Chapter 421 Zhai Heng’s Memories
Zhai Heng thought this might be due to his heart.

His heart came from a brain-dead donor, and it is possible that it was subject to some emotional fluctuations that were not his own.

He underwent a doctor's examination and asked about the donor's personal life, and learned that he was just a young college student who had been in a car accident. He only had a close girlfriend who accompanied him, and the two had already discussed marriage during his lifetime.

Zhai Heng asked for a photo of the girl and even met her in person to thank her.

The heart that belonged to the other party had a normal rhythm, no excitement, and no emotional ups and downs at all. But when he lowered his head and turned on his phone and played the dynamic video about Jiang Nuannuan, his heart reacted violently again, and it was about to hit. come out.

Zhai Heng held his chest, took a deep breath, said goodbye to the girl politely, and got into the Bentley.

The driver asked him, "Where else should I go?"

Zhai Heng thought again and again, "Miss Jiang."

The driver was stunned for a moment, "Miss Jiang? Who is it?"

Zhai Heng put his hands on his legs, stared at the ring finger of his left hand, tapped his knuckles, "Jiang Nuannuan, go and see Jiang Nuannuan."

The driver was confused, but he still reminded him, "That's Luming Cemetery, where Miss Jiang is buried now."

Zhai Heng was a little confused and answered after a long while, "I know, she is dead."

It's because of a dead person who only met once, how could he be so unforgettable? Such emotions didn't exist when she was alive a few years ago, but they were about to overwhelm him after he was cured.

Luming Cemetery is the most expensive land in Linggang and also has the best scenery and feng shui.

There are new flowers blooming on both sides of the road, the lawn is green, and there is only a faint fragrance of green grass in the wind.

Zhai Heng couldn't go empty-handed. When he passed by the flower shop, he stopped and picked out a bouquet of white calla lilies. The chocolate shop next door had a new batch of milky black chocolate. He walked in again and looked for some snacks. Bring it.

He didn't know why he did this. He could only attribute it to his body's instinctive reaction telling him that Jiang Nuannuan would like to eat these snacks.

Jiang Nuannuan's tomb is cleaned every day, and people regularly trim the surrounding flowers and plants. The gifts placed on it are all brand new, and it seems that they will be delivered every few days.

It was exactly what he thought, but the flowers were a little withered.

Zhai Heng squatted down, put his things in front of him, looked up at the girl's photo on the stone tablet, and said after a while: "I seem to know everything about your preferences, Jiang Nuannuan, can you tell me why? ?”

He sat down, the wind was rustling, his clothes were flying, his warm face was a little painful, and his heart always had a cramping feeling. Seeing her really buried here, the pain was getting stronger, and his hands and feet could not restrain themselves from shaking. , people are a little numb.

No one could respond to him, only the bodyguards beside him were worried about his poor state at this time.

"Do you think I forgot something?"

Zhai Heng stroked the smiling face on the stone tablet and whispered softly, "I rarely get emotional. Even if I am lying on the operating table and the doctor tells me that the mortality rate is as high as 90%, I feel that it does not matter and I am not sad. , no panic, and no pain.”

He paused, "But when I saw you, all these emotions came out for no reason."

Still no one responded, but a wild flower floated from nowhere and landed in the hair beside his ear. There was a mini flower in the thick black hair, adding a touch of warmth to his face. Colorful.

"If I fell in love with you at first sight, then I would have loved you as early as that birthday party." Zhai Heng said to himself again: "If these strong emotions represent love, then we must have been in love, you said Is it?"

"I seem to be capable of stealing my brother's lover. Because I love you, I won't be able to restrain myself from the beginning."

"So I must be missing something, right," he said.

On a day with clear skies, it suddenly rained from the sun.

The bodyguard hurriedly found an umbrella from the car and held it over his head, "Young Master, you are in good health. Go back."

But stop talking nonsense, it made him feel scared.

