Chapter 426 Zhai Heng (4)

In the afternoon, the supervisor sent the contract to Mrs. Shen. She only had to wait for the other party to confirm that it was signed and sent to the company for sealing, and the matter was settled.

When Shen Nian saw Xu Yanjing standing downstairs in the company, he quickly put on his makeup and carried his bag downstairs.

"Brother Yan Jing."

Xu Yanjing turned around and said, "You're off work too. Jiang Nuannuan hasn't come out yet."

Shen Nian smiled and glanced down at the bag in his hand, "Are you still busy? You bought Nanfuji's pastries. Can you take them home to your aunt? Let me eat some."

Xu Yanjing did not answer her words, but his eyes had already caught Jiang Nuannuan coming out of the elevator.

"By the way, you can give me a ride home." Shen Nian opened his passenger door and got in. "My car was hit when I was going to the client's house this afternoon. I didn't want to squeeze into the bus. Smell."

The man didn't notice her at all and waved to Jiang Nuannuan who came out of the revolving door.

She paused slightly and stopped to say hello, "What a coincidence, you have just gotten off work."

"Yes." Xu Yanjing handed the gift box to her, "I bought it for my family. If you take an extra box back to eat, I will treat it as congratulations in advance."

Shen Nian, who was sitting in the car, clenched his fists and shouted outside: "If you get home later, there will be a traffic jam, Brother Yan Jing."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and looked into her angry eyes, feeling a little speechless in her heart.

Xu Yanjing saw the emotion on her face and explained: "Our two families live in a villa area. Shen Nian's car crashed today, so I gave her a ride on the way."

"There must be a traffic jam on the road." Jiang Nuannuan pushed the pastry back, "You two can eat it with a stomach pad on the way."

"not me"

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Nuannuan's WeChat phone rang. As soon as she saw the ink-painted landscape portrait, she recognized this person as the handsome guy who lent her the Bentley umbrella.

She answered the phone like a savior, "Hello."

Zhai Heng tapped the steering wheel with his fingertips, looked at the girl across the street, and said warmly: "Designer Jiang, are you downstairs in your company?"

"Here I am."

"Is it convenient to return the umbrella now?"


Jiang Nuannuan suddenly raised her head and looked around, and soon saw the black Bentley parked not far away. She didn't expect that the other party drove out the boss' car again, and then said: "I left it at home. If it's convenient, you can drive." Would you like to follow my car and pick it up?"


She hung up the phone and nodded hurriedly to Xu Yanjing, "I'm sorry, I have something to do tonight, so please go slowly."

She drove away without looking back. Xu Yanjing sighed slightly and sat back in the car. He threw the cake into Shen Nian's lap and said resentfully, "Eat it."

Shen Nian's fingernails dug into her palms, "Why are you angry at me? It's not my fault that she doesn't like you."

After saying that, she threw the pastries Jiang Nuannuan didn't want out of the window, "You still want me to eat the things that woman doesn't want? Are you disgusting, Xu Yanjing?"

The man saw that the thrown box of pastries was instantly crushed by a passing battery car, his eyes darkened, "Get out of the car and pick it up."

"If you don't pick it up, you will send me home!" Shen Nian said angrily: "Don't forget that our two families are still married."

"My dad ordered it and you go to my dad to get married." Xu Yanjing was annoyed to death. "I don't like people who waste things carelessly. Go pick it up."

It's obvious that he doesn't like her.

Shen Nian's face turned pale with anger, he got out of the car suddenly, stepped on the pastry and said harshly, "Don't regret it!"

The car door slammed shut with a loud noise.

Jiang Nuannuan drove her Bentley through the evening rush hour, and it was already six o'clock when she got home.

Zhai Heng got out of the car and stood aside, watching her hurriedly get out of the car and run towards him. There was no makeup on her face, and her bright face showed a trace of innocence.When she came to stand in front of her, he looked away and didn't look any further.

"Wait for me here, I'll go up and get it for you."

Zhai Heng nodded slightly and added, "I said hello to the boss before driving out. You walk slowly."

Jiang Nuannuan felt relieved and smiled at him, "Okay."

She went upstairs and folded the umbrella, then took a look out the window. The man, dressed casually, was leaning on the car door. His eyes that were always raised met hers accurately, and a smile slowly appeared on the corners of his lips.

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly took a step back, suspecting that he had been waiting for her with his head raised.

She shook off the messy thoughts and ran downstairs with an umbrella. When she reached the second floor, she took a few shallow breaths before suppressing the inexplicable emotions.

"Give you."

"It's very helpful, Designer Jiang." Zhai Heng took the umbrella and leaned over to put it in the trunk, and said warmly: "It's late now, so I'll treat you to a light meal."

Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously wanted to shake her head. The street lights on the roadside turned on and it was indeed dark.

Letting him go back to eat alone didn't seem to be the way to treat a benefactor. She blurted out, "I'll treat you. I want to thank you for taking me to the hospital."

Zhai Heng opened the car door and stood aside to ask her to get in.

The white hand was placed on the roof of the car. The gentleman protected her and sat in before getting into the driver's seat and taking her out of the community.

There was a pleasant smell of sandalwood in the car. Jiang Nuannuan looked sideways at his wrist on the steering wheel. The brown beads matched the cold white wrist bones, which was very beautiful.

She asked: "Speaking of which, I haven't asked your name yet."

A helpless and clear smile came from beside him, "You finally thought of asking."

Just as she was waiting for a red light, Jiang Nuannuan took out her business card from her bag and handed it to her, saying awkwardly: "I was also dizzy at the time. I hope I can make it in time."

Zhai Heng took the business card and looked down for a moment, then put it in his wallet and put it away. When he was about to draw his own business card, he paused with his fingertips, turned the gold-gilt business card upside down and pressed it in, "Sorry, I don't have a business card."

He lowered his head, his side face was cold and white, and his thick eyelashes were trembling slightly. Jiang Nuannuan quickly realized that the other person was just a driver for others. There was no need for something as formal as a business card. She had hurt his self-esteem.

But this was strange. He had a special temperament that always made her feel like he wasn't like him.

She hurriedly turned sideways, leaned towards him, and explained: "Because I am in charge of the design business, I am accustomed to carrying a business card with me. Generally speaking, it is the same as you. Just tell me your name."

There was a sports car roaring nearby, getting ready to move forward.

"Zhai Heng." His voice was low in the carriage. When he leaned in front of her, his deliberately slowed down tone was gentle and low, which made Jiang Nuannuan's ears numb.

"I know." She nodded and stepped back slightly, feeling her cheeks feel a little warm.

No longer deliberately looking at him, Jiang Nuannuan looked at the roadside stalls outside the window and asked, "What should we eat?"

"Is barbecue okay?" Zhai Heng parked the car on the street, "I know there is a good barbecue restaurant nearby. If you can't eat, we can change it."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes brightened slightly, "I like to eat even if I can't eat it."

After the car was parked, Zhai Heng got out first, opened the door for her, and helped her out of the car according to the standard of a gentleman.

Jiang Nuannuan was not used to having to be waited on when getting in and out of the car. After bowing out, she couldn't help but say: "It's 7 o'clock in the evening now."

Zhai Heng was slightly stunned and looked at his watch, "It's seven o'clock, what's wrong?"

"You're off work." Jiang Nuannuan touched the car door and looked at him again.

It took Zhai Heng a while to understand what she meant. He suddenly laughed, his shoulders trembled slightly, and his clear eyebrows suddenly became more beautiful.

"It's just out of habit, sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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