her to know at all now.

When she came back, he cleared the people around him so that no one would talk nonsense. Who knew where she was going, but why she came to a place like the club to hear about his past history.

Still listening with gusto.

"I heard people say bad things about me." Gu Shizhou walked up to Jiang Nuannuan, put one hand on the bar, and half held her in his arms.

He felt a little hot when he came up to him, and he drank a lot of wine. Jiang Nuannuan moved forward and said, "Stay away from me."

Gu Shizhou's brows were cold, and his handsome and handsome face now looked a little breathtaking, "You dislike me?"

The woman sitting in front of Jiang Nuannuan felt something was wrong, "This is"

"Future wife." Gu Shizhou sneered.

Several pairs of eyes focused here, their pupils were shaking, and they were whispering.

Jiang Nuannuan became interested in teasing others, turned around on the stool and faced him, her fingers teasingly picking up the black tie he was wearing today, "Don't talk nonsense, I have heard a lot of new things about you today, It’s too much.”

(End of this chapter)

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