Chapter 414
Why did Jiang Nuannuan have to die? That's because five people couldn't do it together. They simply didn't want one of them to avoid the possibility of any one of them destroying the world.

But even death could not guarantee that these men would not go crazy, so she put another layer of shackles on them, this one on Li Jinzhao.

His home in the countryside was full of surveillance cameras, and the conversation between No. 1 and Jiang Nuannuan was naturally hard to escape his ears. She bet that he would eavesdrop, and that was indeed the case.

The one with the wallpaper on his face stood in front of the emergency room door for a long time, lowering his head slightly decadently, "She is destined to die, right?"

No. 1 threw the finished lunch box into the trash can and said after being satisfied: "We have no intersection with this world and can be separated at any time, but Jiang Nuannuan can't. She signed a contract. You should also know that our worlds are different. If something happens to her, not only will her body die, but her soul will also disappear. This is punishment."

Zhai Lin didn't believe it, and became more and more anxious: "If you had known the outcome, why did she disappear in the first place? What a bad lie! Her body will die, just change her body and let her stay here."

"It's true. No one would have expected this scene." No. 2 said, "Without Zhai Heng's accident, what happened next would never have happened."

If Zhai Heng had not told the truth, he would have died forever in this world, and the male protagonists would have been in pain, but it would not have gone as far as breaking the rules and breaking the rules with a twist of murder. If they entered the scene, they might be able to save everything.

As soon as he thought this, Gu Tingyan sneered, raised his deep eyes, and said in a calm tone with a hint of disdain, "Without Zhai Heng, the outcome of your visit would have been the same."

He had long sensed that something was wrong. No matter whether the person who woke him up was Zhai Heng or No. 4 who deliberately approached him later, he would eventually make a mistake.

Gu Shizhou: "So what you are saying is that everything is our fault. If we had let her live there, she would still be alive."

Several women did not dare to nod, and only replied vaguely: "This kind of thing is rare, we can't say anything."

Gu Tingyan asked: "When she came back, did she know she would die?"

"I don't know, who can be sure." No. 1 said: "Destiny was afraid of the destruction of the world and forced her back. I think she originally planned to live a good life here."

No one can achieve perfection. Her love will be short-lived after all, and it will cost her life.

No one expected this ending. The male protagonists were all depressed and instantly depressed.

The oppressed No. 1 and No. 3 felt secretly happy watching this. You can't believe it. Telling such a lot of nonsense makes you sad. The person you like can still live happily after death. Their system can't do anything else, so they control the host. The best.

Zhai Lin raised his head, looked at No. 3 with a stern look, and said in a morbid tone, "Since we can force that thing to compromise, what's the impossibility of letting him save others."

The inner sarcasm of No. 3 who was being stared at suddenly stopped, and his neck felt cool, as if he saw the image of a butcher sharpening his knife from Zhai Lin.

I won't do that again.

The look in his eyes seemed to be exactly that.


Zhai Lin approached her step by step, "I just said that you can leave at any time. Why didn't you run when you were imprisoned by me? Why don't you run now? Aren't there still restrictions? What are the restrictions? You can only leave after Jiang Nuannuan dies. We still have to continue completing some bullshit mission to save the world.”

No. 3 was almost frightened by him, and took two steps back to stand next to No. 2, "When she came here, the contract we signed was no longer counted. Even if you really break the law and kill me, it can't be changed. This is not something we can decide at all. Once the plot goes off track, no one can pull it back except the people at the center. Aren't we a good example?"

Jiang Nuannuan will die, really die, and there will be no talk of going home again. This thought makes Gu Shizhou's eyes red and his heart is in great pain.

The emergency room lights went out.

Jiang Nuannuan was still in a coma after being pushed out. After resting for the night, she faintly woke up. During this undisturbed time, 66 also roughly told her the situation.

No. 1234 perfectly told her lies, now it’s up to her. "66, how much longer can I delay?"

"Any time, after all, there are many things that can be done in terms of tumors. I can let you die tonight."


Before she could sit up, Gu Tingyan, who was beside the bed, noticed that she was awake first. He held her wrist and said hello in a low voice, "I finally woke up."

Jiang Nuannuan looked confused, "What's wrong?"

She didn't seem to know what was going on. The doctor came over and asked her about her previous condition. She thought about it carefully and answered truthfully, "Sometimes, my chest will feel tight and painful, and I feel out of breath, but I thought it was just too much physical exertion." Feeling tired."

She showed that she didn't think about the disease at all. The doctor looked solemn and had something to say, so he nodded and went out again.

The doctor's words also confirmed that Jiang Nuannuan was indeed unaware of her physical condition. This kind of small problem that no one paid attention to eventually accumulated and exploded into a mouthful of blood in the washbasin and became a countdown to life.

Several men were sitting or standing beside the bed, and the atmosphere was silent.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, "I won't live long, right?"

"There will be a way." Zhai Lin's tone calmed down, and his words were full of threats to others. "The medical team that my brother met abroad will be here tonight, and there will be a way."

Li Jinzhao brought hot porridge back from outside, sat next to her, and asked her with lowered eyebrows: "The doctor said you can eat some porridge after you wake up. Are you hungry?"

Jiang Nuannuan was not too hungry, but nodded.

The bed behind her was shaken up. She leaned on the pillow and sipped her porridge. Suddenly she heard Gu Tingyan say sorry.

His narrow, dark eyes were filled with water at some point, and his voice became hoarse, "Rather than letting you die, disappearing is the best option. I broke it."

Jiang Nuannuan, who was not going to die at all, saw that he was about to cry, and her conscience was instantly shocked by ten thousand points.

She shook her head, swallowed a small mouthful of porridge, and a smile appeared on her pale face. "But it's my fault. I deceived everyone and then disappeared without a word. It's my fault for causing this situation. What does it have to do with you."

"It could have at least allowed you to survive." Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, a shadow falling on his eyelids.

They wanted her to come back and give an answer, and they didn't hesitate to threaten themselves, not just to get her to die.

Gu Shizhou couldn't accept it the most. He leaned against the wall and took a puff of cigarette, smiling miserably.

What does it matter now? Jiang Nuannuan will not stay with him forever, she will die soon, and his self-destructive behavior will not bring any possibility. The most serious outcome is that she will not even have her soul left.

It was clear that love was close at hand, but reality gave him another blow.

All Zhai Lin could think about was that he couldn't die, couldn't save her, and could only live in loneliness and pain. His whole body felt like a shell with its soul removed, and he was left in a state of confusion after being furious.

Li Jinzhao really didn't understand why Jiang Nuannuan had to bear all the misfortune and he still wanted to lose her.

As a male protagonist, he would rather not live such a gloomy and difficult life, and he has never wanted such an unlucky halo.

(End of this chapter)

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