Chapter 455 Gu Tingyan (2)

He had already reported the itinerary to Lin Xiao, so he should have known about it, and he had to call and ask in person. Jiang Nuannuan cursed in her heart, and repeated her words honestly on her face.

"Nanchun Hotel, I'm having dinner with my classmates, I'll be back later."

Gu Tingyan blew out the cigarette, put the fingers holding the cigarette casually on the balcony, and asked in a deep voice: "Going to have a dinner with classmates on Valentine's Day? Jiang Nuannuan, do you dare to fall in love prematurely?"

These words were like a snow knife in winter poking her ears, full of danger.

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath of air and quickly denied, "No, really not."

The first family rule she got after he brought her into the house was that she was not allowed to fall in love before the age of 18. This was the only rule she was required to abide by, so how could she dare to disobey it.

"I have been studying hard to prepare for the college entrance examination. How can I find the time to fall in love? Why are you so mean to me when you come back." She muttered again unhappily.

Gu Tingyan paused and his voice softened a lot, "When will it end?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the time on her phone, then put it to her ear and said, "89 o'clock, it depends on how late they eat, so I can't leave early." She didn't dare to say that she had ordered wine on the table.

Gu Tingyan leaned against the railing, the anger in his brows and eyes dissipated. Listening to her soft report, he slightly curled up the corners of his lips and said, "I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock."

Jiang Nuannuan was shocked, "It's so troublesome. I can just take the subway back. There is a direct connection anyway."

After all, he was the elder who raised her. She saw no difference between him and a mouse stealing cheese and being caught by a cat.

The corner of the man's lips that had been raised suddenly fell down again, forming a straight line, "You're afraid of troublesome me."

He never thought she was a trouble. He raised her with good food and drink, but this was not the result he wanted. What kind of illusion did he give her in the past two years to make her think this way?
Hearing the cold voice made Jiang Nuannuan's scalp tingle, he changed his mind and explained: "It's rare for you to come back. Aunt Lin said that you stay up late every day and don't sleep. I don't want to disturb you too much."

"I won't disturb you, do you understand me?" Gu Tingyan said.

Jiang Nuannuan moved her lips and responded blankly, "I understand."

"What box number?"

She replied honestly: "502."


After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan felt like she hadn't breathed for a long time. Her shoulders suddenly relaxed and she leaned against the wall.

In order for her to have a wealthy and comfortable life until she graduates from college, she knows how to live in this family. However, she and Gu Tingyan haven’t seen each other for nearly a year, and they don’t talk much on WeChat. He suddenly said this tonight, and she It’s really a bit unfamiliar.

When she returned to the dinner table, the meal became boring, and she checked the time on her phone every now and then for fear of making others wait.

But only 5 minutes later, the waiter outside came in and served her a piece of pudding, removed the wine from the table, and explained to everyone with a smile, "Sorry, our manager said that underage people are not allowed here. If you are consuming tobacco or alcohol, the items must be removed first.”

Immediately, a classmate stood up and said, "But we are all open."

The waiter said politely: "We did not check the identity information. It was a mistake at work and the drink money will not be counted when the bill is settled."

Jiang Nuannuan was confused as she held the pudding, "What about this?"

The other party turned around and said with a smile: "As compensation, I will give you a piece of pudding."

Why only give it to her?Jiang Nuannuan was not a fool. Combined with the phone call Gu Tingyan made just now, she figured everything out.

He is really her "good father" and good brother.

She was even more panicked, and even expected to be taken to the car for questioning later.This minor incident passed quickly, and the waiter brought a few more buckets of drinks as free gifts, and the atmosphere soon became lively again.

Su Ke asked her: "Your grades are enough for a key university. Have you decided which school to go to?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "The design institute in South China, it's close to home."

Su Ke was stunned, "I thought you wanted to go to London. My school is there. Jewelry design is still a suitable place for you to develop your ace major. Isn't it the capital of fashion? You didn't even consider it?"

She took a sip of Coke and shook her head, "My brother may not agree."

"The Gu family is not poor, so why doesn't he agree?" Su Ke was even more surprised.

"Worry about me, after all, I look like I could be easily kidnapped." She casually changed the subject with a joke.

When it comes to the reason, Jiang Nuannuan is not very clear. When she traveled abroad before, she was accompanied by four bodyguards as standard. Everything she did was under the strict supervision of Gu Tingyan. He seemed to be afraid that something would happen to her outside. Absolutely She will not be allowed to interact with unknown people of the opposite sex alone, resulting in an average outing experience.

Even her classmates in high school, she actually knew everyone's identity information. Gu Tingyan checked it clearly. He could probably even tell the names of everyone who came into contact with her.

How do you say this?It's hard to describe what it feels like. Although he doesn't appear in front of her often, gives her unlimited freedom, and won't interfere with her too much, he still traps her like an invisible net.

She subconsciously felt that Gu Tingyan would not allow her to leave his side too far, and the family's financial strength was good, and it would not be a problem for her to hire a foreign teacher for better teaching design, so the meaning of not being able to go out was not too big for her. .

Unless Gu Tingyan gets tired of playing the development game one day and wants to take back everything given to her, then she will go to London for her future.

But before that, it would be best for her to get a score that would allow her to get a full scholarship as a way out.

The meal ended after eight o'clock. Everyone drank drinks, which are not as exciting as drinks. All the money spent together by a few people was in the hands of the squad leader. When he went to pay, he was told that today's lover There is a 3% discount on events in the store during festivals. The dinner party fee, which originally cost more than 2000 yuan, was reduced to a few hundred yuan.

Jiang Nuannuan felt outrageous after hearing his cheerful words. They might not know it, but she knew best that Nanchun Hotel was famous for being expensive and never discounted.

She collected the money returned by the group, and the group came to the side of the road.

The black Maybach has been waiting on the street for a while. The man inside pointed his finger at the steering wheel. The half-downed window was facing the store door. When he heard the voices of students outside, he turned his head and locked his eyes accurately on the little girl in the crowd.

In order to integrate into the group, Jiang Nuannuan would not deliberately show off her wealth and wear big-name brands when she was in school. She also wore a serious blue and white school uniform, with a refreshing ponytail, looking like a pure and beautiful little fairy.

There were many boys nearby who acted as gentlemen and wanted to accompany her home.

Gu Tingyan's expression was unpredictable.

After not seeing each other for a while, the little girl he caressed looked even more lovable.

He dialed her cell phone and watched her pick it up in a panic.

"Are you there yet?"

“You don’t even recognize my car?”

As soon as Leng Shen finished speaking, the whistle sounded immediately afterwards.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes also swept over. Looking at the dark car window, the man's tough profile turned to face her with a blur, and the aggressive sight was wrapped around her like a spider's thread.

Feeling heart palpitations, Jiang Nuannuan hurriedly hung up the phone and broke away from a group of students, "My brother is here to pick me up. I'm leaving first."

(Words: There are memory differences and age differences. The plot and setting serve each other.)
(End of this chapter)

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