Chapter 46
"No, you really don't look back? That face is so beautiful." Yu Tai took out his cell phone and stuffed the rest of the stack of flyers into his hand, "I'm going to ask for the contact information, and you can hand it out for me. "

Fei Jinzhao: "Count half of the money on me."

"It's really tough, okay."

Yu Tai raised his hand and trotted in the opposite direction.

"That seems to be Jiang Nuannuan, right?"

"should be"

"Why did she appear near our school? Isn't she an artist?"

"You are not an artist, or else you can appear on the street openly? Isn't it that you are working in the Gu Group now? Suddenly a variety show became popular. It's weird."

"I have to say, I am so beautiful, even more beautiful than Lu Ling."


Fei Jinzhao listened to the conversation of the people passing by, paused slightly, and slowly turned his head.

A woman with shoulder-length hair was standing on the street. She was wearing an apricot-colored dress that was half-shoulderless, and her skin was exposed. She was smiling under the sun, and her whole body seemed to be glowing.

He hadn't seen her for a long time since the last time they met in the supermarket, and there had been no news exchange between them.

There is no need to communicate.

He lowered his eyes, and his long eyelashes cast a faint shadow under his eyelids. After a while, his mood returned to normal, and he turned around and continued to hand out flyers.

Jiang Nuannuan reluctantly took photos with a few students, and bought a few cups of milk tea from the nearby milk tea shop and handed them to them.

Her gentle, polite and approachable attitude created a strong impression in the students' hearts.

When Yu Tai took the milk tea from her, his eyes widened.

So what if he knew that she was some down-and-out fake daughter who got trashed? With her appearance and temperament, he was too willing to be her successor.

"It seems I bought more." Jiang Nuannuan looked at the extra cups of milk tea on the table and said with a smile, "Which of you needs takeout?"

Yu Tai raised his hand, "I'll bring a drink to my brother, he's still handing out flyers."

Someone in the crowd recognized him as Fei Jinzhao's roommate and immediately said, "Senior Fei is working overtime to distribute flyers again today?"

Yu Tai took the milk tea from Jiang Nuannuan and said with a smile, "Well, it's rare that he doesn't come out to do more work on the weekend."

After hearing the words, she walked out of the milk tea shop, glanced around the street, and saw a boy surrounded by several girls asking for flyers.

Even the bright red work vest couldn't hide his cold and boiled water temperament.

Fei Jinzhao turned around and glanced in her direction, then turned back pretending not to recognize her.

This set again.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Tai thoughtfully, "Are you Fei Jinzhao's roommate?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"I happen to know him. Let me invite you to have a meal together."

Yu Tai was surprised and beamed, "Okay, let's go find him together."

Jiang Nuannuan waved goodbye to the girls around her and followed Yu Tai's footsteps to find Fei Jinzhao.

"Senior Fei, it's past 12 o'clock. How about we go to the cafeteria to have a meal together? Swipe my meal card."

"I'll treat you to hotpot meat."

A girl with a ponytail and a red vest kept pestering him, wearing bright red lips and chattering away.

Fei Jin called out her flyers, endured her impatience and refused again, "No need."

"Fei Jinzhao." Jiang Nuannuan called from behind him, then tiptoed and patted his shoulder.He turned around and met her bright eyes, slightly startled.

"Jiang Nuannuan." He said hello with a tap of his chin.

Yu Tai put the milk tea into his hand and hooked his neck, "The goddess brought you milk tea, and she also wants to treat us to dinner."

"Okay, how did you meet this person?" He leaned into his ear and muttered, full of jealousy.

Looking at her face, Fei Jinzhao swallowed back the unfamiliar words and whispered back: "We just met her not long ago."

"Have a meal together?" Jiang Nuannuan asked with a smile.

The neglected girl next to her immediately scowled.

"I'm busy, you go."

When Fei Jinzhao said that she was still busy, her expression became a little better, and she said with a smile: "Every time Senior Fei finishes his work, he goes to eat alone. He is always like this, and no one can persuade him. "

Yu Tai tightened his arm around Fei Jinzhao's neck and whispered: "Sign up for me, Monk Fei, if you're not interested, I still want to have dinner with the goddess."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, put her hand on his flyer, and hummed, "Did you forget that you promised me to have dinner together?"

After being reminded like this, Fei Jinzhao remembered.

When they met in the supermarket last time, she did invite him to have dinner together next time.

He looked at the time on his phone and nodded slightly, "In one hour, I will finish sending these in the afternoon."

"Let's go, what do you want to eat? Guobaorou?" Jiang Nuannuan stood side by side with him.

Fei Jinzhao took off his vest, hung it on his arm, looked at her and said, "Anything is fine."

The three of them gradually moved away, and the girl who stayed there had a look of reluctance in her eyes, and her nails made a long dent on the flyer.

The person in charge of distributing leaflets happened to see this scene and immediately stopped him: "Hey, hey, what are you doing, little girl?"

She loosened her hand and turned over the flyer, "Why not."

The unhappy voice caused the person in charge to directly reprimand, "I say you little girls, you rush to advertise the business of Fei Jinzhao's flyers every time, and you don't do it well. Don't come here next time."

"It's a cheap labor force, but I don't want to do it anymore!" The girl flicked her hand down, causing the flyer to fall to the floor, and turned away.

The angry person in charge yelled, "Which class are you in!!"

He kindly provided part-time work for these people, but he still had to encounter such difficulties, which was very annoying.

Jiang Nuannuan was not familiar with this area, so it all depended on Fei Jinzhao as to what to eat, but he finally chose a bun shop.

At noon, he actually wanted to eat Xiao Long Bao with Tofu Pudding, which cost 10 yuan per person for a meal.

The snack shops around the university town are very simple. An electric fan stained with oil dangles overhead, and a long whisker floats down to drive away mosquitoes.

"Want to eat?" He stood at the door of the stall, Qingfeng Jiyue's face was cold.

Do you think she will give up?When she was working as a social animal, she could still squat in front of the shop to eat.

"Eat, you can eat if you want. It will save me some money." Jiang Nuannuan walked in first, and her clean and expensive-looking skirt was placed next to the wooden bench. Yu Tai felt like it when he saw it Out of place.

He complained to Fei Jinzhao in a low voice, "No, why would you choose a place like this to eat with her? A fairy can't eat such coarse food with you without drinking dew."

"Coarse grains are healthy." He pushed back and lowered his eyes to see a pair of calves under the table. They were milky white and smooth, like a piece of fine silk, which really did not match the oil-stained floor.

He pressed his fingers lightly on his lap.

Any regrets?
No, this is his normal life and a normal meal.

(End of this chapter)

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