Chapter 422 Ending (End of Text)

Zhai Heng shook his head and said warmly: "I have no wish to return."

The monk smiled and said, "They are those who come to worship Buddha. The etiquette is the same."

Zhai Heng looked at the Buddha and shook his head again, "I don't want to fulfill my vow, nor do I want to pay homage to the Buddha. I just came to look for traces left by an old friend."

"If you stick to one thought, you will be trapped by one thought; if you let go of one thought, you will be at ease in your heart." The monk stretched out his hand and handed him a string of Buddha beads, "108 beads can eliminate the troubles of the world."

He seemed to have prepared it for him.

The temple sells this kind of bead string. Zhai Heng took his wallet and lowered his head to find the money and said softly: "How do I put it down? She does not exist in my memory, but even my body will miss her."

The monk pressed his hand and wrapped the beads around his hand. The faint scent of sandalwood proved that the beads were good.

"That girl prayed to the Buddha for you, and now that her wish has been fulfilled, she still has her wish in her heart." The monk said, "You don't need to give me money. She originally begged you for this string of beads."

With the cold beads sticking to his wrist, Zhai Heng stood in front of the Buddha, stunned.

The monk left his last words before leaving, "Everyone in this world has desires. If you have desires, you have to seek. If you don't get what you want, you will have many troubles. There is no way to relieve the troubles that are inherent in your mind. Sir, if you create all kinds of delusions in this way, you can live." , is already the vitality that the girl forced upon her, and cannot be destroyed any more."

Zhai Heng thought for a long time and left the main hall.

The night breeze was really cool, with a chill in it. Several jars of rice wine and side dishes were put into the small courtyard. He sat alone in the middle of the pavilion drinking wine and admiring the moon. There were several lush peach trees growing around him, and the scenery was full of scenery.

One cup after another, no one came to disturb him, and the jar gradually reached the bottom. Zhai Heng's eyes were filled with mist, his face turned red, and he leaned back in the chair and looked at the empty stone bench next to him.

I forgot how much time had passed, but a vague and charming figure appeared, touching the Buddhist beads on his wrist, smiling and saying to him: "When I bought it, I heard the master said that 108 beads can eliminate 108 kinds of diseases." Worry, he said a lot of Buddhist principles that I don’t understand very well, but I just hope that I, the Buddha, will be compassionate and give you health, longevity and a happy life.”

Zhai Heng stared at her appearance and murmured, "So this is how you gave it to me."

He heard her ask again: "Do you like it?"

There was a slight smile on his lips, and he replied drunkenly, "I like it."

"That's good." The voice relaxed.

Seeing the figure swaying as if drunk, Zhai Heng stood up to pull it away, but his fingertips touched nothing. The body lying on the table twitched, and he suddenly woke up.

After a big dream, I woke up at dawn and there was no one around me.

Zhai Heng touched the Buddhist beads on his wrist, and his empty brain broke into some dust-covered memories.

Step by step, he walked outside the main hall and looked into the distance.

The twilight appeared, and the mist-shrouded mountain top shone brightly in a few minutes.

Zhai Heng's body was covered with a layer of gold, and blessings from the sky seemed to echo in his ears over and over again, "I hope that I, the Buddha, will be merciful and give Zhai Heng a long and healthy life, and a happy life."

"So that's it." Bitterness spread in his mouth, Zhai Heng murmured in a low voice, tears falling down his face.

After calculating everything, except for her thoughts and the fate of origin and destruction, she couldn't make the decision by herself.

Many people saw a man as gentle as jade crying his heart out outside the hall, then turned around and entered the main hall, kneeling on a futon and bowing three times and nine times.

He fulfilled her wish and fulfilled her wish.

Later, everyone in the business world knew that the young man of the Zhai Group was devoted to Buddha and had a string of Buddhist beads that never left his body. No one could touch them and regarded them as treasures.

Another year marks the death anniversary of Jiang Nuannuan.Several people got together in front of the tomb, but they still didn't like each other.