Zhai Heng put the chocolate inside, put on the incense sticks, stood up, and said gently: "I'm leaving now, and I'll come back in about a month or two, if you agree with what I said." He looked at the blue sky in the distance. sky, the voice disappeared with the patter of rain, "Come and talk to me, whether in your dreams, I want to see you."

For a long, long time, Zhai Heng didn't return home. He didn't like to wander around because of his illness, but now he lingered outside all day long without a trace.

Mrs. Zhai was sitting in the Buddhist hall at home, still praying to God to bless her grandson.

Zhai Heng went to the island alone, stayed in a small villa, walked on the beach, took off his clothes and soaked in the sea water at night, followed the locals to ride an electric car to the market to buy food.

He checked in every activity, and it felt familiar in his hands as if he had done it more than once.

Lying on the soft bed in the small villa late at night, Zhai Heng always felt that something was missing these days. This could not be done alone, and there should not be an empty space around him.

He knew that he had forgotten Jiang Nuannuan.

He should love her, love her very much, and his mind would be emptied of memory, and his instinct would be to do everything according to her preferences.

After leaving the island, Zhai Heng went to the place where Jiang Nuannuan last enjoyed the snow. It was on the top of a small mountain abroad. Snow was falling. There was a bluestone road in front of the wooden house. He was not impressed by the scenery here. I didn’t catch a cold, but I stared at the stone road for a long time.

He asked his people and wanted to know which other high mountain tops in China close to Linggang would get snow and have such a long stone road.

There were several locations to choose from, and the pictures were sent to his mobile phone. The sun was rising in Linglu Temple, and the sight of the peach forest came into view.

Zhai Heng chose to go to Linglu Temple.

It was spring, and there was only some frost on the top of the mountain, not much snow.

He was walking alone on the long street in the mountains where snacks were sold. His jade-like handsome appearance attracted many people's attention. He didn't realize it and just stopped in front of a rice ball shop.

The boss greeted warmly, "Are the prunes made with white sugar? The prunes are salty."

"Add sugar, two." Zhai Heng said.

The boss responded with a smile, "But my rice balls are big. It's enough for a young man, but Nuomi is very hungry."

Zhai Heng fluttered his eyelashes, "Then a sweet one."

He quickly got the hot rice ball, turned around, and his eyes fell on a bench by the lake. He walked over and sat down, unwrapped the plastic bag, took a bite of the glutinous rice mixed with sweet sugar, and looked calmly. Gaze at a lake in the distance, with weeping willows rippling next to it.

A tourist recognized who he was, endured it, and came up to talk to him.

Zhai Heng listened attentively and answered a few questions politely, but seeing that his mind was obviously not on the conversation, the man also knew how to leave with excitement.

Zhai Heng suddenly stopped him and asked: "In winter here, the stone roads are often slippery and the lakes freeze."

"Yes, when the moss between the stone slabs and the ice freeze, a lot of people fall here. As for the lake, it's also very beautiful when it's frozen."

"Thank you."

Zhai Heng stood up and threw the cleaned plastic bag into the trash can.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Zhai, you can also try the rice wine brewed by yourself in the farm at the foot of the mountain. When the wind gets cold at night, you can heat a jar in the small courtyard and add some side dishes to go with it. Not to mention how comfortable it will be."

Zhai Heng paused, turned around and handed him a business card, "You can come and try."

The man held the business card excitedly, not expecting such an opportunity, and kept staring at him from behind. However, he also felt that the encyclopedia was wrong. It was said that Young Master Zhai of the Zhai family did not eat sweets or like sweets due to illness. Just now He ate the glutinous rice with sugar seriously, leaving nothing behind.

His subordinates helped him book an apartment in the temple. Zhai Heng entered the main hall alone, looked up at the Buddha high above, and smelled the strong scent of incense.

A monk passed by him, looking at him with kind eyes and kind eyes, "Donor, can you come and fulfill your wish? Just bow and kowtow three times and nine times on the futon."

(End of this chapter)

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