Chapter 423 Zhai Heng (1)

"Welcome to the Dream System. I am Senior 666. I will fulfill the host's wishes with integrity."

This is the sentence Jiang Nuannuan has heard the most in her head this year. As a social creature, she has made countless vulgar wishes for this weird thing.

Including but not limited to, I want 500 million, I want to win the first prize, I want 10 houses, endless luxury goods, etc.
This dog system always replied that it was on the way to deliver the goods, and it took a whole year to deliver without seeing a single cent. It has been more than two years since she graduated from her senior year of college, and she was still struggling to survive.

"Sure enough, I still have to go to the master to drive out ghosts sometime."

Jiang Nuannuan got out of bed, washed up casually, picked up the design drawing on the table that she had stayed up late last night and hurried out.

As a designer who has only just entered the industry, most of the business she receives is customized jewelry for the mid-range, with limited prices and low profits.

The person who is going to submit the manuscript face to face today is her only high-end order worth 50 yuan in the past two years. If it is successful, she can draw [-] yuan in design fees, which makes her a super big customer.

She owns a Volkswagen brand car, which costs RMB 10 second-hand. She just sent it for maintenance yesterday, and today she can only take a taxi to Maple Leaf Manor in the western suburbs.

People had just arrived at a luxurious manor with a private horse farm. Looking through the fence from a distance, several people were trying out horses.

The place was too big, and there was still some distance to walk from the main entrance to the house. The hostess probably forgot to arrange a shuttle bus to pick her up. She couldn't let the taxi drive into other people's territory, so she could only walk quickly on her high heels. Walk.

It was hot in summer at noon, and a small amount of sweat soon broke out on the tip of her nose.

Her figure walking far around the racecourse caught Yu Yang's attention. Looking at the girl from a distance, he could still see a faint heat wave surrounding her.

He turned to his wife under the sun shed and said, "We have guests coming today, but you didn't ask the car to pick them up?"

Mrs. Shen looked into the distance and said calmly: "I forgot, there is a custom-made piece of jewelry. Today they will provide door-to-door service. I called her and told her that the shuttle bus will pick her up. You can continue to play."

Zhai Heng, who was sitting under the sun shed, looked up and could only see the side face of the girl. She was wearing a sunhat covering most of her eyes. Her fair cheeks were flushed, making her face appear to be no bigger than a palm.

The transparent heat wave swept around her. She only wore a professional A-line short skirt and black high heels. She always looked a little pitiful.

Zhai Heng put down the wine glass in his hand, "It's too hot, I'll go in first."

Yu Yang dismounted, took off his helmet and gloves, watched him wave off the driver, got on the shuttle bus parked next to him and drove away.

He glanced at Mrs. Shen again, "You made an appointment without checking the time? Why are you playing tricks on this little girl in front of Mr. Zhai?"

Mrs. Shen didn't think it was a big deal, "Why does Mr. Zhai care about this trivial matter between women? He has always been in poor health. It's the problem that you asked him to ride a horse to discuss business in this hot sun. People say it's too hot."

Yu Yang was speechless, threw the protective gear aside, and entered the changing room to change clothes.

When Jiang Nuannuan was about to be scorched by the sun, the shuttle bus came up from behind and slowly stopped beside her. The shadow of the bus completely enveloped her, and the heat on her face suddenly eased a lot.

She turned her head and met the man in casual clothes in the driver's seat.

"Get in the car?"

Half of the man's body was sunk in the scorching sun, and his gaze lingered on her for a moment. His eye sockets were not deep, the ends of his eyes were slightly upturned, and his slightly drooping eyelashes were thick.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't expect that even the workers who drove the shuttle bus would be so handsome now.

"Don't you need me to send you there?"

He asked again, his voice like the fog in the early autumn morning, comfortable and cool.

Jiang Nuannuan was a little embarrassed, pulled away the rope and sat in the back, "If you want to go, please."

Zhai Heng glanced at her again in the rearview mirror, took out a few pieces of paper from the table in front of the passenger seat, turned around and handed them to her.


