Chapter 424 Zhai Heng (2)

"An appointment tonight?"


Yu Yan thought that since he had chatted with him for such a long time for the first time today, he would definitely give him the honor to stay for dinner, so he had to get up and give it away, "Okay, let's make an appointment next time. Then you must have the honor to eat with me." A meal."


The driver drove the Bentley downstairs and opened the door for him.

Mrs. Shen followed her husband and stood at the door to say goodbye.

"Next time you come again, I have a seafood stew for you to try."

Zhai Heng nodded slightly, got into the car, and the Bentley sped away.

Mrs. Shen stopped her smile and asked expectantly: "How was it? Can we talk about it?"

Yu Yan glanced at her and asked, "Shen Nian is also a designer, right? Are you letting her do bad things again?"

Mrs. Shen: "She was bullied. If you don't hurt me, I will."

Yu Yan said nothing more.

Zhai Heng kept following that figure, feeling that she would fall in the grass on the roadside at any time, so he called the driver to stop, "Take a taxi back."


"Take a taxi back."

The driver was left on the side of the road with an inexplicable look on his face. He watched his eldest son get into the driver's seat, drive to the girl's side, get out of the car and pick her up in one go.

He seemed to understand something, his eyes were surprised.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't even see the screen of her phone clearly. There were millions of ants crawling in front of her eyes, and her fingers were trembling uncontrollably.

If she couldn't bear it anymore, she could just lie down in the grass and relax for a while.

With this thought in mind, she allowed her body to fall to one side uncontrollably.

Cold fingers suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Running into the man's arms head-on, Jiang Nuannuan's sluggish head was still in the reflex arc, and she couldn't lift herself up.

"Designer Jiang?"

The man slowly raised his hand and gently placed it on her waist, "Shall I take you to the hospital?"

I don't know how many seconds passed before Jiang Nuannuan finally woke up from the ants crawling in her eyes. She couldn't tell who it was and looked up blankly.

"Ah, it's you."

Her almond-shaped eyes were hazy, the ends of her eyes were red, and her wet hair stuck to her forehead. She looked really pitiful.

"It's me." Zhai Heng said, "I'll take you to the hospital."

Mrs. Shen probably remembered the handsome driver sent to see her off, so Jiang Nuannuan no longer had any worries. She nodded, her voice hoarse, "Thank you, I really have met a savior."

Zhai Heng opened the passenger door with one hand, helped her sit down while protecting her head, and helped her fasten her seat belt. His breath was so close that she seemed to smell the faint sandalwood on his body.

The beads on her wrist swayed past her eyes, and Jiang Nuannuan couldn't see anything else clearly, and she felt dizzy.

When she woke up again, she was lying in the ward, turning her head sideways. It was already dark outside the window, and she didn't know what time it was.

"woke up?"

There was a sudden sound, and she looked up.

Zhai Heng came in from the door carrying a plastic bag, sat down beside the bed naturally, and asked her warmly, "Would you like something to eat?"

The man's head blocked the incandescent light above his head, and his face as smooth as jade made her heart beat wildly.

"How did I get here."

She hurriedly tried to sit up, but Zhai Heng held her wrist down and reminded her, "The infusion is still going on."

The fingers that touched the skin were cool, Jiang Nuannuan stopped moving, and just watched him walk to the end of the bed, bend down and shake the bed.She was able to lean up slowly, and she saw him move the bed table over and place it in front of her. His porcelain-white hands unwrapped the packaging bag, revealing a portion of fried dumplings and shredded pork porridge. The aroma was fragrant.

Zhai Heng handed her the spoon and chopsticks while answering her question, "You fainted after you asked me to take you to the hospital."

Jiang Nuannuan thought about it carefully, and her brain finally remembered that this was indeed the case. She quickly thanked you, "Thank you for your hard work. You stayed here to take care of me for one night."

She touched her body, luckily she still had her phone, and asked him: "How much are the hospitalization fees and dinner? I'll forward them to you together."

"Eat first, don't be in a hurry." Zhai Heng nodded at the table.

Jiang Nuannuan was indeed hungry. She ate under his watchful eyes, saw him busy throwing away the trash, and called the nurse to remove the needle. She felt even more embarrassed and guilty.

The symptoms came and went quickly. She didn't need to be hospitalized. She could just go home with the medicine.

"You still have several missed calls." Zhai Heng said suddenly.

Jiang Nuannuan unlocked her phone and saw that it was indeed there. She went back and explained in a low voice that she was sick and asked the other party not to worry.

Zhai Heng kept listening with his eyes lowered, his expression calm, but he turned the beads around his wrist twice.

After patiently listening to her, he asked calmly: "When will Designer Jiang get married?"

Jiang Nuannuan had just lifted off the quilt and got out of bed to put on her shoes. Hearing this, she raised her eyes with a look like, "What the hell are you talking about?" "I don't have a boyfriend, where can I get married?"

Zhai Heng's expression remained unchanged, and when he met her helpless eyes, his tone was gentle, "I'm sorry, I thought it was true after hearing what you said. "

"Oh, that's just my colleague." Jiang Nuannuan didn't care, "A person from the design department usually takes good care of me."

Zhai Heng nodded and took the car keys from the bedside table, "I'll take you home."

"No, no, no more trouble." Jiang Nuannuan stopped her repeatedly, "I'm fine. Just take a taxi back. Tell me how much you spent tonight, and I'll transfer the money to you."

Zhai Heng paused, sighed inaudibly, and took out his mobile phone, "Can you add WeChat transfer? I don't use Alipay very much."

"Okay okay."

Jiang Nuannuan just wanted to give the money quickly, so she quickly scanned his code and added her friends. After hearing what he said was 500 yuan, she immediately transferred the money.

"Look, I turned around."

"I got it, do you want to check the bill?" He handed over his hand again.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "You don't look like you can lie to others. You still need to have trust between people."

Zhai Heng chuckled, "Fortunately, I have a kind face."

Seeing him smile, the corners of Jiang Nuannuan's lips raised.

The two of them left the hospital. It was drizzling outside. She refused to send him away three times in a row. Zhai Heng no longer insisted on taking the first step, leaving Jiang Nuannuan with her head down to take a taxi.

But no more than 2 minutes later, the man came back and handed her an umbrella.

"It may rain later."

Zhai Heng saw the emotions in her eyes and said calmly: "It's just an umbrella, take it."

Jiang Nuannuan took it and said seriously: "Thank you very much for tonight. Fortunately, I have you."

Zhai Heng nodded and turned around into the rain. His steep shoulders and light-colored casual clothes quickly got wet.

Jiang Nuannuan waited there for a while and saw that the gentleman had really left, then she got into the car with peace of mind.

She didn't know that the Bentley car followed the Didi car and took her to the door of her house not long after. The rain was getting heavier. She took two steps with the umbrella and suddenly exclaimed when she looked up at the umbrella.

Zhai Heng in the car chuckled, watching her run into the building in a panic, then went to the room and turned on the light. She calculated the time in her mind and the phone screen lit up.

Jiang Nuannuan never expected that a handsome driver would be so bold as to give her the special umbrella in the top-of-the-line Bentley.

This thing probably costs tens of thousands a handful.

She shook her hands and told him the news: Sir!Did you grab the wrong umbrella?I have to give you the umbrella back!Otherwise, something would happen to both of us. When will you be free?

She can't afford to pay back if it's broken! ! !
(Composition: In the world where Zhai Heng lived, when Jiang Nuannuan was still a laborer, there was a synopsis at the beginning.)
(End of this chapter)

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