Chapter 439 Zhai Heng (16)

"I think you are confusing right and wrong." She also reasonably suspected that he deliberately invited her without closing the door.

He released his hand that was holding her down and kissed the small earlobe. "Desire is not scary, and there is no shame in admitting it. "

Jiang Nuannuan:! ! !

Although she knew this was a provocation method, she was shamefully "forced" to fall for it due to her absolute beauty. After the slender fingers covering the back of her hand left, she tightened her fingertips on his bathing rope and pulled it to both sides.

The newly tied bow was pulled away, and the silky one-piece gray bathrobe fell from Zhai Heng's white shoulders to the floor, echoing the white marble floor tiles to form an ink painting.

Jiang Nuannuan put her palm against his abdomen and touched it without any obstruction of fabric. It was like touching a piece of fine warm jade. It felt very good.

The man with calm and gentle eyes, his superior jawline tightened slightly, and his body gradually stiffened under her touch.

"You're not as calm as you appear." She raised her head, her almond-shaped eyes slightly curved, and smiled like a successful fox. Under her slender neck, the fiery red halter-neck swim skirt covered half of her chest, and the hem reached her hips. , Jade legs are long and white.

Zhai Heng's eyes darkened and his voice was hoarse, "Nuan, do you want to swim or cool down?"

He was always seducing her, and when he really wanted to do something, he could always use his amazing willpower to give her a choice.

After Jiang Nuannuan lowered her gaze and saw some uncontrollable developments, her hands that were groping around on his body finally stopped, "I have to try swimming today, otherwise I won't be able to do anything when the typhoon comes."

She was about to slip past him when Zhai Heng picked her up and said, "I'll take you down."

Jiang Nuannuan was caught off guard and hugged his neck. Seeing the faint desire between Qingjun's brows and eyes, she bit her lip gently and felt that she had gone too far.

After hesitating against his smooth chest, Jiang Nuannuan asked softly: "How about you play with me? And bubbles to reduce the fire?"

Zhai Heng walked to the living room, looked at the clock on the wall, and said calmly: "About 2 hours of playing."

A few meters away from the infinity pool is a large waterfall that wets the leaves. The weather was fine in the afternoon, and you could still see the rainbow lingering in front of the waterfall.

Jiang Nuannuan fell to the ground and stepped on the edge and ran over, happily saying: "Did you buy this place?"

Zhai Heng got into the water and stood in the pool, looking up at her, "I borrowed it from a friend. If you think this place is good, you can buy it and come here often."

"You've changed your identity quite quickly now." She turned around and jumped into the water into his arms. The fluffy bun on her head suddenly shrank a lot.

Zhai Heng followed her, "Identity is not important, as long as you think you are worthy."

Every word he speaks is true and every word is love.

Jiang Nuannuan did not reserve her trust in him and said with a smile: "I can only say that I am right."

She got out of his hand and swam into the water nimbly. On the cold water there were a few wild flowers and leaves splashed from the waterfall. She only swam back and forth once to get out of the water, and a leaf was caught in her hair.

Zhai Heng was not far away. Jiang Nuannuan stepped in front of him and said, "The scenery here is really beautiful."

He looked at her moist face, raised his hand to pick off the leaves in her hair, rubbed her neck with his fingertips, and picked up a small flower in the depression of her collarbone, "The little princess surrounded by the forest."

Jiang Nuannuan: "What?"

She held Zhai Heng's wrist and pulled him to swim to the center of the pool, "Let's play together."

He wasn't very interested in this kind of exercise, but he also liked being with her, just sinking in the water and having her face caressed by her loose hair.

In the evening, the wind picked up, causing the water vapor on the other side of the waterfall to tilt over, and the branches crackled.

The two of them landed on the shore. Zhai Heng was not as good at tossing in the water as Jiang Nuannuan. She walked on the shore like a normal person. Her knees were heavy and her whole body felt as if it was full of water and weighed a thousand pounds.

"I can't walk anymore."

