Chapter 431 Zhai Heng (8)

Jiang Nuannuan didn't pay attention, and concentrated on telling him some of her ideas, "I think no matter how good the design is, it also needs a perfectly polished quality gem to complement each other. The only regret is that the company I am currently in cannot give me access to it. Such customers, and you can’t win over those connections on your own.”

Zhai Heng said: "I think your design is very beautiful, there is nothing to fault."

If he saw such a work in a jewelry store, he would buy it.

"Sincerely." Jiang Nuannuan turned around and asked with a smile.

The two were almost touching each other's cheeks, and she froze.

At close range, his eyes, which seemed like stars falling in, looked at her quietly, his shallow breathing entangled, and the elegant fragrance made her dazzled.

After reacting, she moved aside, her ears burning.

Zhai Heng slightly raised the corners of his lips and said warmly: "I don't mean to compliment you. Since there is workplace oppression, haven't you considered changing your work environment?"

"Of course." Jiang Nuannuan said unnaturally: "But you know that changing companies means starting over from scratch, or the same situation again. It's hard for me to stabilize my mentality."

"It's not a good thing to worry too much." Zhai Heng gave her advice in a gentle tone, "If you don't try, you will never know whether the consequences of those possibilities are good or bad. One-sided definitions will trap yourself in a cage. Will you be willing?"

Of course not reconciled.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, "When I just graduated from college, I was full of ambition. I imagined that I would have my own personal studio in the future and shine in the field I like. But when I like it, it becomes a job. I feel uncomfortable if my design is distorted according to the customer's requirements and the company's requirements."

Just like her works, even Zhai Heng can see that those private works inspired by her are quite spiritual and ornamental, and are incomparable to others.

She has talent.

no doubt.

Zhai Heng looked at her, the corners of his lips curling up slightly, "So if you are unwilling to accept it and have your own set of principles, then you should understand that it is you who chooses the direction of life, which determines your future opportunities."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, "I have learned how cruel this world is, but I have not tasted the warmth and beauty underneath."

From the moment she entered a workplace with a harsh environment, she knew everything was wrong.

Zhai Heng said: "I think it's because of the long-term suppression that you lack a little confidence. But Designer Jiang graduated from a prestigious university and has outstanding talent, execution ability, ideas and ambitions. He really shouldn't fold his wings on his own."

When he said this, Jiang Nuannuan lowered his eyes and thought deeply.

In fact, she understood the truth, but if someone really told her face to face, Wuxin made her heart angry.

She said: "It is true that I have trapped myself. The outside world is very big, and there should be many bosses with vision."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but smile, "Thank you for being my life mentor tonight."

Unconsciously, it was already 10 o'clock. Jiang Nuannuan stood up to say goodbye, and Zhai Heng walked her to the door.

She remembered and asked, "Do you usually have no family members or guests at home?"

Zhai Heng: "Only you."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Then I can come here to cook often."

Zhai Heng raised his lips and smiled, "I will prepare a thank you gift."

"No, just scented tea." She walked into the room, looked at the man under the light, and waved, "Good night."

"Good night."

The door closed, the lights in the corridor went out, and a silver glow fell into the night outside. Zhai Heng stood alone for a long time, thinking about a sentence.

If you have a lover by your side, you will be content with simple food and simple meals.

He truly felt the joy in it.

After the cold winter, spring comes and flowers bloom, and I still have good dreams tonight.

There was still no sound from Mrs. Shen. Jiang Nuannuan was not affected by this, but Xu Yanjing did not block her for several days. After several requests on the phone, Jiang Nuannuan finally responded perfunctorily and invited him to have her congratulatory meal tonight.

The two people said this when they met in the public cafeteria. There was a lot of traffic at that time, and the words quickly reached Shen Nian's ears.

She had already asked her aunt if her family had bought a Bentley, and the answer given to her was no.

It shows that Jiang Nuannuan was secretly tricked and refused to admit it, and even used Xu Yanjing to suppress her.

After thinking about it, Shen Nian felt that he couldn't let Xu Yanjing be deceived, but his relationship with him was also at loggerheads due to one incident, and he could only start with his aunt.

