Chapter 453 Zhai Heng (End)

The wedding was very simple without any extravagance, but it was also low-key, luxurious and full of care.

The wedding car took her directly from her home to the church. It was discussed with Mrs. Zhai to hold the ceremony here.

Neither party's parents came to witness the marriage. Zhai Heng indirectly told everyone that he had no father or mother and only had the old lady as a relative. The old man understood that he had a knot in his heart that would never be resolved in his life, so he let him have his way. willing.

However, she was too old to go through too much trouble, so she simply decided to have a Western-style wedding. She would only be a witness for both parties' juniors, and it would not go wrong if the priest completed the ceremony.

No one can play the role of a father. The door of the church is opened, and the angel on the stained glass smiles and looks kindly at the two people who came outside.

Jiang Nuannuan held Mrs. Zhai's arm. The tulle above her head obscured all sight outside. She was holding a bouquet, and she could see strangers she was not familiar with, but what did it matter.

She looked towards the end of the church with a smile. Under the supreme cross, the black-robed priest was holding a holy book. On the short steps, Zhai Heng watched her approach step by step.

The stained glass of the church dome cut into the sunlight and filled the road leading to him.

The man walked down the steps, stretched out his porcelain-white palms to her, and a gleaming smile appeared on his clear and beautiful face.

She can just come and marry him.

He lifted up the hanging veil on her cheeks, placed a gentle kiss on her lips, and let out a sigh.

"Finally got you."

Zhai Heng finally got what he wanted.

They love each other forever.

Jiang Nuannuan also wants to do the things she did in her previous life.

She and Zhai Heng went to Linglu Temple to worship Buddha, but due to climate problems, there was frost and no snow on the top of the mountain in the autumn, so it was a little less elegant. Listening to Zen Taoism was not bad.

A monk handed Jiang Nuannuan the Buddhist beads she had asked for and said, "Now the benefactor's wish has been fulfilled. It is considered a great success."

Jiang Nuannuan was startled, then suddenly smiled.

She gave this string of Buddhist beads to Zhai Heng as a wedding gift, "I robbed it from you, so I will naturally add another string to you to ensure that you will be safe in the future."

Young Qing Leng, who had just fallen into the mortal world, was recently photographed wearing the string of Buddhist beads on his wrist again. For a while, people thought that this newlywed couple had conflicts so quickly.

Not daring to offend Zhai Heng, some single daughters were ready to make a move. They used the excuse of buying jewelry to rush to the studio established by Jiang Nuannuan to buy jewelry, hoping to find out the truth.

Jiang Nuannuan also warmly welcomed the ladies who came to send money every three days.

The first person couldn't help but asked her: "I heard from the outside world that designer Jiang and the young master are not on good terms?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her wrist, holding a pen and tapping on the design draft, "Is this okay?"

The fragrance of Buddhist beads and sandalwood is subtle and unexpectedly eye-catching.

"Okay, okay, I'll add some more money, can you tell me?"

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flashed slightly, and she took back her hand, "Our family is in harmony, I have the final say."

With the same calm tone, she talked for several afternoons and said she was tired of it. But for the sake of the money that kept coming to her account, she endured it and made a lot of money with the concept that the customer is God.

It was like this for several days, until Zhai Heng heard that his wife's studio was about to be breached and rumors of discord between the couple were posted on Weibo. He immediately ordered the public relations department to remove all these false rumors, and then I personally sent a Weibo message.

Zhai Heng: In a harmonious family, the wife has the final say in everything in the family.

Later, someone "accidentally" revealed that both of them had Buddhist beads wrapped around their wrists. Zhai Heng's wife personally went to ask for his new wedding on his wrist. The two of them were in a good relationship.

Jiang Nuannuan was still in bed one night and lamented, "Women who love gossip are easy to make money. They will buy whatever they are asked to buy, but they have stopped doing it a lot recently."

Zhai Heng, who came out of the shower, heard her whispering softly to herself and immediately understood that she was treating them as a cash cow.

He pulled her over and pressed her under him, pulled off the robe around his waist and abdomen, and said warmly: "I asked you why you didn't move at all, and you lost sight of money again."

She turned around in panic and looked into his pale eyes, her heart trembling, "Who would believe such outrageous rumors? If you don't make money, you won't make it in vain."

Zhai Heng slowly leaned over and bit the thin string of her neckline, and said in a dark voice, "Don't I give my wife enough money? I need you to make money from our love life. "

When Jiang Nuannuan mentioned this, she wanted to laugh. She hugged his neck and said, "Duoduoduo, I have explained everything carefully, but you are still not happy." "Well, not happy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Nuannuan was speechless and her eyes turned red.

She woke up at noon the next day and deeply felt the special lesson from her husband.

If she wasn't happy, there was no need to torture her all night in this way.

She silently went to Weibo to see the explosive news, as well as the public relations report from Zhai Heng's personal death last night. Only then did she realize that the matter had become serious. She felt a little regret in her heart. This money should not be made randomly, and the statement should be made urgently. Statement.

