Chapter 440 Zhai Heng (17)

The footsteps in the corridor outside the door came very quickly. He heard her calling him twice, and Zhai Heng's warm and powerful voice came, "Stand still."

Then a few seconds later, footsteps approached, and she was pulled into a warm embrace, with the hand on her back holding her close to comfort her.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his narrow waist and was submerged in his light cold fragrance. Her heart felt settled and at ease, she stopped shaking when she spoke, and asked clearly:

"What's going on? Did the circuit breaker suddenly trip?"

"Maybe lightning struck the house. There is a lightning protection device on it, so I'm not afraid."

He felt that her arm was a little cold, and there was a thin blanket in her arm between them. He took it out and put it on her body, "Why is it so cold?"

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her arms, her tone a little squeamish, "The temperature in the house drops very quickly when it rains heavily."

Zhai Heng took her cell phone out of his pocket and handed it to her, hugged her for a while, and asked, "I'm going to see if the power supply can be restored. If not, I'll have to wait until the typhoon is over before finding someone to repair it. You see? Come down with me or wait for me on the bed, I’ll be back with you later.”

Thunder was still rolling outside, strong winds were tearing the world apart, and blue-purple lightning flashed in front of the window from time to time, white and seeping into people.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't think much, she leaned into his arms and turned on the mobile phone light, "I'll go with you to provide you with light. Don't throw it away if you are blind."

"it is good."

Zhai Heng wrapped the blanket around her tightly and carried her downstairs. During this period, a call came in on his mobile phone. When Jiang Nuannuan saw that it was from Xu Yanjing, a trace of impatience flashed across her eyebrows and she hung up immediately.

However, on the short walk downstairs, Xu Yanjing took the trouble to dial one after another.

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes, and there was a coldness in his pupils that could not be illuminated by the light.

"Your former colleague, won't you answer?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded. Hearing his gentle tone become calmer, she felt something bad in her heart, "If you don't answer, I don't like him very much."

Now that it is a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, it is necessary for her to draw some boundaries with strangers.

Pulling out her phone's address book to block this number, she found that Xu Yanjing's number had been answered five minutes ago.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and looked at the man hiding in the darkness, "Have you spoken to him?"

Zhai Heng sighed softly, "There is no politeness. The Xu family is unlucky to have such a son."

Jiang Nuannuan suppressed her laughter and threw the number into the blacklist, stopped on the steps and hugged his waist, "Then what did you say? Tell me."

"It's not appropriate to tell you." Zhai Heng softened his attitude, pinched the back of her neck and said warmly: "Foreign minds are open, and some people like to speak freely. Telling it to you is like filthy ears and mouth."

Jiang Nuannuan knew that Xu Yanjing didn't have any good words to say, and even speculated on her.

She kissed his chin without retorting, "That's right. After all, no one believes that I can find a piece of gold like yours."

Zhai Heng chuckled lightly, pressed the back of her neck to prevent her from retreating, lowered his head and kissed her mouth, "Other people's opinions don't count. In my eyes, you are the best."

Because of the darkness, Jiang Nuannuan's cheeks could not be seen to be a little red. She blocked his lips with her palms and coughed lightly, "Let's go see if we can get a call first."

"Well, it's not safe to kiss on the steps." Zhai Heng stood up and took her to the first floor to check the distribution box.

The whole basement was filled with a burning smell. Jiang Nuannuan stood behind Zhai Heng and turned on the light for him. When the box was opened, wisps of white smoke came out and many wires were burned.

The sound just now was like thunder hitting the ground, which damaged the wires of their house. There was no way to repair the damage to this extent. They could only wait for the typhoon to pass and hire professional electricians to go into the mountain to repair it.

Making sure it wouldn't catch fire, Zhai Heng closed the power box and turned around. He squinted slightly under the strong light. Jiang Nuannuan quickly moved the phone light to the ground, "It looks like I'm going to wash up and go to bed tonight." Zhai Heng walked back and held his hand. Her hand, "Well, I can only wait until tomorrow to see if someone can come in and fix it."

After exiting the negative floor, Jiang Nuannuan's phone didn't have much power. When there was still 20 battery left, the red light went off.

"Is there a spare flashlight here?"

"I don't often spend the night here, and I don't know if I do. Everyone in the villa has gone back for the afternoon." Zhai Heng said warmly.

This was at Jiang Nuannuan's request to let them go home early. Now it's troublesome to search in such a big place and it's so dark. "Do you want to call and ask?"

Zhai Heng's voice was a little helpless, "I wanted to come over so I came directly. I asked the owner here. He has many houses, so I probably don't know much about it."

There seemed to be no way out. Jiang Nuannuan had no idea and looked at the time on her phone.

It's only 7 o'clock.

Zhai Heng asked her, "Are you going to sleep now?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "It's too early, I can't sleep."

He thought for a while and said, "There is freshly brewed tea in the living room, why don't you go sit and drink some."

Without electricity and internet, it was like returning to primitive life. With his eyes darkened, he could just drink some water and chat. Jiang Nuannuan agreed immediately.

The phone's battery drained too quickly with the light on, so she turned off the light when she saw the corner of the sofa. She was afraid that if she didn't get a call tomorrow, she wouldn't even know there was a work call coming in over the weekend.

Fortunately, even though the lights were turned off, a few lamp posts still shone brightly in the swaying woods outside, through which I could clearly see the layout of the living room.

She sat down on the sofa, "The power is still out outside."

Zhai Heng poured her a cup of hot tea, "Those lights are solar powered, so they are not afraid of power outages."

There was a rectangular solar panel next to the lamp. Jiang Nuannuan suddenly realized it. When she took the cup from him, she found that his hands were also a little cold. She put her blanket on his legs and put it next to him. , “I’m really not used to the sudden drop in temperature.”

The blanket soaked with her body temperature was covered on her legs, and her delicate skinned arms were exposed. Zhai Heng lifted the blanket and put his arm around her, "Don't catch a cold."

His embrace was very warm. Jiang Nuan held the tea cup and leaned on his shoulder. The fragrance of tea overflowed from her lips. The biting and howling wind outside seemed to become gentle and pleasant in her ears.

After chatting for a while, she said: "I heard that wealthy families have many rules. How good is your family?"

Zhai Heng replied: "It depends on the person."

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, "Then what you said to me last time, are they true or false?"

Zhai Heng thought for a while, lowered his head to peck her lips, and laughed, "It's all true. I make the decisions in my family. I only have one grandma who likes to worship Buddha and pray for blessings. She just wants me to be safe and smooth in my life, and to be free with my emotions."

Jiang Nuannuan was a little itchy from being kissed by him. She put down the teacup and went back to grab the buttons on his chest and play with it. "Grandma is quite open-minded. I thought it would be like what is written in most scripts, and people would come to your house to visit me." Throw a bunch of money in your face and tell me to get out."

Just thinking about such a ridiculous scene made her laugh with joy.

Zhai Heng's hand on her waist gently squeezed the soft flesh, "Why do I feel that you are likely to throw me out for this?"

Jiang Nuannuan twisted around with itchiness, smiled and sat on his lap, "Then I have carefully calculated that this is not worthwhile at all. I have to bite you tightly and not let go."

(End of this chapter)

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