Chapter 451 Zhai Heng (28)

The day before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the wedding rings designed by Jiang Nuannuan for the two of them were ready, and the velvet box was carefully packed and put into a bag.

Zhai Heng's birthday party is held every year, and wealthy families from all walks of life gather.

She hid the gifts in the cloakroom, changed into her dress and finished her makeup. The downstairs was already bustling with activity.

As the protagonist, Zhai Heng went downstairs early to deal with the guests. Someone with his daughter tentatively asked him if good things were really coming soon.

Before he could answer, the servant came over and whispered in his ear.

Zhai Heng excused himself and said, "Fetch my wife."

Seeing his tall figure stepping onto the spiral staircase, the person who spoke could not help but feel disappointed in his eyes.

In this drunken Linggang, everyone wants to catch up with the eagle Zhai Heng and fly away. However, the other person believed in Buddhism for the first half of his life and had a pure heart. Everyone believed in him. When he was a widow, people actually fell in love without knowing it. Now, the other party is still a budding designer. In one move, Cinderella puts on the glass slipper, marries the prince, and flies up a branch to become a phoenix.

Today, the big guys came here one after another, all wanting to see what kind of girl it was that could stand next to Zhai Heng, allowing him to willingly pick up the beads and fall into the mortal world with lust.

Jiang Nuannuan saw Zhai Heng coming over. Qing Juan's face was calm and calm, and he put his arm around her waist, "Are you ready?"

"Okay, okay, I've been hungry for days just to fit into this skirt." She pushed him away and turned the skirt around, "How is it? Do you have a good figure?"

The woman wore a tube top and floor-length black dress, her skin was as white as jade, her almond-shaped eyes were slightly hooked, she was extremely charming, her bright red lips were wet, and her smile was indescribably alluring.

Zhai Heng's eyes darkened slightly, as he actually didn't want his beautiful wife to go out to meet people.


The admiration in his eyes was unreserved. Jiang Nuannuan went back and hooked her arms around his neck, pressing one hand on the chest of his ironed suit, "Really? Let me touch it."

He always looks calm and calm on the surface, and it's really hard to see his true emotions except in bed. Jiang Nuannuan also learned this trick and thought of it.

Under the thin clothing, the heart was beating a little faster than usual, and Jiang Nuannuan was quite satisfied.

Pressing the back of her hand on her chest, the handsome man lowered his head and flicked the beads on the slender wrist bones with his fingertips, "This doesn't match well."

With her jeweled attire today, the beads looked dim.

The thin lips fell to the side of his face, breathing out hot breath slightly, which made Jiang Nuannuan's face feel hot. She pulled out her hand to help him close his suit, "I like it. This is a symbol of our love. If I had known, it would have been on your neck yesterday." Take two more bites and pair them together for a better effect.”

Zhai Heng's eyes slightly curved and he smiled softly, "As long as you don't feel shy, I will cooperate with you."

His thin lips came a little closer and bit her little earlobe, "Just tonight?"

These highly suggestive words almost made Jiang Nuannuan's legs weak. She turned to look at this face that was softer than the moonlight, and unexpectedly reversed the words that came to her lips, "Okay."

Anyway, she will always be the one who regrets it later and continues to indulge in beauty.

"Ahem." The servant coughed slightly from behind, interrupting the intimate and ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them. "Young Master, madam, the old lady asked you if you can go down now. It's almost time."

Jiang Nuannuan took Zhai Heng's arm, and when she went downstairs, she whispered again: "I have a gift for you tonight."

"Well, I'm looking forward to it." Zhai Heng helped her lift her skirt and carefully supported her to appear in the public eye.

There is no stage here, and the appearance of the two people also attracted everyone's attention, and the spotlight seemed to be fixed on them.

Jiang Nuannuan is undoubtedly beautiful. After dressing up, she is prettier than most people present. She has no stage fright in front of so many people. Standing next to Zhai Heng, the two of them are so perfect for each other.

As the heroine who broke the Zhai Heng0 scandal, she also received all-round care from him. No matter where she went, he would put his arm around her waist and formally introduce her to everyone.

"This is my wife."

"Yes, our wedding date has been set." "She is very good. "

His deliberate approach was never a joke. He held up the whole world for her, giving her a family and the ultimate sense of security.

Not only Jiang Nuannuan felt it, but the envious eyes around her were telling her that she had found a treasure.

Zhai Heng, who was tired from walking in high heels, kissed her forehead and whispered: "Go to grandma. She has prepared rose cakes. Don't you like it lately?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes lit up, "I haven't eaten for several days, so you specially asked someone to prepare it."

Zhai Heng replied: "I knew you would be hungry."

He has seen her restraint on eating these past few days. She loves to look beautiful, and he has no reason to stop her from pursuing a good figure as long as it does not affect her health.

Others saw the interaction in their eyes and could not help but say with envy: "The relationship between the young master and his wife is really good."

Zhai Heng's always cold eyes also contained a bit of tenderness, which was consistent with his picturesque and coaxing appearance.

Jiang Nuannuan approached Mrs. Zhai and saw that there were people sitting next to her. She took a piece of rose cake and put it on a small plate in her hand. She asked, "Grandma, who are these?"

A middle-aged man and woman, with a child sitting next to each other, looked at her closely.

"She is our wife?"

Jiang Nuannuan immediately understood with one sentence, Zhai Heng's parents who had never shown up before, and those two children who looked similar to them were...
Her eyes flashed slightly, and she guessed everything in an instant. In this life, Zhai Heng's parents still cheated and had children.

Mrs. Zhai patted her leg and told her not to take it to heart, "Eat your food and don't starve yourself. The other things have nothing to do with you, so don't bother with it."

Jiang Nuannuan was really obedient. She regarded those people as nothing and took a bite of cake to fill her stomach.

Yun Jie felt a knot in her heart, "Mom, I'm Zhai Heng's mother. If you hadn't learned from others that he was getting married, you wouldn't have told me if he was going to get married."

Mrs. Zhai said without changing her expression: "You gave birth to a bastard and you didn't even tell me that you were a bastard. You brought someone back today. Who do you want to disgust?"

Yun Jie gritted her teeth and said, "They are all your grandchildren and part of the Zhai family."

"I don't have the final say on this matter." Old Mrs. Zhai lowered her face and said, "Zhai Heng has the final say."

"So you just let him find someone who won't be of any help to the family?"

Yunjie's husband's voice was a little loud, and the guests passing by looked at him one after another.

After Jiang Nuannuan finished eating the cake, her stomach felt better and she felt a little more energetic. "Grandma, your daughter sounds like she has made outstanding contributions to the family? Why have I never mentioned it to you and Zhai Heng?"

Mrs. Zhai faced her and sneered, "We are all ancestors who cannot hold up the wall with mud, and they are not as good as you."

The old man completely ignored their face and ridiculed them head-on. Jiang Nuannuan endured it again and again before suppressing the corners of her lips that wanted to smile, and said cooperatively: "So that's it."

As long as this couple who has been living overseas all year round can create some substantial achievements, she will not be so disgusted by this old bone. For so many years, Zhai Heng has supported the family, leaking some food from the cracks in his palms, so as not to save his parents. Starved to death outside.

The grandson was retaliating for their irresponsibility, and Mrs. Zhai didn't know it.

Jiang Nuannuan herself felt distressed. She felt sorry for Zhai Heng, who had not been loved by his parents since he was a child, and how much hardship he had to endure when he matured early and took over the family business.

Seeing him coming, there was a little more affection in her eyes.

Zhai Heng stood behind her and put a thin blanket on her, "Let's go, it's time to cut the cake."

(End of this chapter)

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