Chapter 437, Picture 438: Zhai Heng (14)

The slender fingers curled up under the shirt on the man's back, and the fingertips scraped against the warm skin. His low breathing and the deep cry that he tried to hold back were heard in his ears.

"A Nuan."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head slightly, her loose collar slid down, and all exposed skin was gently sucked and kissed. The oxygen around her became thinner. When the hem of her skirt was pressed inward by his palm, the clothes hanging on the wall were The clock chimes on time.

The nine o'clock bell echoed in the living room. Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and pushed him gently against his abdomen, "I have to go."

Zhai Heng raised his head from her chest, put his chin on her shoulder and took a deep breath, trying to calm down the hot and intense emotions.

His palms moved away from her thighs. Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and watched as his porcelain-white wrist bones came out first. His long fingers smoothed the corners of her skirt, while the skin there was still burning like fire.

Zhai Heng was reluctant to let go, and understood her concerns, so he whispered: "Will I pick you up from get off work tomorrow?"

"Wait until I get familiar with the environment there."

The black hair rubbed against the side of his face and felt itchy. Lin Qiao couldn't help but insert her fingers into his hair and rub it, "Get up."

The sound was delicate and soft, and the breath spread on the side of Zhai Heng's face.

She realized how reluctant her tone was, almost refusing to welcome him, and she felt a sense of shame in her heart.

Zhai Heng pulled her to sit up and said in a hoarse voice, "Go back and go to bed early."

She almost fled back to the house, so much so that she forgot to ask him what other jobs he did besides being a driver.

After washing, he rolled into bed and couldn't fall asleep. His mind was filled with the story of the two of them lying on the sofa in silence and lingering together. Jiang Nuannuan was excited and a WeChat message came in on her phone.

Zhai Heng: Are you asleep?

She paused and replied honestly: I can't sleep.

Zhai Heng: Is it convenient to answer the phone?
Jiang Nuannuan didn't type a reply. The other person's few words could once again arouse the itch in her heart that had just calmed down. She called him on WeChat faster than her brain. Her voice was muffled in the quilt, "What's wrong?"

Zhai Heng said: "You don't need the toiletries in the bathroom, so I think that's okay."

Jiang Nuannuan turned over and lay on the bed, "Do you want to sleep with me?"

He replied softly: "I want to sleep with you."

"Okay." She was very happy.

She put her phone on the bedside table, "Then I'm going to sleep. Good night."

"Good night."

The gentle voice blended into the night, and the man's occasional turning over was right next to his ears. Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways to the bedside table, with the corners of her lips raised, and the restlessness in her heart was miraculously smoothed away, and she quickly fell asleep.

Jiang Nuannuan went to the hospital for a full physical examination. After completing the entry procedures, she had her own personal office for the first time.

For the design draft that was originally submitted to Mrs. Shen but was scrapped, the head of the studio, Xu Liang, asked her how much she was willing to bid at the auction.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Should I set the price myself?"

Xu Liang took it for granted, "This is your own design and your own work. You don't have the right to set the price. Who does?"

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "That's what you said."

She refined the design draft again, and finally offered a price of 50.

She will know the result when the finished product comes out for auction in half a month.

Yu Yan was anxious when he learned that Zhai Heng was looking for an agency to hold a project bidding meeting. He was determined to win this project and had done all the courtesy to Zhai Heng, but there was no response at all.

He had to ask his wife, Mrs. Shen, to prepare some gifts and set off to visit the Zhai family's old house. When he arrived at the door, he was told that Zhai Heng had been away from home recently and no one knew his whereabouts.

At this time, Zhai Heng was driving Jiang Nuannuan's Volkswagen to take her for the weekend.

Now that she had solved her work problem, Xu Liang selected several old manuscripts in her hand to be used as new products. She was in a very happy mood and was chattering along the way.

"In an independent office, there are only three or five designers. Everyone does their own thing without disturbing each other. Different design styles mean there is no pressure to compete at all. It is so comfortable."

Zhai Heng said: "This is very good. It proves that you made the right choice and they are also very discerning."

"Whether you have a discerning eye or not, you won't know until after the auction." Jiang Nuannuan said, "But everyone's aesthetics are different, and it's really hard to define whether they like it or not."

