Chapter 432 Zhai Heng (9)

There were packaged bartending suits in the nearby 24-hour convenience store. He selected a few bags and brought them home. Jiang Nuannuan took off her work suit, took a quick shower, and changed into a nightgown from home.

Zhai Heng looked at her wearing that too cute little bear nightdress, and the half of her exposed calf was thin, white and straight.

He turned away and took out the slippers from the shoe cabinet and put them in front of her.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a little embarrassed for her ordinary actions, feeling like a waste who needed to be taken care of all the time.

The two sat down in the living room. Zhai Heng helped mix the wine in the bag, and Jiang Nuannuan opened his takeout bag.

A fried chicken set meal.

She turned to look at him, "I didn't expect you to like eating this."

"I don't know what to eat, so I bought whatever I wanted." Zhai Heng handed the cup to her. He just knew that she was being neglected, so he went out to buy what he met her by chance.

The small table was piled with tempting barbecue and fried chicken. With two glasses of wine next to each other, Jiang Nuannuan took out her phone and took a picture of the table.

Zhai Heng asked casually: "Would you like to send it to Moments?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yeah, it's been a long time since I've shown off delicious food."

He said, "Give me one too."


Jiang Nuannuan sent him a picture, and she sent a small icon of "Cheers" to Moments.

Two minutes later, Zhai Heng’s circle of friends was also updated, with a perfect copy of her small toast icon.

His long gray circle of friends received their first casual photo.

His friends were all wondering what day it was, and the boss was suddenly showing off his life.

"How could you be so lucky?" Zhai Heng touched her wine glass and took a sip.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him and sighed, "Before, when you drove me back in a Bentley, someone took a picture of you. It spread in our company that I was being taken care of by some rich man. This colleague of mine who had a dinner date was interested in me. , and he trusts me quite a bit, so he probably gave up after hearing some rumors today."

Zhai Heng frowned slightly, "Why do you think you are being taken care of?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a sip of wine and said, "Of course those people think that I am not worthy."

Zhai Heng saw the helplessness on her face and asked, "What now?"

She thought about it seriously, drank less than half of the wine, raised her red cheeks to look at him, her eyes sparkling, "Seriously, as you said, I am knowledgeable, educated and talented, why can't I marry a rich man?" Does it have to be a nurturing one?”

She patted his leg with one hand and said loudly: "It can only explain one problem."

Zhai Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile in his eyes, and cooperated with her, "What's the problem?"

"They are just jealous of me, a group of people with missing brain stems." Jiang Nuannuan clinked glasses with him boldly, "Why should I care about such a group of people? Right."

"Yes, the rich man deserves you." Zhai Heng stroked her body, which almost slipped off the sofa in excitement. As a result, her hand slipped and a lot of the wine in the glass spilled onto his lap.

The thin fabric of casual pants immediately became wet.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, and reflexively reached for the napkin on the coffee table, "I'll wipe it for you."

She wasn't that good at drinking. She got excited about the topic and drank a lot of it unconsciously, just like eating melon seeds. Her mind was a little less clear-headed, but she didn't feel anything wrong when she touched it with her hands.

The paper towel was pressed against the damp area to absorb the water, and some of the fruit particles in the wine splashed on it. She wiped off some of it with the paper towel and tried to reach up.

Zhai Heng held her wrist in time and said, "Okay."

His skin was fair, and his face didn't turn red after drinking. Now even the side of his neck was stained with a hint of crimson. His eyes looked down at her with waves, and his tone was gentle and restrained, "If something happens down there, please loosen my pants." .”

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head knowingly, and moral restraint returned to her mind. Only then did she realize that she had done incredible things with the help of alcohol.

She withdrew her hand and went to look for water with a thirsty mouth. There happened to be a cup on the table. She picked up the cup and drank most of it. Without looking at him, she said, "Go and change some pants."

Zhai Heng saw that she had almost finished her portion, so he got up and went to the bedroom without saying anything.

The cell phone sitting on the coffee table has vibrated several times.

Jiang Nuannuan patted her red face, opened her phone and looked at the message. After reading the content clearly, the surging emotion in her heart was instantly poured with a basin of cold water, which chilled her from head to toe.

It was a message from the supervisor.

The signing contract sent to Mrs. Shen has just been returned, asking her to come to the company early tomorrow.Jiang Nuannuan put down her phone after answering, sighed softly, opened the remaining wine, mixed it, and poured it into her stomach.

Zhai Heng reacted uncontrollably. He changed his pants and calmed down in the bedroom for a while before coming out again.