Jiang Nuannuan and Xu Yanjing's dinner date was at a barbecue restaurant, but she was worried that Zhai Heng would be waiting, so she greeted him in advance.Xu Yanjing didn't expect that his family would have an impromptu dinner with Mrs. Shen's family. The time was right around the same time as Jiang Nuannuan's appointment. He wanted to refuse, but his mother called and told him to go.

Mrs. Shen hasn't seen him for a long time, so it would be nice to just meet him and chat for a while.

The two parties have a good relationship, and Xu Yanjing is a bit open-minded. However, since the family above is cooperating and he is the heir, there are drawbacks to losing face.

He thought about it, and finally called Jiang Nuannuan and pushed back the dinner time to 6:[-], assuring her that he would definitely go there.

Jiang Nuannuan thought it didn't matter if it was late. It was time to get off work, so she packed up and drove off first.

Xu Yanjing had just arrived at the Shen family manor with his family. When he saw Shen Nian inside, his expression immediately turned bad.

Shen Nian told him bluntly: "Don't always show off to me, I'm here to save you, do you know that?"

Xu Yanjing said with a cold face, "No need."

Shen Nian raised her chin, "In the case of Jiang Nuannuan, you scolded me for slandering others. Now that you are at my aunt's house, do you want to follow me to see if there is a Bentley in their garage?"

Xu Yanjing believed in Jiang Nuannuan very thoroughly, but he just wouldn't go.

Shen Nian was so angry that he had no choice but to ask Mrs. Shen for help.

Mrs. Shen knew that the two were at odds over the little designer, so she personally invited Xu Yanjing to see her garage.

Unable to refuse the elder's words, Xu Yanjing had no choice but to follow Mrs. Shen down to the underground garage.

Mrs. Shen said: "Although I don't know what's causing the dispute between you and Xiao Nian, it doesn't look good to have such a quarrel over a car. Check to see if there is that Bentley here. If so, you can just drive away." .”

"Not because of that."

Xu Yanjing walked to the garage irritably. Gradually, his mood became wrong.

There are a total of five cars in the Shen family's garage, two business cars and one nanny, plus a Maybach and a Mercedes-Benz, except for the most expensive Bentley, which is worth millions.

He was stunned.

"Are all the cars here?"

Mrs. Shen nodded, "Of course you are here, kid. No one needs to go out for our family gathering today."

So Jiang Nuannuan lied to him that day, and what Shen Nian said was true.

The car didn't belong to the Shen family. She did get into a car belonging to a wealthy stranger late one night.

Xu Yanjing seemed to have lost his soul. He called Jiang Nuannuan in disbelief and asked about the car that day.

Jiang Nuannuan still told him the truth.

The other end hung up without saying anything.

But this night, Jiang Nuannuan waited from 6:8 to [-] o'clock alone, but Xu Yanjing didn't even come, not even a polite no-show message.

Jiang Nuannuan was worried at first that he had an accident on the road, but then she thought about the phone call she had received not long ago, and she vaguely had an answer in her mind.

She didn't feel any discomfort and took the skewers home without any trouble.

Perhaps it was some kind of wonderful fate that she saw Zhai Heng carrying a takeout box at the gate of the community.

She stopped the car and pressed the window to call him, "You're eating takeout so late."

Hearing the sound, Zhai Heng bent down slightly and said to her, "You're not here."

Obviously it has nothing to do with her whether he eats or not, but Jiang Nuannuan felt a little guilty. She said, "I was let down by my colleagues today. I didn't eat dinner. I brought back a lot of barbecue. Can we eat together?"

Zhai Heng said warmly: "Are you worried again?"

"No." Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I just got rid of a trouble."

He lowered his eyes and looked at her, with the corners of his straight lips slightly hooked, "Is that worth celebrating and drinking?"

Jiang Nuannuan really wanted to drink and nodded.

Zhai Heng straightened up and said, "You go up first, and I'll go out again."

(Commentary: As I said before, be careful when entering extra chapters!! I don’t like to write about a story where the heroine takes the memories of five people and stays alone with a male protagonist, so I chose this one. Let the male protagonist have memories and the female protagonist has no memory, giving the male protagonist his only preference. The female protagonist will have memories later and only for one male protagonist. 1V1 is 1V1, both in love and body. And I don’t force people to watch it. Don’t watch it again. Come and criticize me, it really annoys me to get scolded no matter what I write.)
(End of this chapter)

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