She was lounging on an outdoor lounge chair.

Zhai Heng took a bathrobe and put it on her body, picked her up and said, "Go take a bath."

Jiang Nuannuan curled her lips and said, "Thank you, boyfriend." Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and looked at her, and said cooperatively, "What does your girlfriend want to eat tonight?"

"Eat whatever's in the refrigerator."

"The chef will be here."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the sky, whose face changed after a few minutes, and shook her head, "Let's eat whatever we want, and let people go back early, otherwise it will be dangerous on the road."

The villa has a servant's room. Zhai Heng did not remind her, but praised her warmly, "Ah Nuan is kind-hearted."

In addition to perimeter security, those serving them in the house were given three days off.

According to the Meteorological Bureau, they are in the eye of the typhoon when it lands, and travel is expected to be hindered in the future.

Summer evenings are the darkest nights. It was only five o'clock now. When Jiang Nuannuan went to take a bath alone, it became dark outside when she came out.

She changed into a light straight nightgown and went downstairs. With her black hair loose, she walked into the kitchen and rummaged through the refrigerator. There were all the ingredients inside, and she asked Zhai Heng to help wash the vegetables. The two of them finished a simple meal.

The wind was howling outside, and there were many lights on in the forest outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. While Zhai Heng was making tea at the bar, Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her arms and said, "The wind is too strong. Will the lights outside fall down?"

"Maybe." Zhai Heng glanced outside and said warmly: "But the window is very strong, don't worry."

With such large panoramic glass windows, the sound of the wind beating on them will indeed make people worry about this problem.

The indoor air conditioner seemed a little cold at this time.

Jiang Nuannuan: "It's still early. I'll go upstairs and get a blanket. Let's drink tea and watch a movie here."

Zhai Heng nodded and said yes, and moved the small tea table, which was no more than an arm's width wide, onto the coffee table in the living room. In one movement, Jiang Nuannuan's cell phone placed on the table vibrated several times.

The phone was locked with a password, and Zhai Heng did not see the content of the message until the other party called, and the name above showed Xu Yanjing.

His handsome face looked slightly cold, he picked up the phone with his long fingers and answered the call.

When Xu Yanjing heard Jiang Nuannuan answered the phone, he said anxiously, without waiting for her to speak first: "I have thought about what you said that day, Nuannuan, I really have thought about it. I think we should sit down and talk. Let’s talk about the whole thing face to face. Please add my WeChat account. There is also today’s typhoon. With your personality, you must still be working overtime. I don’t know where your new job is. You should go home quickly, or I'll pick you up."

"Are you finished?"

Zhai Heng held the teacup on the table and turned it around, a little liquid spilled out and his fingertips became red.

Xu Yanjing's pupils narrowed, "Who are you?"

Zhai Heng: "Her boyfriend."

There was a slamming of the door from the opposite side, "I have been working with her for so long, and she has never had a boyfriend. You are."

Thinking of something, Xu Yanjing's tone suddenly rose, "You let her answer the phone! How could a good woman like her choose to fall for herself!"

Zhai Heng looked at the swaying tea. The man's voice made him feel more unhappy than the typhoon howling outside.

"Your father always bows his head in front of me, so where do you stand in the corner to offend me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a dazzling lightning flashed across the night sky from the top of the mountain. The ferocious thunder and lightning dissipated for a few seconds. Thunder that seemed to split the sky exploded overhead and hit somewhere in the forest.

The entire living room suddenly fell into darkness.

Zhai Heng didn't hear what was said on the other end, so he hung up the phone and walked upstairs quickly in the dark.

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan found a thin blanket in the cabinet and pulled it out, her face was illuminated by the blue light passing through the window, and the thunder suddenly sounded. She was startled and leaned against the cabinet door, and her eyes suddenly disappeared. It was pitch black.

Her nightgown had no pockets, and her cell phone had been left on the bar without attention. There was a power outage. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes darkened, and she stood there at a loss, "Zhai Heng."

(End of this chapter)

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