Chapter 452 Zhai Heng (29)

Yunjie stood up and called him slightly awkwardly, "Son."

Zhai Heng glanced at her gently, supported the person and turned to leave without leaving a word.

After a moment, several security guards came forward and ordered the guests to be kicked out.

They were about to be expelled from their own home. The parents were pale and pale, and Mrs. Zhai was also full of disgust and disappointment. "What a bad day, but you brought two bastards back to the birthday party. I really think Zhai Heng didn't know you." What are you thinking? It’s really hopeless.”

Jiang Nuannuan accompanied him after cutting the cake. It was obvious that he was not in high spirits. She held his hand and said, "I can't wait to give you a gift. You go to the lake and wait for me."

She ran upstairs with her skirt, took out the gift bag from the bedroom, called outside again, made sure everything was arranged properly, and rushed out.

Hearing the footsteps running behind him, Zhai Heng turned around, with a layer of moonlight falling on his shoulders, and took the person into his arms.

The evening breeze was cool, and his arms were soaked in some of the cool air blowing from the water.

He asked in a low voice: "What gift is it? Yourself?"

Jiang Nuannuan handed him the small bag in her hand, "Take a look."

Zhai Heng opened the bow on the bag and took out the velvet box inside.

His eyes moved slightly and he looked up at her, "Is the ring ready?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, with a smile on her lips, "Look, all the answers are in it."

Zhai Heng rarely gets nervous. He has thought out all the escape routes in advance when he does everything. He has always been able to do it with ease, but today this box aroused a trace of panic deep in his heart.

He foresaw what was inside, and began to worry about how much memory Jiang Nuannuan had, whether she still remembered everyone, and whether she still remembered everyone.
"Don't you open it and take a look?" she urged beside her, implying expectation.

The beautiful hands hesitated for a moment and opened the box.

A pair of rose gold couple rings appeared in view.

Extremely simple style, exactly the same as the previous one.

Jiang Nuannuan could have made the ring more luxurious and dazzling, and could have dozens of carats of gems inlaid on it, but after thinking about it, she couldn't find it meaningful as a token of love.

She looked at him and said, "I once had a nightmare in your house, do you still remember it?"

Zhai Heng abandoned all the noise around him. The shadows of the trees were swaying. He could only see and hear Jiang Nuannuan.

"I remember you said I was dead."

Jiang Nuannuan touched his face and was reluctant to let it go, "In my dream, you were heartbroken but fell in love with me. I made this pair of rings for us. We went to the temple to enjoy the snow and to the beach. You went on vacation and visited many places, but in the end you still couldn’t resist your fate and died.”

Zhai Heng gently stroked the edge of the ring box, "What happened later."

Later, he came back to life and guarded her grave for the rest of his life.

There was already some moisture in Jiang Nuannuan's eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs, "That dream turned out to be very strange. It was like going back in time and our identities were swapped. The person who died became me. You guarded my grave all your life. Even if you die, Die with me."

She said: "That ending was so bad. We obviously liked each other."

Zhai Heng said softly: "So there are only two of us."

"Of course it's just the two of us." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and kissed him on the lips, "I will love you in this life."

He felt lucky in his heart, feeling that his fate was finally fair and gave him a girl who loved him wholeheartedly.

"Then let me talk to you too."

Zhai Heng's eyebrows were serious and he spoke slowly: "I have been waiting for you for two lifetimes. I regretted not having a chance in the last life, but I have made up for it in this life. I always knew that you would come to me, so I waited with all my heart. After waiting for many years, you Came as promised."

Zhai Heng stepped back slightly, knelt down on one knee, raised his head and said to her: "I always want to find a suitable time to do this most important thing, and now is the time."

He held up the ring, cherishing it extremely.

The best thing was that no matter whether the dream was true or false, Zhai Heng gave her full affirmation and cooperation. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were moist, and she stretched out her hand with a smile on her lips.

"I want to marry you, and this pair of rings and I are a gift to you."

In the darkness across the lake, fireworks were lit up and exploded into the sky.

The two put rings on each other, and the fireworks in the sky illuminated the two of them. Zhai Heng hugged her. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes were red and she asked him with a smile, "Is this the best birthday gift you have received in many years?" ?”

"Yes." He sighed softly, "There is nothing better than this. I got everything I dreamed of."

Jiang Nuannuan turned her face to the side and kissed his lips.

"Me too."

The blooming fireworks attracted the attention of countless people in the manor. The people in the stands noticed the man and woman kissing by the lake. Although they were far apart, they also blessed and applauded.

After Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Heng received their certificates, they officially published it in the newspaper and became known to everyone as Mrs. Zhai.

Xu Yanjing, who pursued her, resigned and went abroad. The Shen family was cut off from all cooperation by Zhai Heng. Yu Yan and his wife, Mrs. Shen, were still having a divorce recently, and their lives were miserable.

Ruyue, who had worked with her before, saw the news and handed her resignation letter to the design director, "Who said that people have to live on their knees in this life? I always hesitated in the past, but looking at Jiang Nuannuan's success, I didn't think so. How terrible it is to go out and make a career and then be wasted here for the rest of your life.”

The supervisor was speechless for a moment, only feeling a burning pain in his cheek.

The Zhai family doesn't have many relatives, but they have a lot of partners, but Zhai Heng attaches great importance to weddings. He doesn't like to turn the venue into a business meeting like a birthday party. The number of invitations sent out is very small, basically Everyone within the company's top management knows his temperament and has received the news a long time ago, so they just act as quiet well-wishers and do nothing much.

Jiang Nuannuan's only house was still rented, but now she went out on her own and set up a studio. The income was considerable, so she bought it by herself and used it as a place for the man to come to pick up the bride.

Zhai Heng asked an Italian designer to tailor the wedding dress. The slim-fitting satin wedding dress spread out in a fishtail style and looked very nice.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the floor-length mirror and was about to unzip the back zipper. A hand stretched out from beside her to help pull it up.

She looked at the man behind her who was wearing a white suit and had a flawless face, "Where are they?"

"We are all outside, I want to see you alone." Zhai Heng put his arms across her waist, half-hugged her into his arms, and looked at her in the mirror intently.

My wife, who had been waiting for so many years, felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart.

His gaze was too hot. Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand and touched his face, "Does it look good?"

She often asked this question recently. Zhai Heng turned his face and kissed her temples, "Today is the most beautiful."

(End of this chapter)

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