Chapter 42 Am I Familiar With You?

Jiang Nuannuan followed behind with her black suit in her arms. She glanced at the people sitting around the round table and found that one of them looked particularly familiar.

Ji Yansen.

She raised her eyebrows and suddenly felt a little bad.

The other party also saw her at a glance, and the expression on his face was no longer as affectionate as when he begged her, and his eyes were gloomy and resentful.

The first few recordings almost wiped out his reputation, the Ji family's stock market plummeted, and Gu Tingyan also caused difficulties for them in the acquisition of Linggang Building, making the situation suddenly difficult.

Due to the presence of this lion that eats people without blinking an eye, he endured it and did not have an immediate attack.

"This is" Gu Songke's eyes widened when he saw her.

Jiang Nuannuan imitated Gu Tingyan's indifferent look, "Mr. Gu's assistant."

As soon as the words came out, everyone knew it.

Gu Tingyan's assistants are all men, and the one he is most familiar with is named Li. She is the fake daughter who caused a lot of commotion on the Internet not long ago.

Several pairs of eyes glanced back and forth between Ji Yansen and her.

When the two of them sat down, Gu Songke said with a smile: "It seems that we are all acquaintances."

Jiang Nuannuan sat down next to Gu Tingyan, and someone immediately came up to pour wine. She glanced at his cup, couldn't help but get close to him and whispered, "It's okay, don't drink too much, I didn't bring any stomach medicine today."

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes to see her serious instructions, felt soft in his heart, and responded softly.

"This is Zhu Liang, the head of Kaixing Venture Capital, and Lu Liang, a well-known stock analyst, you should have heard of it." Gu Songke introduced the person with a smile.

Jiang Nuannuan stood aside as a foil, listening to their conversation that was beyond her ken.

Gu Tingyan shook the red wine glass and said casually: "So my uncle hopes that I will cooperate to turn Happy Entrepreneurship into a new high-tech and financial enterprise, package it for profits, and drive up the stock price in the secondary market."

Zhang Liang immediately assured him, "Our traders are very stable and there will definitely be no accidents."

The man's long legs were crossed, his back was close to the seat, and his face was more scrutinized, "Brother-in-law, don't you know that mutual participation in shares or joint asset relationships will make it easy for everyone to gain and lose?"

Gu Songke is nearly fifty years old and is also a veteran in the shopping mall. She can't help but feel frightened when she looks into his dark eyes. There is always an intimidating feeling in those deep eyes that can see through people.

He straightened his back to make himself feel more confident, "Of course, I also thought about it carefully."

Ji Yansen saw that Gu Tingyan was not interested and took the initiative to talk: "The current stock price of Kaixing Technology has skyrocketed, reaching a peak of 64.72 yuan/share, with a stage increase of 300.%. The momentum is great, as long as we are willing to help someone Yes, I helped him out and made a lot of money."

Jiang Nuannuan stared at his confident face and suddenly remembered what 66 said to her.

She once made a lot of money from a French studio, but she lost all of it because she made investments with Ji Yansen. You can only imagine how bad his vision and methods are.

Involuntarily, she gently touched Gu Tingyan's thigh under the table.

Her soft fingers clenched the seam of his trousers. After noticing her little movement, the man lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately came to his ear and whispered a few words. Her expression followed the tone and she looked angry.

When Ji Yansen saw this situation, he thought a lot in his mind, secretly thinking that the woman was going to do something bad, and immediately said: "Nuan Nuan, I'll toast you."

Jiang Nuannuan looked back at him, frowned immediately, and raised her red lips slightly, "Am I familiar with you?"

Ji Yansen gritted his teeth when he was refuted, "Miss Jiang, how many days and nights have we been drinking together, and how many days and nights have we forgotten so quickly?"

"Yes." Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "If you are sure you are familiar with me, I have lost tens of millions of dollars in investments with you. If you spit it out and pay it back to me, I will drink with you." Ji Yansen's face changed. There was a flash of red and white, and just as he was about to say something, Gu Tingyan picked up the wine glass and touched the table with him from a distance.

"Assistant is ignorant, I respect you."

He took the initiative to block the wine for Jiang Nuannuan, and Ji Yansen was embarrassed. In fact, he suddenly felt a little more arrogant in his heart.

I think he, the dignified CEO of the Gu Group, doesn't want to play with his remaining women.

This glass of wine was a toast to Ji Yansen's heart.

He stopped grabbing Jiang Nuannuan, smiled, and continued to diligently tell Gu Tingyan the benefits of future cooperation.

"There are two listed companies under the Ji family. You can go ahead and do it. Come to me when you and your uncle help Kaixing Venture Capital solve the problem."

Gu Tingyan finally relaxed, as if thinking about old friendship.

"Mr. Gu is grand." Ji Yansen complimented.

"As long as Tingyan is willing to cooperate, the combination of capital and technology will be a win-win situation."

Seeing that he had achieved his goal tonight, Gu Songke breathed a sigh of relief and greeted everyone to eat.

Gu Tingyan put down his wine glass casually, with a smile on his lips. The extent of the smile reached his eyes, and even Jiang Nuannuan, who was sitting next to him, couldn't see clearly.

Zhang Liang, who was standing next to him, also smiled and changed the subject: "Isn't good news for the Ji family and the Jiang family about to happen?"

Ji Yansen nodded and glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, who was unfazed. "I've been sending out invitations for the past two days. Mr. Gu and Assistant Jiang will come when the time comes."

Let her go?Are you really not afraid that your diaphragm will reach Jiang Meng?
Jiang Nuannuan smiled slightly and said, "Okay, just send the invitation to the group. If Mr. Gu is not busy in his schedule, he will find time to visit."

These words were a bit more contemptuous. Several people looked at the man on the main seat. He looked indifferent and did not object to her decision at all.

Seeing him like this, they didn't dare to say anything more, leaving Ji Yansen alone with a blockage in his heart.

out of the hotel.

On the way home, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Why did you agree to them? I told you that you would definitely lose money."

If you do business with Ji Yansen, it would be surprising if you can win.

"Do you think anyone can accept my toast?"

Gu Tingyan closed his eyes, and his voice became slightly hoarse after drinking. It brushed against Jiang Nuannuan's ears, and the sound was deep and full of magnetism.

He turned his head, and the arrogance and contempt in his eyes were clearly displayed before her eyes.

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan realize that he didn't take that group of people seriously at all.

She moved closer to him, holding his shirt sleeves, her eyes bright, her red lips raised, her face shy and charming, "Then you are just helping me stop drinking?"

Gu Tingyan did not deny the fact. He raised his eyebrows slightly and stared at her lips with dark eyes. "You are willing to take the initiative to tell me Ji Yansen's deeds. It is very useful to me."

After a while, the man closed his eyes and looked away. The light and shadow outside the car shone on his back, making his handsome features extremely scorching.

"Want to get your money back?"

(End of this chapter)

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