Chapter 427 Zhai Heng (5)

Jiang Nuannuan patted him on the shoulder, "I understand, I understand, the bitter tears of beating workers."

"Yeah." He took a few steps towards her and stood side by side with her, "Can I have a barbecue with novices?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Okay, you just have to get a number and line up."

As the most popular barbecue stall on this street, she has eaten there a few times and it tastes really good, but every time it is always full and she has to wait for an hour or two.

When the two of them arrived at the door of the store, sure enough, the small stools outside were full of people waiting for their number to be called.

Zhai Heng took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to the waiter at the door. Under Jiang Nuannuan's surprised eyes, the two of them successfully sat down in the small box on the second floor.

"You made a reservation in advance."

"Well, I ordered it in advance." Zhai Heng poured her a cup of hot tea.

Jiang Nuannuan, who was quick-thinking, felt something was wrong.

Did he plan to come to dinner with her from the beginning?
Jiang Nuannuan held the tea cup, her eyes wandering, scanning the beautiful face under the incandescent lamp from time to time.

Zhai Heng knew what she was thinking and said warmly: "I had this plan during the day. I get off work late. If you don't come, I will come to eat alone."

It means that she is a regular customer, and she has dinner with her.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Oh."

He pushed the menu over and said, "Take a look."

The several barbecue dishes Zhai Heng ordered were interspersed with many of the things she usually likes to eat. Their tastes were surprisingly consistent.

Jiang Nuannuan replenished a few and handed over the menu.

Soon the dishes were all served, and the barbecue sprinkled with chili peppers made people excited. Since I was treating myself today, Jiang Nuannuan was not polite and took it to eat.

After eating for a while, Zhai Heng's lips were very red from the spicy food, as if they were stained with a layer of rouge. He sipped it, took a sip of water and asked her, "I have plans to move recently. Do you know where the housing prices are cheaper?" ?”

Jiang Nuannuan blurted out without thinking, "Of course it's our community. It took me a long time to find such a cheap and safe place."

After finishing her words, she glanced at him, "However, I don't know if there are any vacancies, because the location is good and the community is basically full."

"Thank you, I'll take care of it."

Zhai Heng's voice was hoarse, and Ruxue's cheeks were stained with a hint of crimson, looking inexplicably attractive.

Jiang Nuannuan put down her chopsticks, "Is it too spicy?"

"A little bit, but I quite like it." He smiled lightly.

After finishing the meal, Zhai Heng sent her home. On the way, his bright red lips opened slightly and he breathed softly.

Jiang Nuannuan observed that he was very good at food and liked to eat, so she asked him to park on the side of the road and ran back to buy him a bottle of iced green tea to relieve his anger.

"It's better to eat something light from now on, and eat less spicy food, otherwise it's easy for your stomach to get into trouble."

When Zhai Heng took the bottle, he brushed her fingers with his fingertips, touched it lightly, and then took it back naturally, "Thank you."

Jiang Nuannuan licked her fingers and didn't care, "It's okay."

Shen Nian, who had been angry all night and ran out to dance, happened to see her getting into the Bentley. The license plate of the car parked on the side was invisible, but it was enough to prove that this woman was not simple.

She took the photo, raised a sarcastic smile on her lips, marked her face, and then posted it on Moments.

[Some people try their best to please someone with a hot face and a cold butt, but they are just slept with by a certain boss. How pitiful. 】

The comments were posted quickly, and there were many colleagues in the company. Of course, some of them recognized that the clothes worn by the woman in the photo were exactly the same as what Jiang Nuannuan wore to work this morning.

Jiang Nuannuan could have had a good sleep on the weekend tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.However, it was only 9 o'clock, and Ruyue's calls came in one after another, asking her to check WeChat.

"Shen Nian Neihan, is this you, right? You were secretly photographed by her."

Jiang Nuannuan was still confused. She enlarged the picture and took a closer look, but it wasn't him.

Ruyue said: "Now that she can't get Xu Yanjing, she's starting to stalk you? I definitely don't believe you are having an affair with the car owner. Even if you are, you are definitely doing it for his money."

This didn't seem right. She quickly stopped and turned around and said, "I mean, you definitely want to earn design fees from others. Didn't Mrs. Shen recommend the boss to you so quickly? Is there another big order?" "

Jiang Nuannuan held her forehead, got out of bed and poured a glass of water, walked to the bed and took a few sips, then briefly explained what happened.

"So, I only know Mrs. Shen's personal driver. I owe her a favor and I'm just repaying it."

Ruyue sighed, "Same goes for Shen Nian. What are you going to do?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the truck downstairs and yawned, "Wait for Xu Yanjing, how hard it will be for me to talk to her myself."

She knew that Xu Yanjing could see Shen Nian's circle of friends, and he also had dissing connotations. Sooner or later, he would ask her to find out.

Sure enough, after washing up and having brunch, the other party called me.

Xu Yanjing had a very good attitude and did not doubt her when he spoke. He just asked her what happened specifically and he would help solve it.

He always believed in her character.

If the other person wasn't a rich second generation from a prominent family and surrounded by a group of beauties, Jiang Nuannuan would really consider falling in love with him.

She recounted the incident again, hung up the phone on the other end, and waited until she finished washing the dishes before refreshing her WeChat Moments. Shen Nian's post was deleted and replaced with an international friendly gesture.


She put down her cell phone, took a book and sat in front of the window to cultivate her mood for a while.

But there was a lot of moving activity in the corridor. Workers were moving goods up and down, and the sound kept coming through the door.

It seems to be opposite her house.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't read the book, so she had to get up and look outside. As soon as she opened the door, she found that furniture was actually being moved in on the opposite side.

Has the next door neighbor changed so soon?She was a little surprised. Recently when she came home from get off work, she often said hello to people she bumped into, but then she just left and found a new tenant at the speed of light.

Just when she was about to close the door, Zhai Heng came out from the corner of the entrance hall. His white shirt was a little dusty, his cuffs were rolled up to his elbows, he had clear and handsome features, and his expression seemed helpless.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and was stunned.

The man put the porcelain bowl in the entrance hall and threw the key chain in. When he turned his eyes, he saw a girl wearing a bear nightgown holding a teacup and staring at him in a daze.

Their eyes met, he picked up a pastry box, walked around the chef and walked to her.

"I was still thinking about when you would get up and come over to give some greeting gifts to the new neighbors."

Jiang Nuannuan felt that it was really magical.

A person who just told her last night that he was looking for a place to move moved in opposite her the next day. Did the tenant transfer procedure go through so quickly?

She reasonably suspected that he just informed her yesterday that he would move in long ago.

The greeting gifts are stretched out to the face, and it seems that you can't ask politely.

She took the bag and said, "So the new neighbor is you."

(End of this chapter)

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