Chapter 443 Zhai Heng (20)

The consequence of following your heart is to fall into desire, covet the other person's young and strong body, and like the way the other person looks at you, which will always make people willing to be led by the nose.

Jiang Nuannuan had to go to work on Monday morning, so she reluctantly got out of bed and washed up. She blamed Zhai Heng for her sleepiness, "What time did it arrive yesterday, two o'clock?"

He handed her the coffee and said, "Three o'clock."

Jiang Nuannuan glanced over and said dissatisfied: "Originally, we agreed to finish at eleven."

Zhai Heng knew he was in the wrong and looked down at her slightly swollen lips, "Does your throat hurt?"

Her coffee-drinking mouth stopped in front of the rim of the cup, and she coughed twice, "It's not bad."

Zhai Heng's eyes were calm and he didn't have any wrong thoughts. He was very serious. But last night he pressed her head in such a serious manner.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that he was interrupting her on purpose. She glanced at his waist and abdomen, took a sip of coffee and said, "The bite doesn't hurt."

"A bit." Zhai Heng comforted him warmly, "I don't care, practice makes perfect."

Jiang Nuannuan put down her coffee cup, bit into a piece of bread, turned around and walked out, "Go to work!"

Zhai Heng laughed softly and followed up.

When they got to the car, he asked her, "How long until your house is due?"

Jiang Nuannuan ate the bread and looked at the scenery outside the window, "I will rent it annually until the end of the year."

"Can I leave early?"

She turned her head with an expression that said, "I know what you're up to."

Although she also likes him, but...
Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways and said to him seriously: "We went out to play for two days, 48 ​​hours, and I felt like I was in bed 24 hours a day. Are you really okay? I heard that once people get older, , it’s better to be more restrained.”

After Zhai Heng listened, he explained to her equally seriously, "This is my first time."

The croissant in Jiang Nuannuan's mouth fell on her lap.

Realizing her gaffe, she quickly picked it up and bit it into her mouth again to cover up the smile on her lips that was about to reach the sun, "Ha, ah, that's right, men are pretty clueless in this area. Self-taught."

Zhai Heng didn't care about her happiness and said warmly, "So you can understand that my self-control doesn't work well at times like this."

To put it bluntly, when I enjoy happiness, I feel like a young boy in his early 20s who is out of control.

Jiang Nuannuan could indeed understand, but she was still determined, "Let's wait until my house is due."

Zhai Heng responded softly, his eyes thoughtful.

When she arrived at work, he didn't return the keys to her Volkswagen, "I'll pick you up from get off work and I'll drive the car away."

Jiang Nuannuan bent down to say trouble. Zhai Heng had already expected it and said, "Do you still think my identity will cause you inconvenience?"

She was stunned for a moment, then understood what he meant. She put her hands on the window sill and leaned in to kiss his lips. "It's convenient. If you're not busy, you can pick me up from get off work in the future."

Zhai Heng's eyebrows relaxed slightly, and when she wanted to leave, he held her head back and deepened the kiss.

After more than ten seconds, he withdrew from her mouth and helped her wipe away the water marks from the corners of her lips. "Go to work, girlfriend. I will take you to see the house after get off work."

Jiang Nuannuan walked away with soft feet.

From falling in love to confirming a relationship to considering marriage, it only takes the blink of an eye.

As soon as work started today, she received a private customization with a starting design of 500 million yuan. Jiang Nuannuan did not say whether to accept it for the time being.

After what happened to Mrs. Shen, she always wanted to wait until the auction was over to build a reputation before accepting such high-end designs, so as to save herself some trouble and still have some say.Mrs. Zhai's grandson fell in love with a woman at first sight, so she secretly asked someone to investigate. She originally wanted to use 500 million to deceive the woman and give her a red envelope first, but she didn't expect that the other party was very independent.

She looked at the gift boxes stacked on the table and said softly, "I heard that the girl was bullied in the Shen family. No wonder they couldn't flatter Heng'er no matter how hard they flattered him. He just protects his shortcomings and finds someone else. Send everything back and tell them not to send it back next time.”

Get off work at 6 o'clock.

It's still light.

Jiang Nuannuan walked out chatting and laughing with her new colleagues, and a Bentley was already parked at the door.

The driver opened the door, Zhai Heng stepped out and straightened his jacket, holding a bag in his hand and walking towards her.

"get off work. "

He had just come out of the company and was still wearing a crisp dark suit. He first took the bag from her hand and then handed it to her.

Jiang Nuannuan had long expected that he would tear down all disguises, and it was no surprise that he would turn into such a cool and cool person.

She calmly took the bag, which contained a cup of red bean milk tea and a piece of purple rice bread.

"Why bring this?"

Zhai Heng put his arm around her waist and said warmly: "We have an appointment to look at the house at 6 o'clock. You will always be hungry, so you should take care of yourself first."

A group of studio designers led by Xu Liang bent down to greet him, "Young Master, come to pick up your girlfriend from get off work."

This row of respectful postures instantly distanced Jiang Nuannuan from their status. She suddenly noticed something in their respectful mood, and turned around and said, "You found the job for me? Isn't it?"

Although Zhai Heng was confident in his heart, he was still afraid that she would be angry. He secretly grabbed her waist, locked her in his arms with some force, and explained to her softly, "I just played a matchmaking role. , I didn’t force you to come here.”

Xu Liang straightened up and said with a smile: "That's true. Even without his introduction, we would still have asked for your Miss Jiang. Your design is indeed very good. I am a straightforward person who does not mess with bureaucracy and seeks truth from facts. "

Zhai Heng lowered his head and whispered in her ear, "Did you hear that?"

His soft brows and eyes were full of accommodation, and in the eyes of others who knew him well, he was like a smiling King of Hell who was gentle to everyone on the surface but had a weakness.

He seems to be a docile and harmless person, but in fact he is crazier than anyone else and has eight hundred evil intentions at his core.

Jiang Nuannuan was not angry at all. After getting into the car with him, she just watched Xu Liang's group of people wait for their car to drive away before leaving, and sighed: "It will be a lot more convenient to have power. "

Zhai Heng tore open the bread bag for her and said, "If you're not used to it, I can put it in another bag."

"No need." Jiang Nuannuan took a bite of the bread with the hand he extended, "Why do you pretend to be an ordinary person? You should be living on a pyramid."

Zhai Heng: "I'll follow you."

I follow you, I follow you, everything is based on her. From head to toe, he has no trace of the temper of a superior.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him for a moment, then pushed the bread back, "It's delicious, you should try it too."

He lowered his head and took a shallow bite at the spot she had bitten, eating with grace.

Then, "I feel that if we really get married, there must be a lot for me to learn." Jiang Nuannuan looked into his eyes and said, "Teach me more and I will enter your circle. "

Zhai Heng knew that his A Nuan was bright and flamboyant, and no matter what her background, she was destined to be by his side, have the best things, and be happy all her life.

"it is good."

(Comments: There is only one update today, I just finished my work~)

(End of this chapter)

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