Li Jinzhao felt this and said calmly and decisively, "I said I would wait for her. If she comes back, then I hope I don't exist in your world."

Gu Shizhou chuckled, "Who says it's not the case? Since we are all protagonists, why should we be crowded into the same world? My wife can only be my own."

Gu Tingyan said nothing, but he did think so.

Zhai Lin, who never goes out, went out even though he was accompanied by his fellow citizens day after day. His complexion was pale, like an evil ghost that had just come out of hell. He said in disgust, "Let's break up this world."

The obsession of the male protagonists is still Jiang Nuannuan, Jiang Nuannuan who belongs to her own world.

The critical point of separation in the merged world made a clang at this time.

The systems all expressed their disbelief that without any human interference, the male protagonists' desire to form their own world has reached its peak, and the five fused worlds have split.

The god who had spent too much energy watched the world change. System 66 floated in front of him and whispered, "Although it is an exception, I want to give them a chance. Only she can do it."

After returning to her original world, Jiang Nuannuan spent a long time in depression in her luxurious villa. Sometimes she stared at her tattoo in a daze, and sometimes when she touched it with her fingertips, all the previous memories would pop up in her mind.

Not forgetting is not a punishment for her, but she is willing to do so.

She had too much money and no place to spend it, so she did not think about squandering it any more. She established a relief organization, donated to several hope primary schools, and helped a large number of disabled people to achieve their jobs or dreams.

She traveled around the world, leaving behind the days of luxury goods and absurd extravagance that she once loved so much. She also felt that life was pretty good, especially on the spiritual level. She was healed to a certain extent.

As she got older year by year and met countless suitors, Jiang Nuannuan never forced herself to choose the path of marriage.

Someone asked her why she didn't get married, and she said she was already married. Someone accidentally saw the tattoo on her chest and asked her ambiguously who she was. Jiang Nuannuan answered openly that she was her husband.

But no one had ever seen Jiang Nuannuan's husband, and everyone thought this was her excuse for prevarication. She didn't bother to explain, and no one believed her even if she did.

After experiencing such a life, she didn't think anyone could be worthy of her, and she would never get someone who deserved her in this life.

Year after year, she lived an ordinary and fulfilling life. When it was time to take care of herself, she became the director of an orphanage she donated, which rescued all disabled and orphaned children.

When she wanted to be clean in her later years, she accepted her last social media interview. The topic still couldn't escape the question of why she devoted her whole life to rescue work and didn't leave herself a son or a daughter.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled warmly at the camera, with longing in her eyes, "Don't dare to look for me, they will be angry."

She just needs to spend the rest of her life quietly like this.

There was no love, but she also had family, friends, and all kinds of love. She was very happy, but it was a pity that System 66 disappeared after she completed the mission, and she would never see them again.

Although I'm happy, I'm really sorry
The sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the courtyard was as clear as dust, and the fragrance filled the courtyard. The bright yellow flowers fell all over the ground, many of them falling on the old man in the recliner.

A girl opened the door and came out calling her, "Eat, Grandma Jiang!"

When no one responded, she trotted over and saw the old man sleeping soundly with a peaceful face, so he picked off the osmanthus flowers that fell on her hair and face. The skin on her fingertips was cold when she touched it. The girl was stunned and screamed a few more times before trembling. The voice was sad and weeping.

Everyone who heard the noise rushed out, and the courtyard was filled with mourning and crying. No one saw a floating pink sea urchin float close to the old man's cold face.

100 billion created a very high social reputation for Jiang Nuannuan. On the day of her burial, the mountains were filled with people and colorful flowers.

Today is also the only sunny day this month. The sun is shining brightly and the breeze is gentle.

(The main text is finished and the be ending is achieved. Personally, I feel that it is not unfinished, haha.)
(Commentary: That’s the end of the text!!! Still not accurate. Tomorrow there will be a brand new side story about Zhai Heng. Only Zhai Heng and Jiang Nuannuan are not from this group. Wrong entry! Wrong entry! Don’t find it for yourself. suffering)
(End of this chapter)

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