Chapter 425 Zhai Heng (3)

The other end quickly responded to the message and said he would contact her when he was free.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, and opened the umbrella to dry in the room. After washing, she sent a message to the head of the design department, telling him that she was preparing to draw up a contract for Mrs. Shen. The other party was satisfied with the design and decided to sign the contract.

The supervisor quickly messaged her back.

[I know you can do it, Pen Core. With this single success, you will soon be in the third year of employment, and you can compete for the position of chief designer. 】

Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the corners of her lips, put down her phone and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

Mrs. Shen’s order was purely because the other party said she had seen her graduation project before and specially appointed her. It was just a matter of luck.

Otherwise, they were in the same design department, and almost all the high-end business was covered by the head, and the internal competition was abnormal. Although she thought she had good talents, she had an ordinary family background and no contacts in the upper class to introduce her, so it was really difficult to get high-end designs.

She also wanted to change her job to a fairer place, but starting from scratch would be time-consuming.

Mrs. Shen did not put forward detailed requirements for the drawings. After Jiang Nuannuan further refined and perfected the drawings, she turned off the lights and rested.

Mrs. Zhai came back from praying in the snowy area today. She wanted to have a late-night snack with her grandson, but she waited around until his driver came back.

It wasn't until 11pm that the Bentley entered the garage.

With his coat hanging on his arms, Zhai Heng walked gently into the living room. Madam Zhai stopped him, "Where did he secretly go? He even asked the driver to take a taxi back."

"Don't say a word when you come back." He handed the clothes to the servant and sat down on the sofa.

Mrs. Zhai glanced at him angrily and raised her hand to add tea to him, "You have never worked overtime before. You go home at that time. I thought you must be at home at this time. Suddenly you came back alone so late. What happened? ?”

He took the tea cup with his slender fingers, lowered his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his gentle face, "Something happened."

He took a sip of tea and said softly, "My grandson is getting married."

Mrs. Zhai took a sip of the tea she had taken into her mouth, her eyes were stunned, "When? You never leave the house except to go to the company. Did you find a subordinate?"

"Is a designer."

Mrs. Zhai really couldn't figure out how he met her, so she asked, "When did you meet him?"


Mrs. Zhai: "."

"Is that girl familiar with you?"

"I'm not familiar with her." Zhai Heng's voice contained a slight smile, "But I'm familiar with her."

Mrs. Zhai was a bit speechless.

The better thing is that her grandson is not gay as the rumors say, he is a womanizer.

The bad thing is that it only took him one day to marry someone else's girl, and she wasn't even familiar with him!
"Did you fall in love at first sight?"

Zhai Heng nodded slightly, "Yes."

"Does it have to be her?"

He didn't nod, but the wrinkles in his brown eyes were gleaming, and the answer was clear.

Mrs. Zhai finished a cup of tea and then she managed to suppress the shock she felt in her heart. "Then you can bring it back to me when you have time. We still have to choose a date for the wedding and the banquet. It will take some time to prepare."

"Well, I will as soon as possible."


Early in the morning, Jiang Nuannuan went to pick up the Volkswagen car she had left for maintenance at the 4S shop. The [-] yuan scooter was the first car she bought for herself after saving up from her two years of work.

When she first arrived at the company, her colleague Ru Yue winked at her and said, "Xu Yanjing has brought you breakfast again." Steaming sweet soy milk and egg pancakes.

Knowing that her home was far away, no matter how early she got up, she would be stuck in the morning rush hour and had no time to have breakfast. As a colleague, Xu Yanjing would always bring her breakfast in advance.

Jiang Nuannuan sat down at the workstation, took out her mobile phone and called up Xu Yanjing's dialog box, said thank you, and transferred the breakfast money.

If you scroll up casually, you will find that there are transfer and receipt records between two people.

"I transferred money to him again and we don't owe each other anything." Ru Yue came over and whispered: "Such a rich and handsome man, why don't you respond to fall in love?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of soy milk and said, "What's your reaction? Doesn't it cost money to fall in love? My money needs to be paid for rent, water and electricity, food, oil, and insurance."

Kisaragi: "That's true of what you said, but you should save money when dating him, because he is rich."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at her, "You want me to be laid off early?"

Ruyue still has an expression on her face that you can understand, "But as a rich second generation, he is quite down-to-earth in his behavior."

They knew that Xu Yanjing's family situation was good, his parents were high-ranking officials, and he came to their company purely to practice and familiarize himself with the environment before he succeeded to the throne.

She, Jiang Nuannuan, didn't have to fall in love with her future boss and second-generation rich man. If his parents found out about it, it would be difficult to get along with her in the future, regardless of status. It was true that she only had a good relationship with Xu Yanjing to do some business and make money.

She wants to make money, make a lot of money.

However, the reality is cruel.


Xu Yanjing knew what she was thinking, so he collected the money every time and asked her if she was feeling better and when she could treat her to a barbecue.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head to reply. Shen Nian walked to her side, put his arm on the partition of the work station, and lowered his eyes to read her message clearly.

"Congratulations, I heard you won a big deal."

The voice came from above her head. Jiang Nuannuan turned off her phone, raised her eyes and said, "The contract hasn't been signed yet, so things haven't been decided yet."

Shen Nian joked again: "No, everyone knows that you are outstanding in mid-range design. It will only be a matter of time before you only design high-end jewelry series. I would like to say congratulations to you first."

When she spoke like this, several girls at work stations far away also said congratulations.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, too lazy to refute, and turned on the computer to prepare for today's emails.

Before Shen Nian could leave, he added, "But you are only inviting Brother Yan Jing to dinner. He is still from the HR department. You are not inviting one of our own."

Jiang Nuannuan was annoyed, but her tone was quite polite, "He and I are having a private appointment between friends, which is no different from inviting colleagues to dinner. Once the contract is signed and the money is available, it won't be too late for me to invite everyone to dinner once the dust has settled." ? It’s just a meal, so don’t rush me.”

Hearing this, Ruyue said with a smile: "No, you can only achieve results after signing the contract. Where are you now?"

Shen Nian's face didn't look good, and he pulled his lips and smiled, "Yes, then I'll wait for your treat."

As she was about to leave, Jiang Nuannuan said in a moderate voice from behind: "Everyone has privacy. From now on when you go to work, you'd better not peek at my phone."

Shen Nian's face completely froze, he turned around and gritted his teeth and said, "I saw it when I lowered my head. It was not intentional."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, with a nonchalant attitude, "That makes sense. Thank you for reminding me. I will change the privacy screen during the lunch break."

"Why are you so proud?" Shen Nian snorted angrily, turned around and left.

The entire design department smelled the faint smell of gunpowder.

Shen Nian likes Xu Yanjing. Everyone knows it well. This lady is also a rich second generation. She drives a Porsche and her monthly salary of less than [-] yuan is not enough for her to squander one day's salary just to be able to stay with him every day.

However, Xu Yanjing, a turtle, doesn't have the older generation's concept of being a good match. What he values ​​is to follow one's heart. He loves to chase Jiang Nuannuan to ward off the cold and ask for help.

(Editor's note: I have something to update today. I said early on that the extra story is a brand new story, so I started with caution--! The development of this line is just the days when Jiang Nuannuan was a social animal and had not traveled through time. There is an extra one in the middle. Zhai Heng, this also means that she will no longer have the character of a queen, she will only fall in love with him, and the other male protagonists will not exist!!! If you don’t understand, I will make up for it later.)
(End of this chapter)

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