Jiang Nuannuan looked down at the other person's porcelain-white fingers, feeling a little flattered for some reason, and took it with both hands, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he turned back to look forward, holding the steering wheel and restarting the car.Shortly after the two left, the shuttle bus that actually came to pick up Jiang Nuannuan failed to pick up anyone.

Yu Yan and his wife now have no car to sit in, and they can only use the vacant car to pick them up.

When Jiang Nuannuan arrived, she was invited to Mrs. Shen's tea room by the servant waiting at home. The faint sound of the manor owner's conversation could be heard downstairs.

She quickly sat down quietly in her seat, holding the design draft and waiting quietly.

Mrs. Shen used the excuse of wanting to see the jewelry to not get involved in her husband's business conversation, but she did not go to the tea room immediately. She had someone turn off the air conditioner in the tea room and went to the bedroom to take a bath.

During this period, she answered a call from her niece Shen Nian and said to her: "You are really annoying. I can let my family be bullied in vain."

Jiang Nuannuan waited and waited, until most of the clothes on her back were wet, and her chin almost hit the table, when she was woken up by a text message on her phone.

Colleagues asked her if she was okay and how it was going.

She replied weakly that she might be finished. The air conditioner in the waiting room was not even turned on, and she was going to be extremely hot.

The other person replied instantly: No matter how hard you work, whether you succeed or not, I will treat you to a barbecue.

Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the corners of her lips and sighed softly.


The salted fish beats the workers, and is pigeonholed every day.

The sun was tilting, and the door of the tea room was pushed open. Jiang Nuannuan woke up suddenly, wiped her face and sat down.

Mrs. Shen came in and met her eyes. Seeing her look of embarrassment and her hair curled on her cheeks, she felt relieved.

With the fragrance of flowers all over her body, she walked to sit opposite her and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Designer Jiang, my husband and I were talking about something downstairs and we were delayed. I don't know what's going on in this tea room. The air conditioner is always there." Something went wrong.”

"It doesn't matter, everyone is busy sometimes, let alone you." Jiang Nuannuan refused to be silent and pushed her design drawing to her, "You can see whether you are satisfied or not. We can slowly work out the details." Change it again.”

Mrs. Shen wanted to dismiss it casually, but when she lowered her eyes to look at the drawings, her eyes moved slightly.

Jiang Nuannuan felt intrigued and quickly explained to her her design concept and how to combine spirit and elegance to create this gold pendant.

After spending a few minutes talking, Mrs. Shen put down the drawing and said sincerely, "The design is good, and there is nothing that needs to be changed."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes lit up, "Then you think so."

Mrs. Shen smiled and said: "I am very satisfied. I will come to your company to discuss the follow-up contract."

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and said, "Thank you."

She now felt that the afternoon heat was worth it, but her head was a little dizzy and she got up too quickly. Jiang Nuannuan supported the table before she could stand still.

Mrs. Shen didn't want to touch her, so she just asked verbally: "Are you okay, Designer Jiang?"

"It's okay, maybe it's a little low blood sugar." Jiang Nuannuan packed her things and said despite the discomfort, "I'm going back first, so I won't disturb you for dinner."

Watching her walk out of the tea room, Mrs. Shen used her hand as a fan to fan herself out and murmured, "This little girl has two brushes, but why is she bullying my niece?"

She walked out of the manor with floating steps. There was no shuttle bus to pick her up. Mrs. Shen probably forgot again.

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath and patted her face. Okay, she'll endure it for the [-] yuan design fee. She walked to the door and took a taxi to the hospital. She was probably suffering from heat stroke in this state.

Yu Yan said politely: "Master, would you like to stay for dinner tonight? Our chef will cook a few standard Cantonese dishes, which will definitely suit your appetite."

Zhai Heng turned his head and stared out of the floor-to-ceiling window. The girl was walking unsteadily outside. He frowned slightly and put down the teacup. "It's inconvenient."

(End of this chapter)

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