Chapter 44 It’s not a ring for you

"Why do you need to help?" Jiang Nuannuan thought he was quite rude and said indifferently: "The chick needs to fall a few times before it can fly."

Her words were neither big nor small. When Zhai Lin heard her words, he turned his face and saw her. In those pale gray eyes, disgust reached its peak immediately.

"joeliyn!" he suddenly shouted, with extreme hatred.

Jiang Nuannuan was confused for a moment and did not respond immediately.

"66, stop pretending to be dead. How does he know my name when I was a jewelry designer?"

"Let's see, oh, isn't the world fused? Many identities have overlapped. To be more precise, you are not Fu Ying's stand-in here, you are the atonement who provides Zhai Lin with emotional entertainment."

Jiang Nuannuan: "???"

System 66: "Fu Ying customized a piece of jewelry from you before the accident. She was kidnapped on the way to your studio to pick it up. Someone from your studio accidentally revealed the news that she had taken a ring worth tens of millions. Even though you fired the person who leaked the information afterwards and sent him to jail, it was too late."

Jiang Nuannuan instantly remembered the first time Zhai Heng asked her what she liked in the car, and she said jewelry design.

"So Zhai Lin knows that I am joeliyn (Qiao Lin), then Zhai Heng also knows that Jiang Nuannuan is joeliyn."

She frowned, all the bad things were gone.

"You still dare to appear in front of me, how dare you appear in front of me!" Zhai Lin said fiercely to her, with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

But strictly speaking, it was the staff's fault and not hers, so why should she be angry with her?

Jiang Nuannuan hummed softly and turned around to leave, but got stuck halfway through.

Zhai Heng is back.

He pushed the door down from the balcony and walked in a hurry. The housekeeper behind him was afraid that he would fall down the steps. Even she was frightened and ran over to help him.

"Zhai Heng."

Jiang Nuannuan ran up to help her, but the gentle man who came down grabbed her shoulders and covered her with disinfectant and medicinal fragrance.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly with his long eyelashes drooping.

In just a few seconds, Zhai Lin, who could no longer stand, could not reach the wheelchair and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Jiang Nuannuan was confused by his attitude. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Zhai Lin who had fallen over there, and immediately said, "Of course I'm fine. Go and help Zhai Lin. He fell."

What can a man who lost his legs do to her?

There were rose bushes all around, so he probably had to pierce several holes in his body.

Thinking about it this way, she felt a little bit more pity.

Zhai Heng: "The young master refuses to wear prosthetic limbs?"

The housekeeper who followed helped the man and said, "He has been refusing to wear it for several days."

"Get him back inside."

Zhai Heng's fingertips clasped her shoulders firmly and led her to the balcony, "I'm sorry for letting you see him."

Jiang Nuannuan felt uncomfortable and wanted to break away, but she thought it was a staircase and gave up first because she was afraid that this sick man would fall.

As soon as she stepped onto the balcony, she bumped into Fu Shiliu behind the glass door.

The other party's gentle expression also showed some cracks when they saw the two people hugging each other's shoulders intimately.


Before Jiang Nuannuan was about to break away, Zhai Heng retracted his hand first, his eyebrows were cold and his voice was filled with warmth and anger, "Zhai Lin fell down in the rose garden and almost hurt the guest. No news about the housekeeper?"

Even though they were only a few meters away, they couldn't hurt anyone.She glanced at the man next to her, moved her lips, and finally didn't interrupt.

Fu Shiliu calmed down and looked at Jiang Nuannuan with a hint of apology in her eyes, "Not yet. It's not like you don't know his temper. Even the Filipino maid company in the Philippines has blacklisted him."

"He can't go on like this. Where is the psychology professor he hired?" Zhai Heng was impatient, and his gentle face was rarely angry.

"No one wants to come, I'm still thinking of a way." Fu Shiliu shook his head and turned his probing eyes to Jiang Nuannuan.

Is she here to tell the truth about her relationship with Gu Tingyan?But Zhai Heng already knew that speaking out would only make others hate him.

"What is the purpose of Miss Jiang's visit?" Fu Shiliu asked, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "I'm here to customize a couple's ring for my husband. I'll sign the contract today."

"Ring?" Fu Shiliu was stunned and looked at Zhai Heng with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. "You want to make a ring for us? I don't want it."

A wedding ring and a marriage certificate completely separated her from Gu Tingyan. Now if the news about the couple's ring gets out, he will only stay further away from her.

Hearing her say no, Zhai Heng didn't have any unnecessary reaction on his face. He just made a statement and said gently to Jiang Nuannuan: "Come to the study with me? Let's discuss some contract details in detail."

She nodded and followed his footsteps.

Fu Shiliu stood there for a long time before he remembered a question.

When did she, a fake daughter, learn to make jewelry?It seems like no one in the circle has ever said that.

Following Zhai Heng into the study, Jiang Nuannuan didn't look around and asked bluntly: "Did you know that Zhai Lin's matter is related to me, so you asked me to order a ring?"

"I don't know, only Zhai Lin has seen you." He turned around, his delicate face returning to its usual gentleness.

Seeing her distrust and even defensiveness in her eyes, Zhai Heng's tone became more serious, "I'm not in good health. If anything happens to Fu Ying in France, it will be handled by Zhai Lin and the Fu family. I have never met you."

These words were very sincere. Jiang Nuannuan looked at his sick face, thought for a moment, and believed most of them.

She explained: "My assistant is in charge of the studio in France. I have lived in China for a long time and I am not familiar with Fu Ying and Zhai Lin. I am very sorry for such an accident."

In this way, it was okay for her not to recognize him when they first met.

Zhai Heng expressed his understanding, "I know it has nothing to do with you. The person who made the mistake at the source has already gone to jail."

He stretched out his fair and well-proportioned hand to her and said gently, "Can you show me the contract now?"

Jiang Nuannuan took out the contract and the sketch she drew from her bag and handed it to him, but she still had doubts in her heart.

"But your wife said she doesn't want it."

So, does she still need to make women’s rings?After all, the picture has been printed, or has it changed from a couple ring to a personal jewelry?

Zhai Heng flipped through two pages of the contract with his porcelain-white fingers, raised his lips and looked up at her, "When did I say this was for her."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

There was a smile in his eyes, like gentle and harmless cotton threads that could wrap people up tightly if they weren't careful.

Jiang Nuannuan changed the subject, "Well, I have no right to interfere with Party A's private affairs, but the closed ring does not have a lock. I need to measure the finger circumferences of Mr. Zhai Heng and your female companion."

As she spoke, she took out the tools from her satchel.

Zhai Heng put his hand in front of her, but instead of hanging it in the air, he gently put it into her palm when she stretched out her hand.

Jiang Nuannuan's hand trembled slightly. Due to professional reasons, she still held it weakly and helped him measure his width and finger circumference.

(End of this chapter)

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