Chapter 429 Zhai Heng (7)

Zhai Heng looked at her through the soft lamp on the top of the dining table, his red lips slightly raised, "It's my pleasure."

He was really good-looking in life, and even more so when he smiled. Jiang Nuannuan moved her eyes to the chopsticks, and her heart beat a little faster for no reason.

Zhai Heng probably really liked the food she cooked, and he ate much more than he did at the barbecue restaurant that day, showing off two bowls of rice.

For those who can cook, this is definitely the best affirmation. Jiang Nuannuan feels inexplicably satisfied after successfully feeding her.

After the meal, Zhai Heng took the initiative to clear away the dishes and go to the kitchen to wash them. The two of them divided the work in an orderly manner. Jiang Nuannuan also felt that there was nothing wrong with teaching him to be self-reliant.

Zhai Heng originally planned to ask her to sit down and rest for a while, but Jiang Nuannuan's cell phone rang. A client wanted to modify the plan temporarily. She hurriedly said goodbye to him and returned to the house.

After looking at the closed door for a long time, Zhai Heng gave up the idea of ​​interfering with her work that he had just mentioned for a moment.

It was time for her to grow up, and he couldn't interfere.

At work in the past few days, because of the influence of Shen Nian's group of photos and the dialogue between Yin and Yang, everyone in the company looked at Jiang Nuannuan a little strangely.

Where there are many women in the workplace, there is also a lot of gossip and slander.

In the tea room during the break, all the gossip was about the Bentley car.

Top-of-the-range luxury cars, priced in the millions.

The owner who can drive this kind of car is related to a small design that is still struggling at the bottom. The first thing most people think of is fun, San'er and other rhetoric, plus the sponsor is Shen Nian, a rich second generation, I have no intention of beating myself up over this unnecessary thing.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had anticipated this situation, directly sent a lawyer's letter to the work group.

She was such a person that she never joked, and her ears suddenly became clear throughout the whole day.

When she got off work, she went to her supervisor to ask about the contract. There was no reply from Mrs. Shen, but she expected that the other party had a busy schedule and couldn't push the matter.

Supervisor: "Recently, there have been rumors about you. Is it because you have a boyfriend?"

He spoke cryptically, and Jiang Nuannuan calmly replied: "The Shen family's car is just a ride for me."

The supervisor looked strange and seemed to understand what was going on. "You and Shen Nian are related to each other after all. You can tolerate it if you can."

They could not afford to offend Shen Yanjing's family, who were family friends.

Jiang Nuannuan pulled her lower lip, "Oh."

On the surface, his emotions were calm, but in his heart, he was furious and wanted to resign.

After returning home from get off work, Jiang Nuannuan had just walked upstairs to the door of her house, when the door opposite opened.

Zhai Heng was wearing light-colored home clothes and was holding a garbage bag in his hand. The two looked at each other.

"Are you tired from work?" "Take out the trash."

The two said in unison, Jiang Nuannuan shrugged first, "It's okay."

"Do you need help?"


Zhai Heng glanced at the garbage bag at her door and smiled lightly, "I can throw it away for you on the way."

Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and handed the bag to him, "Trouble."

The man walked to the stairs, turned to her and said, "There are newly bought slippers in the entrance cabinet, and there is freshly brewed tea on the table."

Jiang Nuannuan made a confused sound again.

Zhai Heng laughed, "Didn't you ask me to cook yesterday? I won't close the door, so you can just go over."

Jiang Nuannuan was almost dazzled by his gentleness, and nodded her head in confusion, "Yes, okay."

She found a pair of pink slippers in his entryway cabinet. After putting them on, she found the right size. They were the same style as another pair of blue slippers placed outside.

They probably belonged to Zhai Heng, because apart from these two pairs of slippers, there were only a few pairs of men's shoes left in the entrance hall of this house.

He seemed to have her as his only guest.

The soft slippers were particularly comfortable for her feet after releasing her high heels. Jiang Nuannuan walked into the freshly cleaned living room and found that there was a pot of hot tea on the coffee table. She took a cup and poured it out and took a sip. The heat was just enough not to burn her mouth. It has a rich aroma on the tongue.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned back on the sofa, and the temperature of the cold air conditioner was just enough to drive away her heat.

At this moment she let out a sigh, feeling that her soul that had been insulted by work was about to be healed.

It's so comfortable.

Until the sound of going upstairs came, Jiang Nuannuan sat upright and looked at the man who came in in slippers at the door, "You don't go to work today."

"Take a break." Zhai Heng looked up and saw that the fatigue on her face had dissipated a lot.

Jiang Nuannuan got up and walked towards the kitchen, saying, "The tea is delicious. How about we make tomato and egg soup and stir-fried pork tonight."

Zhai Heng followed her and took the vegetable bag in her hand.

"You teach, I'll do it."

(End of this chapter)

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