Chapter 45
The pads of his fingers pressed lightly against the flesh of her palm, causing an itch to fall like a feather.

Jiang Nuannuan could feel that his hand was pinching her on purpose, and his thumb was gently rubbing the back of her hand, and her heartbeat could not help but skip a beat.

Zhai Heng looked closely at the woman with trembling eyelashes in front of him, and kept smiling in a good mood, "Just prepare the women's ring according to your usual ring model."


Jiang Nuannuan looked up in an instant, her eyes filled with surprise and shock. She didn't know how many times she had gone through all sorts of crooked thoughts in her heart.

After seeing enough of her little expression, Zhai Heng opened his lips and explained: "The person I want to give you is about the same thickness as your finger."

His hand that was lightly resting on her palm suddenly turned around to hold hers, inserting his five fingers into her fingers and clasping them tightly.

"That's it, just right."

Looking at the two people holding hands tightly, Jiang Nuannuan said: "."


Wasn't he really looking for an excuse to give her a ring, clearly hinting that she was going to cuckold his wife? !

Her pupils moved slightly, and she was speechless for a while. After a while, she suppressed the shock in her heart, bit her lower lip and said hesitantly: "Okay."

Zhai Heng was very measured. The moment Jiang Nuannuan felt uncomfortable, he relaxed his hand and let the warmth slip away from his palm quickly, with a decent smile still on his lips.

"It seems I misunderstood you."

Isn't this clearly meant to misunderstand her?
Jiang Nuannuan didn't answer, moved her eyes away, carefully wrote down the data of his fingers in a small notebook, and then measured herself, "Then I will follow my own fingers. As long as Mr. Zhai Heng has enough money, then It’s really inappropriate, let’s find a way to adjust it.”

Zhai Heng readily signed his name on the contract she brought.

"Money is not an issue. If you exceed your budget, you can contact me."

"Have you had lunch?"

"I'll go back to eat later. Can you take a look at the sample?" Jiang Nuannuan took the contract and showed him the sketch.


He agreed after just one glance, then brought up another topic and repeated, "Let's have dinner together later."

"I'll go back and eat." Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was the most talkative father of Party A. She packed her things and didn't want to stay here for a long time.

Zhai Heng didn't force it and stood up from the chair, "Then I'll take you home."

She still wanted to refuse, but before the words came out, the gentle voice of the person next to her gave a hint of refusal, "It's not easy to take a taxi here, I'll give you a ride."

In the end, Jiang Nuannuan took his Bentley, and Zhai Heng also sat down next to him, wanting to take her to the door in person.

The two of them sat on each side, with a space in between, breaking up the ambiguous atmosphere that had been invisibly drawn out.

Fu Shiliu stayed in Zhai Lin's room for a long time and came out for a long time before he could digest the complete incident pieced together from his mouth.

She has always known that her sister was kidnapped and raped due to staff errors at Qiao Lin's jewelry studio in France, but she never thought that Qiao Lin was Jiang Nuannuan.

She was not yet married to Zhai Heng at that time, and she only knew that the final kidnappers and those involved were all in prison.

Fu Shiliu walked down the stairs with his thoughts in mind and entered the restaurant. Seeing that there was no one inside, he asked: "The dishes are all served. Hasn't the young master signed the contract yet?"

"The young master just went out." The servant replied, "He said he wouldn't come back to eat."

Fu Shiliu clenched her cell phone, stood in front of the dining table for a while, and called Mrs. Zhai who went to the snow area to pray for blessings.

"Grandma, I want to ask you for a favor. Well, I found a new servant that Zhai Lin can accept, but he has a special status and no one can hire him except you."

When Zhai Heng sent him to the gate of the community, he took the initiative again and said, "Why don't we have a meal together?" Jiang Nuannuan lied casually, "There is still food at home, I can handle it a little."

"I also want to eat something." He raised his eyebrows and smiled, gently, and put his slender fingers on his abdomen, "I'll send you here, I'm hungry too."

She didn't even have a sofa at home. Jiang Nuannuan hesitated for a moment, but still refused, "Some cold dishes are not convenient to serve, how about next time? I will buy them for you alone."

Zhai Heng didn't like to push the little girl too hard, so he tapped his chin and said, "Okay, I'll wait for your call."

It seemed like he was really relieved.

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless and could only nod randomly.

The Bentley put the man down, and the man's profile was isolated by the raised window, and he quickly left.

She breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and said: "66, it's too blatant for him to treat me like this. Are you sure there is no reason?"

System 66: "I really don't know. I only pay attention to the male protagonist. Maybe you fall in love with this male at first sight?"


Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes, "Do you think I believe it?"

She called a car and prepared to find a restaurant to have something to eat.

That day, she saw that there were quite a few small restaurants near Linghua University, and Yunkun Community was also close there, so she got off the car near the university.

I wandered slowly over to see if there was anything I wanted to eat.

However, Jiang Nuannuan's face appeared near the school without any packaging, and a lot of eyes were glanced at her.

Today was the weekend again, and there were a lot of people on the street. Gradually, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Why are so many people looking at her?Is there flowers on her face?

"Is it Sister Nuannuan!" A little girl suddenly came forward and took a close look at her porcelain white and elegant face. She was so beautiful even without any makeup.

"It's Sister Nuannuan! You take good care of yourself too!" She seemed to confirm, holding the phone in front of her chest with both hands, excited and speechless.

Jiang Nuannuan was confused, but the other person's eyes were full of admiration and love for him, and there was obviously no malice.

She smiled and said, "Hello."

Hearing her speak in a gentle and gentle manner, the girl became even more excited, "I have helped you fight against gangsters online before. Let me just say, how can such a beautiful girl endure being cuckolded and go to the island?" Bullies in life.”

Jiang Nuannuan understood, "Is the latest episode of the island variety show out?"

"You don't know? It's updated every Friday night, and today is Saturday, and it's on the hot search list." She raised her phone and said excitedly: "Can I take a photo with you?"

"of course."

Jiang Nuannuan is taller than the girls. When facing the camera, she slightly bends her knees and squats down, raising her lips and smiling with a very lethal look.

Her legs were thin and straight, and her buttocks were upturned. She was very eye-catching on this street.

Yu Tai, who was handing out flyers with Fei Jinzhao, poked his elbow, "Which school district is that girl over there from? Damn it, she looks like a fairy."

"Have you finished distributing the order in your hand?" The young man in the red vest didn't bother to look back. He just handed the flyer to the passing girl with a calm face, "I need to know about my glasses."

The girl wanted to reject it casually, but couldn't help but glance at his cold and handsome face. She took a breath and took it with red ears, "I'll go and take a look when I have time."

(End of this chapter)

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