After getting married, Jiang Nuannuan had less time to cook. This time she personally cooked and made love lunches to give to people. She kept doing them for half a month, but every time she was stuck in Zhai Heng's lounge and couldn't get out of bed. This time she changed Jiang Nuannuan was angry.

She suspected he did it on purpose.

To what extent did Zhai Heng manipulate her thoughts?After realizing that he had gone too far, he gave her a key and let her go out to calm down.

When Jiang Nuannuan arrived at her destination in a luxury car, she saw the clothes and bags piled up in a small villa. She was instantly cured of all her illnesses. When she was tricked into going to bed again that night, her heart continued to bloom happily. .

Earlier, Jiang Nuannuan didn't have much interest in these luxury goods. Since the latent memory in the body was awakened, women's natural hobbies were released without the pressure of money.

Now she doesn't think there's anything wrong with being a happy canary and climbing up the power ladder. Zhai Heng gave her enough freedom to show off her skills. Her design career is booming. From the beginning, all the ladies just because she is Mrs. Zhai was trying to save her face, but now it is difficult to find a single design, and the list has been scheduled until next year. It only took her just two years.

Jiang Nuannuan's success was not surprising to Zhai Heng, and she was not surprised either. Under the influence of his words, her self-confidence was so high that nothing could defeat her, and she has become what he calls an excellent wife.

After the New Year's Eve dinner one year, Mrs. Zhai asked politely when they were going to have a baby. Zhai Heng behaved very normally, "It's still early."

The old lady frowned, "You don't want to give birth yet? Nuannuan is still young, but you are already in your thirties and you should consider your own quality."

Hearing this, Jiang Nuannuan immediately turned her head and looked at her husband's handsome face. Time has not left any trace on his face. He still looks as young and gentle as when he was 29. It turns out that time has passed so quickly. In the past, he was already 35.

It seems like he took that antiseptic.

Zhai Heng caught her gaze of concentration and admiration, and slowly put her tender little hand into his palm to hold it, "Don't be in a hurry. If you want to give birth, it will happen naturally. If he doesn't want to come, there's nothing we can do about it."

After hearing this, the old lady thought that he was not good enough, and she tactfully gave advice to the young couple again, "You are not using contraception at your age. Go to the hospital to check when you have time. We may not be able to tell what is wrong." We can find a solution sooner."

Zhai Heng responded calmly, not defending himself at all.

Jiang Nuannuan blushed a little as she listened again, feeling guilty that he could not block the gun. She also thought of the drawer of condoms of different flavors, which he had just purchased two days ago.

"I didn't just buy it, did you lose it?"

"Other people your age are just too busy with their kids. Now that I think about it, I think it's pretty much the same."

Zhai Heng's eyes moved slightly, and he leaned down again, gently pinched her chin and asked, "Do you want a child?"

He was looking forward to having a love relationship with her. It would be better if he was like her, but he also respected her, so he never mentioned it.

"Yeah." The affirmative response.

When he came in, Jiang Nuannuan breathed out and said, "Anyway, the studio has expanded now. I'm not the only one responsible for it. It doesn't matter if I take less orders to prepare for pregnancy."

Zhai Heng has always been clean and does not smoke. The two of them undergo a full set of physical examinations every year, so there will be no problem when they want to have children.

His eyes overflowed with tenderness, he held her slender waist, and said in a pleasant tone, "Then take advantage of the long New Year holiday, don't go anywhere, just stay in the house and let's have a baby."

With that said, he didn't give her a chance to regret it.

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip and cried softly. When she was about to faint, she scolded him for going too far.

After a year of pregnancy preparation, Jiang Nuannuan successfully became pregnant with a girl, and she became a panda-level treasure.

The house was lively for three whole days. Mrs. Zhai bought all kinds of good things from home, smiling from ear to ear.

When Zhai Heng went to work in the company, there was always a smile on his always cold face. When someone came to congratulate him after hearing the news, he would open the drawer and pass the red envelope he had prepared in advance to spread the joy. The most cherished wife can receive blessings from many people, and the subsequent childbirth will be smooth and safe.

There are entertainment news gossips about how much this boss can love his wife?It is said that on the day of delivery, the corners of his eyes were moist, and he cried with heartache. He immediately decided that he would never make her suffer again. He didn't even look at the daughter he carried out. His heart and eyes were full of his own wife, and he loved her deeply.

It was not until the child started to look more like his mother and was extremely coquettish, that the mother and daughter had the same character, that Zhai Heng's love for his daughter was inspired and he seriously became a gentle and good father.

(Editor's note: This is the end of Zhai Heng's chapter. Goodbye to everyone. Today's update. The next chapter is a high-energy warning for Gu Tingyan. The setting is still one-sided with memory and single-handedly controlling the plot. Don't mind straying in and out, don't miss each other. So happy.)
(End of this chapter)

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