Chapter 459 Gu Tingyan (6)

She sat with her back stiff, and the hand on top of her head sometimes brushed her ears and sometimes brushed the back of her neck, which was indescribably weird.

"Are you okay? It's so hot." She felt her breathing was a little uncomfortable and raised her neck to look at Gu Tingyan.

The man lowered his eyes and looked a little deeper. The girl's collar was lowered, and she could see the whiteness of her collarbone from her downward gaze.

"Okay." He looked away calmly, turned off the hair dryer, "Go to the study and wait for me."

Jiang Nuannuan pulled her hair casually, "Is it your study room?"

After receiving a positive answer, she left the bedroom and walked towards the mahogany door at the end of the corridor.

She has never entered Gu Tingyan's study room. Only the nanny occasionally goes in to clean that place.

Her life is nothing more than eating, sleeping and studying to be a well-behaved adopted daughter. She won't touch things she shouldn't touch, and she accepts everything given to her.

Now I opened the study door and walked in. There were shelves full of books on all sides, and a sofa in the middle. The window behind it was open, and the curtains were floating, bringing a little coolness at night.

Jiang Nuannuan walked straight to the table and sat down, looking at the unfamiliar environment around her casually, and finally settled on a few photo frames on the table.

There are three photo frames of different sizes, including a photo of her smiling while holding a teddy bear, a personal photo of her in school uniform, and the only photo with him, taken when he took her home.

Jiang Nuannuan stared at it for a long time before vaguely remembering a word that was very popular recently.

sister control.

All Gu Tingyan's weird behaviors have very reasonable explanations, but she had no memory at all when these photos were taken.

When the smell as light as cold pine approached, and the mixed smell of tobacco fell beside her with the smell of male hormones, Jiang Nuannuan concentrated her attention and noticed that he was coming.

Gu Tingyan found a chair and sat down, dragging her rolling chair to her side. "What are you looking at?"

The distance suddenly got closer. Jiang Nuannuan turned around and saw that he had changed into home clothes, and there was still moisture on his neck. "Did you just go take a shower?"

"Well, I went out to work for a day and I'm dirty." Gu Tingyan said without changing his expression, "Take out the book."

Jiang Nuannuan obediently handed him the book, "It's mainly about physics."

Gu Tingyan asked casually: "Which university have you decided on?"

The conversation she had with Su Ke at the party flashed through her mind. London and South China appeared side by side. She said without thinking, "South China. Although my grades have dropped recently, the points there are still good enough."

Gu Tingyan's thick eyebrows relaxed slightly, "Have you ever thought about going outside?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and said discerningly: "I have been fattened by my family and I don't want to go out."

He nodded, took out the glasses case from the drawer, opened it and put it on, his cold and formidable face suddenly became polite and scumbag.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at it twice and then looked away, preparing to devote herself to tutoring to leave a good impression on her brother, the sponsor who rarely came back. Later, she found that his explanations were easier to understand than what the teacher said. She was serious. Take it heartily.

Gu Tingyan was a super college bully, and she, a primary school bully, benefited a lot in one night.

It wasn't until 11 o'clock in the evening that the servant brought hot milk. Gu Tingyan pushed it in front of her and said, "Okay, I'll be here tonight. After drinking, go brush your teeth and go to bed."

Jiang Nuannuan held the cup in her hand and asked hesitantly: "When were these photos taken? I don't even know."

"I asked the servants to record it. Every once in a while, they will send me photos of your life." Gu Tingyan took off his glasses and stared at her with his deep and narrow black eyes, not hiding anything.

Although she had always known that he was paying attention to her movements at all times, Jiang Nuannuan still felt a little confused when she heard him admit it in person, "Then you...don't you still have a lot of ugly photos of me." "Not ugly." He paused. After a moment, he took the empty milk cup from her hand and caressed her soft lips casually, saying in a deep voice, "I won't show it to others."

Jiang Nuannuan's heart beat uncontrollably again.

Is this a sister control?Are you sure you are a serious girl-controller? ?
She suddenly rolled her chair back away from his strong and overpowering smell, stood up and walked out, "I know, good night, brother."

Her back was in a panic. Gu Tingyan took out a piece of paper to wipe off the milk stains on his fingertips, and the corners of his thin lips slowly raised.

He would slowly start to get her used to it.

He is not just her brother, nor can he be her brother.

Tomorrow is the weekend, and Jiang Nuannuan rarely sleeps in. When she gets up and brushes her teeth, she still replays in her mind the scene of her finger grazing her lips last night.

Thinking about it again and again, it's all unspeakably ambiguous. No brother would do this.

She shook her head to get rid of her random thoughts. Gu Tingyan probably had no idea about spending the weekend, so she walked downstairs fairly briskly.

There was talk and laughter in the living room.

Lin Xiao and Fu Shiliu sat together, smiled and patted her hand, "You are also thoughtful. You still remember to come to wish me my birthday."

The woman was dressed in a clear green cheongsam, with only a side face that was gentle and pretty enough, and she had a very good temperament.

"That's right. After all, mother and you are old acquaintances. We often visited here when we were children."

She asked the man sitting opposite her with a smile, "Do you remember Ting Yan? I came here when I was a child."

When Jiang Nuannuan heard the voice, she felt it sounded familiar. She took two steps down thoughtfully. Her eyes were empty and she didn't notice that she had stepped over the steps and rolled down suddenly.

"Ouch! "

Jiang Nuannuan rolled from the stairs to the living room, her buttocks blossomed, and she burst into tears and cried bitterly.

Gu Tingyan stood up suddenly, walked over quickly before Lin Xiao and Fu Shiliu, and picked them up, "Where are you injured?"

Jiang Nuannuan gasped, "Feet, and..."

It was hard for her to say the next words, and she always felt embarrassed.

Seeing the nervousness on his usually emotionless face, Fu Shiliu was startled from behind, tightened his fingers, and said, "It looks like she fell to her buttocks. Do you want me to take her up to have a look."

"Need not."

Gu Tingyan turned around and carried the person upstairs. Halfway there, he asked the servant to get the medicine box at home.

Lin Xiao was also worried, but since there were guests at home, he couldn't go up immediately, so he could only sit down and say, "My little daughter is so reckless that I made you laugh."

Fu Shiliu came to his senses, sat down again, shook his head, and said tentatively: "Gu Tingyan is so busy that he rarely goes home. It seems that he has such a good relationship with this little sister."

"He took her in his hands and pampered her after he brought her back. After raising her for so many years, I am used to having her around." Lin Xiao's eyes were soft and he said with a smile: "Nuan Nuan, this child has been pampered and spoiled. She is spoiled by her brother."

From Lin Xiao's words, one could only tell that they had a relatively good relationship as brother and sister, but Fu Shiliu knew clearly in his heart that these two people were not related by blood and rarely saw each other. Where did this unprovoked good relationship come from.

(End of this chapter)

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