Chapter 460 Gu Tingyan (7)

She pursed her lips and asked absentmindedly, "Did he also go home to be with his sister on Valentine's Day?"

Lin smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Fu Shiliu shook his head and smiled with a hint of helplessness, "I called him that day and wanted to ask him to have a meal. The person who answered the phone was a little girl. Now I have the answer."

Lin Qiao laughed again, "She went out for a dinner that night. Ting Yan was not worried so she went to pick her up when she came back. If it's not another girl, don't worry too much. If you like him, you can try to get along with her."

Fu Shiliu's family is now similar to theirs, and they are considered to be a good match. If the two of them can become a couple, Lin Xiao would also think it would be suitable.

Fu Shiliu felt relieved and no longer dwelled on the matter.

In the bedroom upstairs, Jiang Nuannuan sat on the bed and put her foot on Gu Tingyan's leg to let him check his bones.

"What are you thinking about on the next stairs?"

She sniffed and said, "I didn't think about anything, but suddenly I lost everything."

Seeing her crying pitifully, Gu Tingyan felt soft in his heart.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" she asked again with red eyes.

"It's just a sprain." He lowered his eyes, frowned slightly, and held down the leg she was planning to retract, "Don't move."

"Then I'll just spray the medicine myself. You go down and continue to receive guests with your aunt." Jiang Nuannuan wanted to get the medicine box next to the bed, but she didn't know that this action made Gu Tingyan particularly unhappy.

He held her leg firmly and said indifferently: "What did I just tell you?"

Hearing the calm tone of voice, Jiang Nuannuan stopped, her brain was running rapidly and finally provided an idea, and hesitantly gave the answer: "I can trouble you."

That should be it, right?

He didn't like that the relationship between them was too raw. If her smart little head couldn't feel it anymore, she wouldn't have to live in this golden bird's nest.

"I'm sorry you still remember." Gu Tingyan took the medicine box and sprayed her with medicine and put a bandage on her with his well-jointed fingers, all in one movement.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and dared not make a sound. After her feet were wrapped, she heard him say, "Butt hurts too?"

Her expression was frozen, and before she could react, she was dragged over and sat on his lap. The posture was enough to turn her over for inspection.

"It's okay! It's okay there!" She nervously hugged Gu Tingyan's neck, clasped her hands tightly, and exclaimed, calling him by his first name: "Gu Tingyan! Don't take off my pants!"

He held her in his arms and didn't move. He stared deeply at her panicked and red rabbit eyes for a moment, then smiled and said, "Who wants to take off your pants?"

He picked her up and said calmly: "I'm going down for lunch. I haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against his chest, realizing that she had been tricked, and bumped his face unhappily, her voice sounding aggrieved.

"Can you please stop being so scary."

Gu Tingyan's heart skipped a beat, his steps slowed down a bit, and he responded solemnly, "It's true that a girl who is not yet an adult can't take off her clothes."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't hear the ambiguity in the words at first. She nodded halfway and raised her eyes to glare at him. Her cheeks turned red, "You, what did you just say?!"

Is it okay to be an adult?Are they the kind of relationship where you can take off your pants? !

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes and found it interesting to see the shameful look on her face, so his lips were blocked by her palm.
"Don't repeat it!" She gritted her teeth, and even her ears were filled with heat.

He gently touched the palm with his lips, which was soft and pleasant, "Don't say anything."

Fu Shiliu saw this intimate scene as soon as he came up. His heart was in his throat for a moment. It took him a long time to find his voice, "Ting Yan, Nuan Nuan, Aunt Lin asked me to call you to dinner." Both pairs of eyes met. Looking over, Jiang Nuannuan's red and delicate face clearly had an expression that only appeared when a man said something ambiguous.

Fu Shiliu suddenly felt that she shouldn't ask Lin Xiao for this job. She felt very uncomfortable. Are they really just siblings?It doesn't look like it at all.

Jiang Nuannuan retracted her hand and turned her face away in embarrassment.

Gu Tingyan nodded to her indifferently, but when he passed by Fu Shiliu, he stopped again and said, "Who did Miss Fu ask who got my private number?"

Fu Shiliu tightened her fingers and said, "I'm your father's assistant. What's wrong?"

Gu Tingyan's eyes were slightly cold, "Next time if something happens, please contact the company first."

Jiang Nuannuan poked her head out of his arms and peeked at the shocked beauty on the steps. She finally remembered who this person was. She was the woman who Gu Tingyan thought was a harassing phone caller and wanted to hang up on Valentine's Day.

It sounds like they have known each other since childhood. How come she has never seen them before?

"Is this her first time at home?"

Gu Tingyan: "You spend more time at home than me. You don't know how I know."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "You haven't known each other since you were young."

The man glanced at her and replied slowly: "I'm only familiar with you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

She found that he was either a polite scum, or a polite scum, and the iceberg mask shattered.

Fu Shiliu, who was sitting next to Lin Xiao and chatting with her to celebrate her birthday, was very cautious in her advances and retreats. Jiang Nuannuan could not even say a word in the entire home court.

Fu Shiliu said: "Tingyan is very powerful. Sometimes I will meet with him for dinner with my father. His handwriting was on Far East Technology two days ago."

Lin Xiao said: "I know that his father is not optimistic about their chips. He has his own way."

Fu Shiliu said with a smile: "I believe the momentum will definitely be great. I also believe in Ting Yan, so I invested some money with him."

"Then you guys have something to talk about in your career, and you can go back and forth more in the future." Lin Xiao liked Fu Shiliu very much, and no mother-in-law didn't like that her son's wife was a competent and helpful housekeeper.

She winked at Gu Tingyan, who was lowering his head to peel lobsters, hoping he could say a few words.

Although Jiang Nuannuan is only 17 years old, she can barely understand with her advanced foresight. Lin Xiao likes Fu Shiliu very much and wants to bring her and Gu Tingyan together.

A shelled crayfish was put into her bowl, and the man said, "I heard from the servant that you wanted to eat this thing, and you don't like it today?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and said, "I find it troublesome."

"It's no trouble now." Gu Tingyan peeled a few more for her, completely ignoring the topics and gazes of the two women in front of him, and said calmly: "I'll wait for you to eat."

Fu Shiliu's smile could hardly be maintained. It was unclear how much intentionality he contained. He actually used the word "serve" to a sister who had no blood relationship. How high did he hold this little girl with no background in his heart? ?

Even Lin Xiao noticed something was wrong. She liked Jiang Nuannuan, but after all, she was a little girl without any background, and she was a member of her own family who had declared it to the outside world. If her son was really interested in her, what would happen if her son was really interested in her? Going out is not just a matter of face for wealthy families.
After thinking about this, she said: "Why don't you peel some of Shiliu's as well? Now that the girl has done manicure, it's quite inconvenient to eat."

Gu Tingyan's eyebrows moved slightly and he looked at Lin Xiao, "Mom, it's not appropriate."

The slightly cold breath was full of oppression, clearly telling Lin Xiao that her words had crossed the line.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment. Jiang Nuannuan clapped her hands and said, "It's almost time to eat. Let's serve the cake."

(End of this chapter)

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