Chapter 444 Zhai Heng (21)

The two visited five or six houses, some large and some small, covering various types of architectural styles, Western European, Chinese or classical. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were dazzled by them.

Zhai Heng asked her: "What do you think is good?"

She answered truthfully, "I can't tell. I think the Chinese-style buildings and the European-style buildings with small fountains are quite beautiful. Let's compare them when we go back."

Zhai Heng nodded and directly misinterpreted her meaning, "Buy them all."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Nuannuan looked at him sideways with an incomprehensible expression, "Can you come here?"

Zhai Heng said warmly: "Take your turn."

"Although I know you are rich, are we a bit extravagant?" She squeezed his arm.

Zhai Heng grabbed her finger and held it, slowly walking out, "It's not a waste if you like it."

No one can refuse such love words, especially when buying a house is as labor-intensive as picking out clothes, Jiang Nuannuan feels shamefully helpful.

"Sooner or later I will be spoiled by you." She realized her mentality and sobered up a bit from the pile of money.

"It's not what I asked for." Zhai Heng nodded slightly, with a smile on his lips.

He has never told her that his favorite way to get along with her is to have her by his side 24 hours a day, but his Nuan likes to work hard on her own and be unrestrained. He regrets that he cannot do that kind of thing that would make her happy. Something sad for her.

In Linggang, where land is at a premium, two villas worth hundreds of millions were signed and completed by Jiang Nuannuan alone.

How does it feel to become a billionaire overnight?Unlike the excited comments section on similar topics on her mobile phone, Jiang Nuannuan was surprisingly calm because the expression of the man sitting next to her swiping his card was so calm.

It's not like she got two valuable items, just a gadget that her boyfriend used to coax her.

She suddenly became curious.

Back in the old community they rented, the two held hands. Jiang Nuannuan asked, "Can I ask? How many assets do you have?"

Zhai Heng did not answer clearly, but tilted his head and said to her warmly: "I am very conservative."

Jiang Nuannuan expressed her understanding, "Yeah, then I won't ask you any more."

Seeing that she misunderstood, he calmly added: "I am like any other man. I am married and can hand in my salary card."

Jiang Nuannuan understood his hidden instructions, and a tsunami arose in her heart. The waves a few feet high were filled with screaming chickens.

How come he knows how to tease people so well! ! !

If she hadn't known that this was his first time, if it hadn't been for her last bit of strength to persist, Jiang Nuannuan would have taken him to the Civil Affairs Bureau with her household registration book.

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "Let's talk about it later."

Jiang Nuannuan cooked dinner, and Zhai Heng also had a lot of ready-made products in the refrigerator. Occasionally, he would open a bag or two of pasta and fried dumplings for a midnight snack, which was quite labor-saving.

After finishing a meal at his house, it was almost 10 o'clock. Jiang Nuannuan cleared the table and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, while Zhai Heng went back to the bedroom to take off his clothes and take a shower.

After she finished it and came to the living room without seeing anyone, she pushed the door open and entered the bedroom. When she heard the sound of water dripping inside, she said, "I have to go to work tomorrow, so I'm going to go back to sleep."

Zhai Heng's gentle voice came out, "Why don't you stay overnight?"

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan heard his voice, she was on high alert, "But I have to get up early tomorrow."

After a while, Zhai Heng's voice became lower and lower, "Then please lend me the shower gel, I don't have any more here."

He had only lived here for a total of how long, and a bottle of shower gel was more like an excuse. However, there was a hint of impropriety in the tone, which made Jiang Nuannuan's chest thump in temptation.

"I'll get it for you."

She went to the room to get her own shower gel and knocked on his door.

Zhai Heng: "It's not locked."

Jiang Nuannuan could have left it at the door and turned around and left. In the end, her body's instinct of longing for beautiful things defeated her reason, and she placed her fingers on the handle and gently opened it.

"Then I'm in." The mist inside suddenly rushed out. Before she could see anything clearly, hot fingers held her wrist and dragged her whole body inside.

She bumped into that strong and tight chest and shouted softly, "Zhai Heng!"

The bathroom in the old house was very small, and there was no glass door to block it. She was caught off guard by the hot water and trembled all over.

The shower above the head stopped flowing water in time, and Zhai Heng sighed slightly helplessly in his ears, "I accidentally got it wet, so I'd better take it off."

"You are." She opened her heavy eyelashes and blinked hard. She raised her eyes and glared at him in annoyance. She got stuck mid-sentence.

What you see is a picture of a beautiful man getting wet. There are drops of water on the man's handsome face, and his black hair is stuck back. Under the dim light, the water drops that fell from the ends of his hair into his neck slid down his chest.

"You" she blushed instantly, "did you do it so quickly?"

Zhai Heng's slightly hot fingers penetrated into the hem of her clothes and rubbed against her skin. His eyes were dark and lustful. His bright red lips fell on the side of her neck, and his warm breath sprayed, "I want you to stay."

The wet clothes stuck to her skin, and the translucent hem reflected Zhai Heng's well-jointed fingers across her navel. She bit her lip lightly, holding his arm and trembling, "You are playing tricks on me."

Zhai Heng kissed her all the way, fanning the flames, "Yeah."

At this point, Jiang Nuannuan bit his Adam's apple unceremoniously, with an attitude of being addicted to beauty and giving up on herself.

"Forget it, I quite want to."


She wore Zhai Heng's shirt and rolled up the quilt to sleep in his bed. When she was sleepy, her back was pressed against a warm body, and a hand fell tightly on her waist.

Jiang Nuannuan turned over, opened her eyes sleepily and glanced at Qingjun's face, closed her eyes again and shrank into his arms, muttering, "Are you breaking the precept, greed."

Zhai Heng pulled the quilt up and replied to her: "Just think that I have returned to secular life."

Her arms as thin as lotus roots also hugged him back, "Be careful if Buddha says you are dishonest and won't forgive you."

Zhai Heng thought for a moment, "Deduction?"

Jiang Nuannuan's laughter suddenly came from the silent bedroom.

Her head was pressed against his smooth chest, making everyone tremble with laughter.

"I didn't expect you to have a sense of humor."

Zhai Heng patted her back, raised his lips, and responded softly.


The morning of the auction.

Jiang Nuannuan got up early with Zhai Heng to wash up. She has not yet moved out of her own house, and she has been staying at his place all night recently. There is no other reason. When she is with Zhai Heng, she is happy both physically and mentally. He is also a troubleshooter. My little angel, the bed is a bit annoying, but she can still accept this little clingy annoyance.

The two of them went out together after breakfast and bumped into Xu Yanjing, who had been ringing the doorbell opposite their house.

The sound of the door opening caught his attention. When he turned around and saw Jiang Nuannuan and a man in a suit and leather shoes coming out from the opposite side, everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Boss Zhai?"

When he saw that face clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

Among the wealthy people in Linggang, everyone knows that the owner of the Zhai family has that iconic gentle and elegant face.


He had a lot to say to Jiang Nuannuan, to persuade her not to go astray and turn around, but now that he saw Zhai Heng, he couldn't say a word.

The man put his palms on Jiang Nuannuan's back, acting like a gentleman, and his gentle brows revealed a cold look.

"He is my boyfriend." Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to introduce, "I never said clearly that the Bentley that Shen Nian photographed at that time belonged to him."

(Words: There is still one update today, and it should be restored tomorrow. A new chapter is expected to be released next week.)
(End of this chapter)

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