Chapter 438 Zhai Heng (15)

Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV to the financial channel.

An advertisement was playing on the screen. Zhai Heng brought a water glass, put it down next to her, and said naturally, "I'll put my luggage upstairs."

"Why are you in the financial news?"

"Always come."

After the commercial passed, Jiang Nuannuan took a sip from the water glass, glanced at the TV and suddenly paused.

On the screen, Zhai Heng, sitting on a coffee-colored leather sofa with his legs crossed, calmly answered the host's interview. The light from the top spotlight fell on his shoulders. He was wearing a suit with dark patterns embroidered with silver thread, and his eyes were deep. Staring in front of the camera, his face is clear and noble, and he is unattainable.

The alienation and indifference in his eyes was completely different from the Zhai Heng who always had a gentle smile when Jiang Nuannuan saw him. The host who looked at him felt that his aura seemed a bit reserved.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't pay much attention to the interview, and her attention was entirely focused on that face.

She felt that she was really nervous sometimes, and the pressure at work prevented her from trying to push the people around her to have such an identity.

Zhai Heng's name was originally written this way, and he was not a driver at all. He was the sole heir to the tallest economic building in the center of Linggang. He is only 29 years old now.

This identity explains all the strangeness.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't have any bad intentions of being deceived or played with. Instead, she carefully reviewed the process of her encounter with him.

When she went to Mrs. Shen's villa to discuss the design, she met Zhai Heng who was driving a car and asked her to get in. At that time, Mrs. Shen had just called her and said that a shuttle bus would come to pick her up, so she took it for granted that Zhai Heng Heng is the driver.

He didn't refute it at the time, and what made her even more convinced of this idea was that he drove her to the hospital when she fainted from heat stroke, stayed with her all night, and took her money. When she later said he was the driver, he didn't Deny the title, eat together after adding it, and become neighbors
Thinking about it carefully, this incident is really not an accident. Just like what he said, he was following her and did not arouse any resentment in her, only like her.

Zhai Heng came down from upstairs and saw her sitting on the sofa with her head bowed in thought. He walked over and sat down, "I didn't mean to hide it from you. Telling you the truth at that time would make you think that I was only greedy for the flesh and not sincere."

Jiang Nuannuan pulled out his photo and put it on the TV. After comparing it with his current face, no matter how she looked at it, he was still the gentle and beautiful one in front of her.

Her expression was serious.

Zhai Heng had always been able to understand her thoughts. Now he moved his fingertips on his knees and asked, "Is there anything else I need to explain?"

"There's just one problem."

" You ask."

"Have I really found a super rich boyfriend?" She raised her hand and touched his face, "You don't look like you can fit into our little shabby kitchen in a suit. That day you brought flowers to the door, I will It’s felt.”

Zhai Heng chuckled, relaxed, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly, "Ah Nuan, who can let me enter the kitchen except you?"

She used to approach everyone with a purpose, but now he just borrowed her methods to attack her, and the results were good.

He leaned back and hugged the person next to him. "I have also confessed to you. These are all ways to get close to you."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't feel any distance from him because of the sudden gap in identity. She held her hands on her chest and looked at him, "I even feel that you like me more than I do."

That painful nightmare gave her this feeling. The man's face in the dream overlapped with the person in front of her, as if she had lived in the past and present.

Zhai Heng's gaze deepened slightly, with a light smile on his lips, and he said warmly: "I feel it depends on practice, Ah Nuan." There was a quarrel in the car earlier, Jiang Nuannuan immediately pushed him away, "We agreed not to engage in color. "

He grabbed her wrist, his eyes narrowed, "I mean, time passes to see people's hearts. What are you thinking about?"

"I think you covet my body." She stood up angrily and replied.

Zhai Heng paused slightly, smiling like a clear spring breeze, "I really want to."

Jiang Nuannuan pointed at herself and joked: "I am very expensive, Mr. Zhai."

Zhai Heng nodded, "I know, so I put an extra set of toiletries in my room. You can come over at any time."

The same words fell in her ears, as if you can come over and enjoy my body at any time.

Jiang Nuannuan quickly turned around and went upstairs, muttering, "Aren't we here to swim? I'm going to change clothes."

There is an outdoor infinity pool at the door of the first floor, next to a waterfall in the mountains.

She brought a red swimsuit and changed into it and looked in the mirror. She took off her professional clothes and looked fair and beautiful. She looked at it for a while and found that she was so used to accepting herself and the company that she was so used to it. He is obviously a beautiful person who is good at everything, but he always belittles himself and wants to bury his head and eyes in the mud.

She put her head in a bun, looked around with satisfaction, and finally opened the bedroom door and walked out.

Zhai Heng lived opposite her. The door was open. He was standing at the end of the bed, half naked. When he heard the noise, he turned his head sideways. He put on his bathrobe and turned around, revealing a large area of ​​his beautiful and delicious abdominal muscles.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat, "I didn't even close the door when I changed my clothes."

He slowly wrapped the two pieces of robe around her chest before her eyes, tied the bath rope around his waist with his slender fingers, and came to her. His clear and seductive voice said, "I've already changed it. I can't put it on my head like you." Wrap it up too.”

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes fell on the rope of his bathrobe. It was so loose that it could fall apart at any time, exposing it to her.

She raised her hand and pulled open the rope. When the piece of satin bathrobe was about to fall off, she tied a bow nimbly with her fingers and tightened it on both sides.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't go into the water today? There's a typhoon coming. Don't get cold if it's windy. You've been in poor health since you were a child."

Halfway through his rambling words, Zhai Heng held down his hand and pushed him against the wall gently, "How does An Nuan know that I have been in poor health since I was a child?"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't say it was because the two of them spent half their lives in nightmares, where he had been the frail and sick young master Qingjun who died young.

She tried not to pay attention to the charming atmosphere between the two of them, and said in a soft voice: "The medical examination report says that your resistance is a little weak, but it is not a big deal."

Anyone who goes for a physical examination will probably have this official terminology.

Others always looked at him lazily, looking like a gentle and weak young man, but before she came to him, he was completely uninterested in everything.

Zhai Heng looked down at her, his shallow breath falling in her ears. Without asking where her slip of the tongue came from, he said warmly: "I thought An Nuan was tying my robe to protect yourself."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

There is no need to tell such a big truth.

(End of this chapter)

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