Seeing that she was still drinking, he walked over and took her wine, "If you drink any more, you will really get drunk."

She slid down on the floor and raised her head, her foggy eyes almost dripping with water, and she said aggrievedly: "I just made up my mind to quit my job and change my job. Give me another sip."

Zhai Heng was stunned for a moment, then sat cross-legged beside her and returned the cup, "Good thing."

Jiang Nuannuan laughed and swept away the remaining wine.

The consequence of her indulgence was that she was completely drunk. Zhai Heng finished clearing the table and picked her up, "What's the code number for the lock at home? I'll take you there."

She hugged his neck, breathing on his neck, and muttered a series of numbers.

The input was wrong. Zhai Heng asked her again. After going back and forth four or five times, she still got it wrong. Jiang Nuannuan got annoyed and rubbed her head in the crook of his neck.

He lowered his head and said in a slightly raised tone, "You can only sleep with me first."

Just as he hugged her to bed, Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his fingers and opened her eyes, dissatisfied: "How can I sleep without brushing my teeth and washing my face?"

Her vision was confused. She struggled to sit up, and her skirt kept rubbing up. Zhai Heng had to carry her to the bathroom again, fixing her between him and the sink, and raised his hand to open the cabinet above. Get new toiletries.

Jiang Nuannuan brushed her teeth with her eyes closed, and put a towel in her waving hand to wipe her face.

Zhai Heng promptly pushed the hair that stuck to her face behind her ears, supported her waist, and said, "It's clean, go to bed."

Jiang Nuannuan felt comfortable after rolling into the quilt. Her breath was filled with the pleasant smell of sandalwood. The smell seemed to have a soothing effect and made her calm down quickly.

There was a night light on the bedside. Zhai Heng sat beside the bed for a while, then got up and went into the bathroom to wash up.

The memories of time and space that were messed up after drinking were like wandering around in Jiang Nuannuan's mind, strange and familiar at the same time.

She dreamed about Zhai Heng and her past life, which was real and illusory, beautiful and painful, and full of a sense of separation.

They prayed in the temple, drank wine under the snow, dated at the beach, and were intimate in bed.
They loved each other, but he died when he was young, when he loved her most.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a tightness in her chest.

The dream was bizarre, and for some reason, the scene switched and the dead person became her.

The man was tall and tall, with a cool temperament. He wore a Buddhist bead on his wrist. He always stayed by her graveside. He often brought her beautiful jewelry and snacks, and always repeated one sentence.

She leaned closer to listen and found that all he said was love.

Day after day, year after year, until the years are gone and his face grows old, he is still alone, just watching her rot until she grows old.

Seeing the man finally die alone in front of the tombstone, Jiang Nuannuan could no longer bear it. Her chest hurt so much that it was about to tear, and she collapsed and cried.

The dream shattered before his eyes, cutting into pieces and disappearing from the man's face.

She was about to suffocate and was picked up in time to wake her up. Her head hit the man's chest lightly. Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes, and her blurred vision broke into Zhai Heng's young and handsome face. She didn't know whether she was happy or sad, and her head was pressed against his. She grabbed his clothes on her shoulders and cried against him.

Her shirt was soaked with warmth and moisture, carrying her emotions all the way to the bottom of her heart.

Zhai Heng patted her along her back to coax her, "What's wrong?"

"I dreamed that you were dead." Her body was shaking a little, her mind was dizzy after drinking, and she didn't even know why she had such a big reaction.

He took her out of the quilt and put her on his lap. His heart surged for a moment. The only restraint he had left allowed him to just hold her tightly and said softly: "I'm still alive, can't you feel it?"

The warmth of the chest and the trembling heartbeat under the palm, the breath in the ear and the gentle voice all proved that it was just a dream.

Jiang Nuannuan gradually calmed down and realized that it was just an extremely bad dream. The hand tightly grasping his chest gradually relaxed. After the emotions that were about to collapse rebounded, she also softened and fell back into the bed.

His arms were empty, as if even his heart was empty. The cold air rushed over his chest. Zhai Heng held Jiang Nuannuan's wrist, held her waist and pulled her back.

Her limp body fell into her arms again. Jiang Nuannuan supported his shoulders and knelt down on the bed, her eyes flushed.

"I can't bear it anymore if you act like this."

Qingjun's face came closer, he held the back of her neck and whispered: "I never want to interfere too much in your life, but I'm almost reaching my limit. Nuannuan, please help me."

(End of this chapter)

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