Chapter 43 You waste yours, I waste mine

Jiang Nuannuan blinked, "Can I still get it back? If they want to join the stock market together, will they really win money?"

"No." Gu Tingyan smiled coldly and skillfully took out the cigarette case and lighter from the groove next to him. "If you want to mess up the market, you will only end up in a mess."

How could he allow them to manipulate the stock market right under his nose? If a leather company wanted to package up listed companies and raise their stock prices, he would just sit on the Diaoyutai and let them fall to pieces.

Jiang Nuannuan suppressed his hand and took away the cigarette and lighter first. "You drank tonight, so you should smoke less. It will hurt your health."

Gu Tingyan stared at her face for a few seconds and finally gave up smoking.

He turned his head and looked out the window. The fragrance of the woman next to him lingered on the tip of his nose, making him feel attracted to him.

If I don’t smoke, I can’t bear my emotions.

After a while, he turned back and took away the cigarette case placed on Jiang Nuannuan's lap.

She was wearing a semi-short skirt, and when her rough fingertips brushed across her thighs, her body trembled reflexively. Her watery eyes immediately turned to look at him, her eyebrows were silky, and she was innocent at all.

"If you have to smoke, just open a window."

Seeing that she couldn't stop her, she handed him his lighter. However, as soon as she stretched out her hand, his big palm controlled it with one hand and firmly grasped the wrist bone.

Before she could react, Gu Tingyan threw away the cigarette case with dark eyes, grabbed her unbearable slender waist with one hand, leaned over and blocked her mouth.

The taste spreading between your lips is so sweet that it can drive you crazy.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1000 million, Gu Tingyan's favorability is 17%, ah ah, why does he desire you again!!!"

"A man in his late 30s should only worry if he has no desire."

Thinking about it in her heart, Jiang Nuannuan's face turned red, her controlled little hands pressed against the leather cushion, and she could hardly breathe.

When the driver drove the car to the Sunshine Courtyard, her brain, which was almost starved of oxygen, finally got fresh oxygen. She weakly supported the man's broad shoulders with her fingers and breathed heavily.

The thin back trembled in front of his eyes. Gu Tingyan stared at it for a long time, and finally closed his eyes and took the person out of the car.

"Do you still understand the responsibilities of a lover?"

Dimly, she heard him ask in a dumb voice.

Jiang Nuannuan stood at the door of the room and was put down. She rubbed her lips and nodded obediently, "Clear."

You waste yours, I waste mine.

Gu Tingyan's face softened, "Go to sleep."

With Gu Tingyan's permission, Ji Yansen went home to take a breather with his family, and then cooperated with Gu Songke to unpack the package with Kaixing Technology, and the work was in full swing.

Even Jiang Meng, who had been shut up for a long time, heard the news that he was going to make a fortune from his few words.

Her dream of becoming a star was shattered, and with her reputation in disrepute, she began to fantasize about entering the life of a rich wife, becoming obedient at home and ready to get married.

That day, I made an appointment with Zhai Heng to come to sign the contract, so Jiang Nuannuan took a taxi over.

The Zhai family's old house is a large manor with beautiful scenery and elegant decoration everywhere.

The housekeeper brought the tea and said, "Our young master had an emergency this morning. He is still in the hospital. Miss Jiang will take a look around first."

"When will he come back?" Jiang Nuannuan asked.

"At noon."

System 66 said at this time: "Using this situation, you can find the last male protagonist."

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of tea and said, "Is there another one?"

"Zhai Heng is just a supporting actor. After all, you have only been in contact with three people."

"who is it?"

"His brother Zhai Lin and the heroine Fu Ying were kidnapped. Zhai Lin had a car accident on the way to rescue, causing Fu Ying to be torn into pieces and fell into the sea. He woke up from the hospital with a broken leg. This became his lifelong The pain." Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "Wait a minute, what is the connection between Fu Ying and Fu Shiliu?"

"Oh, they are sisters, they both act as family members and supporting characters in their respective books."

Jiang Nuannuan: "." Sure enough, this is another cliché plot.

"Are you sure you didn't ask me to be the King of the Sea?" She took another sip of tea and suppressed her fear.

66 imitated Gu Tingyan and said, "Are you worthy?"


"It's really not what I said, 66. People who travel through time and use a system to be a female supporting role have all kinds of cheats. What do you think I have?" Jiang Nuannuan was quite disgusted.

"You have me and 100 billion."

Before going back, money is just a series of visible and intangible numbers. If you fail, you won't be able to get it.

Jiang Nuannuan stood up with a sneer.

"Look at whether your cake is big and round."


She looked around and saw the familiar balcony on the second floor, leading to the rose garden.

Jiang Nuannuan walked up the steps, pushed open the glass door of the balcony and stepped out.

The sun was shining brightly, and the summer temperature burned my skin a little.

She squinted her eyes and caught a glimpse of the man sitting in the shade of a tree. He was surrounded by a circle of carefully cared for rose bushes. Echoing it was a dark red satin shirt and a half-length golden hair. The curly hair is dyed with a gentle color in the afternoon sun.

Even though she doesn’t have a frontal appearance, her profile is stunning enough.

"This family seems to be quite gentle." Jiang Nuannuan said to herself.

She walked down the steps and happened to see a gardener spraying water. He didn't see anyone behind the tree. The water bucket moistened the soil and splashed on the clothes on the man's back, contaminating the small drawing board in his hand.

"Damn it! How did you do it!"

A roar unexpectedly resounded throughout the rose garden. Jiang Nuannuan paused, feeling that it was too early to make this definition.

"I'm sorry, Master! I didn't see you sitting here, I'm sorry!" The gardener quickly walked over and apologized, but this was obviously not enough to calm the anger of the man sitting on the ground.

He raised the palm-sized drawing board in his hand and hit the opponent's forehead accurately, "Get out!"

The sharp corners of the drawing board immediately hit the opponent's forehead to bleed, and he almost knelt down to beg for mercy.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and said, "66, you never said that my life is prone to danger."

"He has mania, you have to figure it out." After System 66 finished speaking, he pretended to be dead.

No wonder I didn't see him at the dinner party either.

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and stopped when she was about four or five meters away from Zhai Lin.

He had an emotional attack, his whole body was shaking unconsciously, the paint tray was scattered on the floor, and his khaki pants were soiled.

It can be clearly seen that one of his trousers is empty, and he has really lost a leg.

The gardener saw him standing up from the chair on one leg and trying to get into the wheelchair. He quickly tried to help him, but was slapped away.

The man said viciously: "Don't touch me with your dirty hands! Get away!"

The gardener was at a loss. When he accidentally saw Jiang Nuannuan, he mistook her for the new nanny.

He hurried over and said, "The young master is sick again. Please go and help him."

(End of this chapter)

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