Chapter 413 Tattoos
He really does have some hidden attributes.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned by his kiss. When she was about to be carried away, her hands reacted first and held the door again, "Don't worry about being a dog."

She was stunned and returned to the tattoo shop, found a female master, and insisted on getting a tattoo.

Gu Shizhou no longer forced her to refuse. He rubbed her wet lips with his fingertips and compromised, "What do you want to get tattooed?"

"Whatever you tattoo, I will tattoo."

When she took off the goose-yellow short-sleeved shirt she wore today in front of him, the ambiguous red marks on the soft skin made the tattoo artist blush.

Fortunately, the other party was a woman, so Gu Shizhou didn't mind too much.

He covered her belly with a thin blanket, let her lie down, and held her hand. "Are you really sure? Tattoo for me? There is really no regret in that."

In Gu Shizhou's mind, this kind of behavior is equivalent to being labeled as private property. No matter it is Gu Tingyan, Fei Jinzhao or Zhai Lin, who can no longer take off her clothes will be offended by whoever sees it.

Only his name, Gu Shizhou, was printed on that fair and beautiful skin.

Just thinking about it makes Gu Shizhou's soul tremble with pleasure.

Is that proof of loving him?


It was really painful when the small needle pierced the skin. Even though anesthetics were applied, it didn't feel much better. Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and endured it. She grabbed Gu Shizhou's fingers and whispered, "Tell me something to distract you." Pay attention."

She responded with a kiss from the other person leaning forward.

Apart from anything else, Gu Shizhou's lips are beautiful and kissable. They are dyed with a layer of light and translucent pink at a close distance. The lips are very thin, the peaks of the lips are full and upturned, and the corners of the lips are slightly hooked, making them attractive to look at.

As soon as his mind wandered, the pain in his chest seemed to lessen a bit.

Gu Shizhou noticed her looking at her, touched her and raised his head slightly, his peach blossom eyes lit up with the tiny light coming from the window, and he smiled seductively, "Is it nice to be intimate here?"

He nodded to himself, the sound of the tattoo machine continued. It was hot in the summer, and the air conditioner was humming. Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, his heartbeat continued to speed up, and he wanted to remember this face firmly.

"More kisses."

she says.

There was a muffled laugh in the room, and the man's sweet and endearing reply.


"I can't ask for it."

The air conditioner was turned on low, and the tattoo artist's neck was covered in hot sweat. He didn't dare to raise his head more. He was screaming in his heart that a dog was beeping. After accepting the job, he was stuffed with a mouthful of dog food, which made his stomach hurt.

No wonder when she first came in, the boss reminded her to bring some stomach and digestive tablets, but she didn’t take it seriously and was too hasty!

Jiang Nuannuan's whole body went limp, her thoughts drifting away from being kissed.

Did she really get the tattoo because of Gu Shizhou? It wasn't entirely true. She just wanted to leave something for herself.

The feeling that I had everything, but it was all in vain in the end, became more and more serious towards the end.

After much thought, she realized that she didn't take anything with her when she came, and she couldn't take anyone with her when she left. The only way to have some sense of participation in this world was to leave something on her body and go back with her as a souvenir.

She didn't care whether Gu Tingyan or Fei Jin's church would see this, since there was no chance anyway.

66 has a good grasp of controlling her body.The English name belonging to Gu Shizhou was engraved on the chest, just above the soft body, which could not be covered by the bra.

The area was crimson, with blood oozing out, and after a while a shallow red scab formed.

After the anesthesia wore off, there was a burning pain. Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to press it when she went to sleep at night, and her big hands that liked to cause trouble were placed on her waist honestly.

In the past, Gu Shizhou got more physical satisfaction from her, but this time it was soul resonance. Just staring at the mark on her body was so satisfying that he loved it to death.

He avoided the wound and kissed her shoulder again and again. When he woke up in the middle of the night and went to the toilet, he had to look at her twice.

Jiang Nuannuan was annoyed by him and kicked him over, "That's enough for you."


I only heard that Deng Menglan quit the entertainment industry because of paralysis. Fans cried and howled everywhere. The company went through legal procedures to settle the matter. It should compensate and express condolences. If the fans make trouble again, they can only let it go. After all, this is just something that no one wants to see. Accident.

Gu Shizhou also stayed with Jiang Nuannuan and spent a few days of complete comfort.

No one expected that the change would come so quickly.

One morning when Jiang Nuannuan was washing up, she fainted in the toilet. On the sink was the bright red blood she had coughed up. Those blood-red ideas were shocking and instantly strangled Gu Shizhou's neck. He choked on his breath and changed his expression.

Jiang Nuannuan was sent to Linggang Hospital immediately, and several men who had been paying attention to her movements dropped their things and rushed over.

None of them expected that the scene of Jiang Nuannuan dying after falling off the cliff would appear again, which was heartbreaking.

Her illness had no warning. What Gu Shizhou often said to Gu Tingyan, "You can't look down on her," was also reflected on him. The corners of his lips turned purple after he was punched by his brother, but he did not fight back and remained silent.

He was more concerned about her physical condition.

The doctor's diagnosis came quickly. The malignant tumor in the chest was in the advanced stage and had spread. The survival rate after surgical removal was not high. It was still a high-risk operation in which death on the operating table was very likely.

"Impossible! She has always been in good health and will not get sick for nothing!" Gu Tingyan clenched his fists, and after a moment's thought, he realized that someone was definitely causing trouble.

He looked at Fei Jinzhao and Zhai Lin, "Bring them here."

No one would get sick for no reason, unless the thing they were fighting against still wanted to take Jiang Nuannuan away.

No. 1, who was imprisoned by Fei Jin, had contact with Jiang Nuannuan. The small note in the toilet had already conveyed what she would do. Therefore, after No. 1234 was brought together, everyone's systems had already communicated separately. He knew it all in his heart, and he had to cooperate with Jiang Nuannuan to end the scene perfectly.

When No. 1 came, she was holding a chicken drumstick in her hand and chewing on it. Suddenly, she was brought in while she was having lunch in a small dark room. She just came to the hospital with her lunch box and looked careless. The lungs don’t know anything.

No. 2 was quite surprised that Gu Shizhou's people could find her. She never revealed her purpose of attacking him, but she was still noticed by him and was under surveillance. She had to sigh at the male protagonist's attentiveness.

The hypnotized No. 3 and the death-threatened No. 4 exchanged glances.

"It's useless to ask us. Jiang Nuannuan is different from us, and it was you who forced her to stay." No. 3 lied bravely under several pairs of terrifying eyes.

"They both have two eyes and one mouth. They have the same profession, so why are they different?" Zhai Lin suppressed his anger and looked frequently at the bright lights in the emergency room.

No. 4 touched Leng Chi's neck and said bravely: "I think it's because her soul doesn't belong here in the first place. Being thrown back is just the result of your trying to destroy yourself and destroy the world. The reason why we can travel It's a different world, just because we signed a long-term contract, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't do that at the beginning, she chose the bonus."

No one had ever told them that there was such a theory. It was half-truth and half-false, and it was impossible to tell the difference.

It's Jiang Nuannuan's usual speaking skills, and now she's teaching them well.

(End of this chapter)

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