Chapter 454 Gu Tingyan (1)

Until she was 13 years old, Jiang Nuannuan was still the little princess of the Jiang family, with a star-studded presence. If the TV station hadn't brought Jiang Meng to show up at home to stage a drama about recognizing her parents, she would have been happy forever.

She suddenly became the wrong child of the Jiang family. Her real parents were farmers working in the fields, and their living conditions were difficult. She was returned as their biological daughter, and as a result, her beautiful appearance could not bear the hardship at all. , every now and then, if you don't get used to it, you will get sick and be hospitalized.

The girl who had been raised proudly couldn't stand the life in the village. She spent too much money in just one month. Her biological parents couldn't afford it. She wanted to return her to the Jiang family and beg them to raise her again, but a man appeared at the door of her house. He bought a strange luxury car, but the noble 19-year-old boy stepped into a poor home and spent a sum of money to ask for custody rights from the couple.

At that time, no one knew why this young man suddenly wanted to raise a child for no reason other than relatives.

He just found Jiang Nuannuan, and with an indescribable aura and maturity, he told her: "They can't support you, I will support you."

At that time, the boy's outline had already begun to show the edges and hardness of adulthood. The composure revealed from his bones and his eyes like a black vulture deeply attracted the still ignorant Jiang Nuannuan.

She only knew that she had been accustomed to being taken care of for half her life, the fear of stepping into the ground and being sucked by leeches, and the discomfort of having to go to the hospital with vomiting and diarrhea in the middle of the night and fainting. She absolutely did not want to experience it again.

She held the boy's hand and said firmly, "If you can support me, take me away."

The Jiang family has a new baby. When she goes back, she will be as angry as Cinderella in the fairy tale. In her own parents’ house, even going to school in the future will be a problem. At such a young age, she feels that she will get nothing if she doesn’t pick up the pie from the sky. Pick up.

So 13-year-old Jiang Nuannuan was abducted back home by 19-year-old Gu Tingyan.

At that time, Gu Tingyan had just entered college in a local school. He was busy with courses and his family's company was involved in some business. He didn't have much time to meet Jiang Nuannuan, but he kept his promise and provided her with the best food, clothing, housing and transportation, including... Not limited to beautiful dresses, designer bags and various jewelry that girls will love.

Gu Tingyan never set it for her that children should develop good habits of thrifting from an early age. Except for the one month of suffering with her biological parents, she was treated better in the Gu family than in the Jiang family. She was like a little princess.

Sometimes even Lin Xiao feels that her son has gone too far and does not really advocate the practice of offering sacrifices to ancestors.

However, Jiang Nuannuan was cute and beautiful, and she spoke softly and pleasantly. Every day when she came back from school, she would sweetly call Aunt Lin and eat with her at the same table. As time passed, Lin Xiao felt that there was an extra child in the family. The daughter's kindness came over, and without saying anything, she really raised the little girl as a daughter, often bought her things, and paid attention to her growth.

The fake daughter that the Jiang family didn't want became the real daughter in the hands of the Gu family.

Until she was 17 years old, Jiang Nuannuan felt that she was really good at what she did as a child, and she was not afraid of being abducted by human traffickers, so she could just walk away and earn such a bright future.

However, she had only rarely seen Gu Tingyan in the past three years. He was always busy, traveling between school and work. Lin Xiao often joked that she would have to wait for her birthday if she wanted him to come back.

This is also true. Except for some festivals that must be celebrated, he will come back. Her birthday is the only one that he never misses every year and brings gifts every time.

Jiang Nuannuan actually didn't understand the reason why he became a Bodhisattva to save the little princess. The two of them have always been in a state of being unfamiliar with each other until now.

She and Gu Tingyan had left WeChat messages, but they didn't talk much. Ever since she met him when she was 13 years old, he had always looked like the cold-faced King of Hell, and his aura became more and more cold and formidable every year. It's really not something he can have at that age.

As a result, Jiang Nuannuan had the illusion of meeting her father when she saw him later. She kept thinking about her recent school performance and how she would report to him later. She was always worried about facing her parents.

February 2th is Valentine's Day. Su Ke, a classmate in Jiang Nuannuan's class, was admitted to the junior class of a prestigious university in advance. They spontaneously organized a farewell party.As the school beauty and top student of No. 14 Middle School, Jiang Nuannuan has always been very popular, so she would definitely do something like this.

However, for a group of girls who are preparing to take the college entrance examination, the places they go to play are basically KTVs and movie theaters, or some food courts and celebrity concerts, and this time is no exception.

More than a dozen people pooled together a large amount of money and planned to go to Nanchun Hotel to have a meal for Su Ke to practice.

Jiang Nuannuan only came to this most expensive restaurant in Linggang for dinner with her family during festivals. At that time, the atmosphere at the table was restrained, unlike when she was with her peers, where she could be more relaxed.

When they arrived at the restaurant chatting and laughing, Lin Xiao called and asked when she would be home for dinner.

Only then did Jiang Nuannuan remember that she had forgotten to tell her family about this matter in such a hurry, and said quickly: "I went out for dinner with my classmates."

Lin Xiao glanced upstairs and said, "Then you should come back early after eating. Your brother has gone home."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "Why is he back?"

It was really unexpected that he came back on Valentine's Day.

"Come back when you have less things to do. How can we understand him?"

"I know, I'll go home after eating."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't think much, hung up the phone and followed the person into the box.

After a while, Gu Tingyan came down after taking a shower and changing clothes, and asked calmly: "Have you called her? It's past school time. When will she be back?"

Lin Xiao put down her cell phone and sat down on the sofa, and said nonchalantly: "I went out for dinner with my classmates today. Come back after dinner. I asked the maid to put the pastries you bought from Nan Fong Kee in the refrigerator. She will I guess I don’t have the stomach to eat it at night, so it will be ruined if I leave it outside.”

Gu Tingyan darkened his eyes, and suddenly straightened up while leaning on the sofa. He took out the cigarettes on the table and put one in his mouth. "What day is it today? The class is going out for a dinner."

"How do I know this little girl's circle?" Lin Xiao asked casually: "But today is Valentine's Day. I heard that the girl from the Fu family has been closely associated with you recently? "

"Not familiar." Gu Tingyan lit the cigarette, said indifferently, took the phone, stood up and walked away.

Just as Jiang Nuannuan had ordered her meals with her classmates, a call from Gu Tingyan came in on her phone.

After hesitating for two seconds, she put down her chopsticks and walked outside to pick it up. Her voice was a little cautious, "Hello."

"Where is it?" The person on the other end of the receiver seemed to be standing on the balcony blowing the wind, and the voice sounded unreal.

(End of this chapter)

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