Chapter 428 Zhai Heng (6)

"Luck." Zhai Heng said warmly: "I have been looking for a house for a while. The agent called me this morning and said that this house is urgently needed for sale. Last night, you said that the rent here is cheap, so you came here as soon as possible."

It sounded like another coincidence, but Jiang Nuannuan couldn't think of any other explanation other than it being a coincidence. It couldn't be a deliberate plan.

She lowered her head and looked at the pastry box. It was produced by the shop specializing in mung bean cakes on the old street. It was cheap and delicious.

"Then you're lucky, the agent called you first."

After receiving the gift, Jiang Nuannuan said a bit more, "If you need help, come to me anytime."

She didn't expect that it would come true so quickly if she let it go.

In the afternoon, Ruyue and I went out to watch a movie. At around four o'clock, the two of us had afternoon tea at a cake shop. Jiang Nuannuan, who was not hungry, did not make any further appointments for dinner. After returning home, she started to draw a new design. Drafted.

It wasn't until around 7:[-] p.m. that she felt a little hungry, and was about to unpack the box of mung bean cakes to eat. As soon as she unpacked the box, she heard a roar from an aunt across the floor.

"That house on the 3th floor of Building 4, your house is on fire, there is such a big white smoke!"

After shouting twice in a row, Jiang Nuannuan's fingers froze and she heard clearly, aren't the fourth floors of these three buildings her home?
She hurried to the bedroom and then to the kitchen. It was clean, fresh and ventilated. Where did the smoke come from?
After thinking about it, Jiang Nuannuan ran out of the house. Sure enough, the opposite door was open, and white smoke was slowly coming out.

"Zhai Heng!"

Jiang Nuannuan was startled and rushed in. The layout here was similar. She quickly found the kitchen. The figure stood in the middle of the white mist. When the blurry face turned to look at her, she was still a little confused.

Jiang Nuannuan held his arm and pulled him out, "What are you doing? Is it on fire?"

Seeing her panic, Zhai Heng was silent for a while and explained helplessly: "It's just steaming buns."

There was no smoke in the white mist. After smelling it carefully, there was indeed only a faint smell of flour. Jiang Nuannuan relaxed and went in, turned off the fire, and opened all the windows for ventilation.

"This is the first time I've seen you create such a big white mist when you steam a bun."

Being teased by her, Zhai Heng himself found it funny. He nodded and said warmly, "I'm not very good at cooking."

The hot summer wind outside quickly took away the fog, and his chiseled face became clear. Jiang Nuannuan looked back at him, "Then what do you usually eat?"

Zhai Heng glanced at the refrigerator next to him, "Just deal with it."

"The buns should still be edible." Zhai Heng stepped forward and opened the lid of the pot. There was also a steamer basket in the pot. He opened it and saw that the buns were rotten and the meat and vegetable fillings were mixed together. It was horrible to see.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Zhai Heng closed the lid with a calm expression and explained to her, "I have just learned to cook, so accidents are easy to happen."

In fact, this was his first time trying to cook today. When steaming steamed buns, he asked the chef at home. The other party said that cooking this kind of food is particularly simple. You can buy ready-made food, put water in the pot, set up a steamer and put it in to steam. Obviously There were still some steps that he didn't understand, and he was too reckless.

Jiang Nuannuan suspected that he was either taking out food or going out to restaurants 365 days a year. How much money could a driver make in a month? Excluding rent and food, he probably didn't have a single penny left. Maybe he had no money after living like this, so he found a house with a cheaper rent. I wanted to cook my own food, but I encountered the Waterloo of my life from the very beginning.

Jiang Nuannuan, who automatically came up with a good reason for him, thought of the box of mung bean cakes at home and hesitated for two seconds, "I didn't eat tonight either. If you don't mind, can I make it and we eat together tonight?"

Zhai Heng smiled at her gently, "I don't mind, but we'd better go."

Jiang Nuannuan had already opened his refrigerator while he was talking. When he saw the box full of frozen instant food, the word "supermarket" came to his ears.

The corners of her lips twitched slightly, and she looked at the man with an extremely outstanding appearance in disbelief, "You are really not afraid of malnutrition." Zhai Heng lowered his eyes slightly, smiling helplessly, "I'm sorry."

"You're hungry, why are you saying sorry to me?" Jiang Nuannuan closed the refrigerator and walked to him, "I just happened to go to the supermarket to buy some food. Just wait for me at home."

Zhai Heng: "Together."

It makes no difference whether you go to the supermarket alone or with two people.

Zhai Heng followed her with the cart. He helped Jiang Nuannuan get whatever she wanted. When she remembered, she asked him, "Do you need to buy some food? Or I can basically make whatever you want to eat at night."

He shook his head, "I don't have to buy it, and I'm not picky about food."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, lowered his head to choose the dishes and said, "Why don't you choose something? Anyway, we live next door. I can teach you to make a few simple dishes. People can't always eat takeout and fast food. It's easy to be unclean." Gastroenteritis."

Zhai Heng smiled, his gentle voice a little more ups and downs, "Would it be troublesome?"

"No, for a meal, both sides have to eat." Jiang Nuannuan really felt that it was just a piece of cake. If the other party didn't want to, she didn't think it was okay.

"Thank you, please." Zhai Heng lowered his eyelashes to cover the turbulent look in his eyes.

When queuing up to check out, Zhai Heng paid first, and pressed her hand on the bag with his slender fingers, as if it was an inadvertent routine, and said to her: "You don't have to separate it so clearly, you still have to teach me how to do it." Food, this counts as tuition.”

Jiang Nuannuan does have the idea of ​​​​keeping things separate. She doesn't like to owe favors, but Zhai Heng's statement seems to make sense.

Perhaps in the eyes of the other party, teaching him how to cook is a favor, which offsets the two.

She nodded, "Okay."

The slightly warm fingertips on her wrist left, and Zhai Heng picked up the shopping bag. The beads rubbed against her skin, and the drooping tassels caused a slight itch.

Jiang Nuannuan touched her wrist unconsciously, "You believe in Buddhism."

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and glanced, and said warmly: "I don't really believe it. It's just that the elders in the family asked me to come and pray for good health and that all my wishes will come true."

"Is it effective?" she asked casually.

The man looked at her sideways and smiled softly, "It's effective."

It was too late today, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't want to bother teaching him how to cook. After entering his house, she went straight to the kitchen and quickly cooked three dishes. The two of them sat at the table to finish a meal.

"They are all stir-fried side dishes without chili peppers. They are seasoned with garlic. You can try them." She handed him the chopsticks.

Zhai Heng took a few bites and praised seriously, "It's delicious."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, "My cooking skills are not very popular."

"Am I the first?" Zhai Heng raised his head with a subtle look.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, I learned it by myself after working. I don't usually cook at home. I have parents."

(End of this chapter)

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