Chapter 415 Treatment
The medical team from abroad examined Jiang Nuannuan overnight and came to the same conclusion as Linggang Hospital.

Jiang Nuannuan will die.

Gu Tingyan stood on the balcony of the ward and handed the cigarette case to Fei Jinzhao. The other person's extended hand paused slightly and then took it.

"What do you want to ask?"

The lighter clicked, the smoke was lit, and the smoke curled up.

Gu Tingyan: "Tell me specifically what No. 1 told Jiang Nuannuan."

Li Jinzhao lowered his eyes and looked at the night view of the garden below, his lips moving slightly.

Several men stayed beside her bed all night, and the ashtray on the balcony was full of cigarette butts for just one night.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her chest, looked at them in a depressed mood, and smiled, "I said, before summer is over, how about we go to the beach for a barbecue together?"

"You should stay in the hospital for treatment until the doctor comes up with a way to save you." Zhai Lin suddenly raised his head and refused, with bloodshot eyes still in his eyes.

Facing her smiling face, his tone weakened again, and finally he lowered his head and covered his face, "Why."

She lifted the quilt and got out of bed, came to him with bare feet and squatted down, holding his head, and whispered: "I also want to be by your side, but fate doesn't allow it, and I can't resist."

"Don't you want surgical intervention?" Li Jinzhao asked.

"It hurts too much and I don't want to."

Gu Tingyan came down from the balcony, his body smelling of tobacco picked her up and put her back on the bed, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I will take you to the beach."

Looking at his lowered head, a few strands of white hair that were not there before, and the blue under his eyelids, Jiang Nuannuan knew that underneath his pretended calm appearance, he was extremely uncomfortable.

He recognized the reality very quickly. Gu Shizhou had not yet received a buffer. After Zhai Lin's doctor failed to work, he contacted new doctors and told them about Jiang Nuannuan's condition, but they were all rejected without exception. .

" Hold."

In the corridor, the man held his cell phone and finished venting, then took a deep breath and returned to the ward.

"Don't worry, we still have a chance. I still have a few foreign doctors I can contact."

Gu Tingyan interrupted his self-deceptive arrangement, "I asked my assistant to buy a plane ticket and we went to the beach."

Gu Shizhou was stunned for a moment, then smashed his cell phone on the escort bed next to him, and angrily shouted, "Whose idea? Is she crazy? How can she go out like this now, what if?"

Unable to say the next words, Jiang Nuannuan looked at him with red eyes.

"Anyway, let's wait until the doctor comes." He glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, then picked up his phone and went out.

Li Jinzhao packed up the finished lunch box on the table, touched Jiang Nuannuan's face, her chestnut eyes looked a little pleading, "Are you really not willing to even try?"

Even if there is only a slight chance, he is not willing to let it go.

Jiang Nuannuan felt heartbroken, held his hand, and relaxed, "Then let's try it."

Gu Tingyan let her lie back. He understood something at the last moment and still chose to indulge her, "If it's uncomfortable, we can end it at any time."

"it is good."

After repeated searches by several people, they finally found a top medical team who was willing to intervene and treat Jiang Nuannuan.

It's just to delay life. They can perform surgery, but the risk of dying on the operating table is too high and no one can sign it.

Gu Tingyan said: "She still wants to go see the sea and have barbecue with us, so she can't do that."

I'm afraid that she won't even get a chance to get off the operating table, and those warm lips won't even have time to say goodbye to them. How is this possible?

With the unanimous consent of several people, Jiang Nuannuan started a long course of chemotherapy, which was not a torture for her.

She never complained about pain, but her hair was inevitably falling out a lot, and she had an endless high fever.

The symptoms are very similar to Fei Jinzhao's grandmother, which also makes his mood worse and worse every day, and he sleeps less and less every day.
Jiang Nuannuan spends most of the day sleeping, but as long as she makes a little noise, the drooped head next to her will immediately rise to ask her what she needs.Her gums became sore and painful, and she felt like they were about to fall off, and it became difficult to eat.

66 originally wanted to help her, but she refused.

Summer is coming to an end and dinner is getting colder.

She lost ten pounds in just one month, which made the already thin girl look like she could run away at the slightest breeze, and her eyes became increasingly bleak.

Gu Shizhou finally relaxed after seeing the results of his own insistence. At the end of the first course of treatment, he told the medical team to pack up and get out. He arrived wearing a neat black short-sleeve shirt and carrying a gift bag. In front of the bed.

Jiang Nuannuan noticed the cartoon bear wearing blue striped short-sleeves and sunglasses on his chest at a glance, and burst out laughing, "Ah, you rarely wear such childish clothes."

He couldn't help but put on a smile mask in front of her, lazily stuffing the bag into her hand, "Couple's shirt."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, pointing to her striped hospital gown, "No chance."

"Yes." Gu Shizhou said to her, "We are discharged from the hospital and will go to the beach to have barbecue."

He knew that she had difficulty eating, and if she didn't eat, she would never have another chance.

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised for a while, then subconsciously turned to look at Fei Jinzhao.

He raised his head from the phone and glanced at the place where the needle was placed on the back of her hand and arm. His lips moved slightly and his voice was very soft, "Well, let's go have barbecue."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips slightly, leaned forward and buried her head in the crook of his neck.

"I'm fine. This is what I agreed to." Li Jin stroked her back, and he couldn't hide his heartache when he touched the diaphragm's spine.

You can't trap it by force, and you can't keep it by force.

She acted in more pain than ever before and endured it even harder.

He didn't want to go on like this anymore, he couldn't bear it.

Jiang Nuannuan took out her white T-shirt and unfolded it. There was a little bear in a strawberry skirt printed on it, with a heart in her hand, which was silly and cute.

She touched it with her hand, "It's very cute."

Zhai Lin and Gu Tingyan also arrived. They looked at Jiang Nuannuan, who had put on a white T-shirt and jeans with the help of the nurse, and Gu Shizhou, who was standing next to her. The couple's outfit and the man were an eyesore.

Gu Shizhou picked up the person and tugged the corners of his lips, "What are you looking at? I'll dress up as a couple with my girlfriend."

Li Jinzhao raised the phone with an expressionless expression and made a click.

Gu Shizhou subconsciously turned around and blocked his and Jiang Nuannuan's chests, frowning, "Li Jinzhao, what are you doing?"

Fei Jinzhao, who had already started searching in the same city, found the same model for purchase.

Zhai Lin didn't know when he came close to him, and added sullenly, "Mine, size L."

The reserved Gu Tingyan raised his hand and clicked the purchase button on his phone.

After half an hour.

Four spectacled bears with different styles were born.

No one liked Jiang Nuannuan wearing couple's clothes alone, and no one would let her, so they all wore it together.

This mode of getting along seemed like a return to the scene in the Tiantian Shura Field before. Gu Shizhou's expression was ugly, his fingers hooked on the necklace around his neck, and his emotions were suppressed again.

Forget it, at least the necklace and earrings are unique to him.

The only little pink bear, Jiang Nuannuan, was taken out of the hospital in a wheelchair. Her thin and cold body was soaked in the scorching sunshine, and the fresh air made her sigh.

It's still comfortable outside.

(End of this chapter)

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