Zhai Heng smiled lightly, "You will succeed." "What if you fail?" Jiang Nuannuan leaned sideways on the armrest box to tease him.

He drove the car into the parking area of ​​the villa and parked it. He looked sideways at her and said calmly and normally, "I'll be with you if you start over."

The reason why Zhai Heng is Zhai Heng is that he never speaks high-sounding routine words like others. Jiang Nuannuan unbuckled her safety buckle and leaned over to give him a kiss on his chiseled profile.

"It won't happen all over again. I am quite confident in myself now. Thank you for your trust and giving me courage. You are simply a lucky little angel."

Red lips fell on his face, Zhai Heng's thin lips curved slightly, and he pulled the person who was about to open the door and get out of the car back, "A Nuan."

She turned her face sideways, "What's wrong?"

"Is this considered a date?" He looked at her and asked.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, and then counted the time on her fingers. She found that the process from acquaintance to falling in love was really short. However, none of the practical problems after falling in love that she had worried about had happened. She had to admit that she just walked away as she pleased. I really liked Zhai Heng, so I nodded readily.


"Then kiss again."

Zhai Heng tapped his face with his white fingers, his eyes were smiling, and he said warmly: "It was too fast just now."

There was no hint of charm in this serious attitude. Jiang Nuannuan looked at his beautiful appearance for a moment, and the balance of the ideological struggle quickly tipped to the point where it would be okay to kiss him again. They were now in a free relationship.

When she leaned forward again and was about to kiss the side of his designated cheek, the man who was sitting quietly suddenly moved, turned his face, and let the kiss fall on her thin, light-colored, upturned lips.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, but when she realized that he did it on purpose, she didn't flinch. She pressed her hand on the edge of the armrest box and leaned forward a little further, forcing him to the window for a deep kiss.

She was so enthusiastic and proactive, of course Zhai Heng accepted it all, but just as he was about to hold her slender waist, Jiang Nuannuan's palm slipped from the armrest box, and she fell down and fell on his lap.

There was a muffled groan above his head, Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly pressed his legs to get up, and the window on his side was knocked again.

There are people outside!

Jiang Nuannuan was buried in his belly and was so panicked that she didn't dare to look up.

Zhai Heng took a shallow breath, touched her head comfortingly, and half-lowered the window.

People outside were a little embarrassed when they saw the ambiguous posture inside, "Sir, there is a typhoon tonight. There are many trees in the ground parking lot. Park in the garage to avoid scratches."

Zhai Heng nodded calmly, "I understand."

When the footsteps quickly faded away, a laugh escaped his throat and he rubbed the neck of the person on his lap, "He's gone."

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan dare to raise her head, her cheeks were red, and there was a strand of hair hanging on her moist lips, "I was definitely misunderstood."

"What's the misunderstanding?" His eyes darkened, and he wiped away the water stains on her lips with his fingertips.

With this ambiguous action and these words, Jiang Nuannuan held his wrist and flicked the string of Buddhist beads, "I'll forgive you if you mess around in front of the Buddha."

"Can I continue to have sex if I forgive you?" He asked calmly, but his eyes became darker and darker, trying to suck her in with the tide.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart trembled, "Do you really believe in Buddhism?"

"Trust." He said: "There is no conflict between the two, it's just about being restrained and not being greedy."

It’s not like monks have strict precepts, there really isn’t any conflict between the two.

Jiang Nuannuan believed what he said for the time being.

The car was parked in the garage, and the two of them carried their luggage and went up to the elevator to the first floor. Outside the 360-degree panoramic skylight, there was a green forest surrounding them. The moss-paved slate floor led all the way into the forest, and at the end there was the faint sound of the roaring water of the waterfall. came.

Such a luxurious villa and the entire forest are only open to the two of them on weekends.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the window, her eyes were shocked, and the doubts hidden in her heart surged again.

She turned around and asked Zhai Heng, who was pouring water behind the bar, "If you are still hiding something from me, I suggest you tell me clearly now."

He nodded slightly, "Turn on the TV, the remote control is in the drawer under the coffee table, and watch the financial channel."

Jiang Nuannuan: "What are you looking at?"

He raised his eyes and said in a slow voice, "I had an exclusive interview recently. That explanation should be enough."

(End of this chapter)

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