Chapter 461 Gu Tingyan (8)

After finally making it to the end of the meal, Lin Xiao asked Gu Tingyan to give Fu Shiliu a ride. Jiang Nuannuan moved her chair and was about to jump to the living room when she stretched out a hand from her waist to hug her.

"Let the driver take you there." He said quietly: "It takes a long time to go back and forth, and I have to help Nuannuan with tutoring in the afternoon."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at Gu Tingyan's clean and strong profile, with her dark eyes lowered. She leaned against him knowingly and didn't say that tutoring was at night.

Fu Shiliu's face couldn't bear to be ruined by him like this. He picked up his bag and said awkwardly: "It's okay. The driver will just take me back. Ting Yan is also busy."

Gu Tingyan picked up the little girl in his arms and said calmly to the woman who came to the door: "Miss Fu, Lu Cheng of the Lu family once mentioned you in front of me. The family members are pretty good. In two days, Recommended for you."

Fu Shiliu paused and suddenly turned around, "What did you say?"

Gu Tingyan: "It may lead to a good marriage."

Lin Xiao's face darkened, Fu Shiliu took a deep breath, glanced at the beautiful little girl in his arms, and said in a gentle voice, "Gu Tingyan, your adopted daughter is almost 18, you should talk to Aunt Lin They also understand the difference between men and women."

"As for Lu Cheng, I'm not familiar with him. If you invite me to dinner alone in the future, I will still come."

She turned around and left, her back as noble as a white lotus.

Jiang Nuannuan also felt that what she said was quite right. She thought that she just wanted to stay in peace and realize her dreams and live a good life, and she didn't want to get involved in the complicated emotions of a wealthy family. However, Gu Tingyan came back this time and seemed to be determined to break the balance, which made her at a loss.

After the car left, Lin Xiao walked up to her son and said in a bad tone, "Put Nuannuan in the bedroom and let her rest and do her homework. Follow me to the study."

Gu Tingyan nodded, held him tightly in his arms and went upstairs.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned close to his ear and whispered: "You really don't like that person named Fu? Don't you have feelings for her?"

The warm breath hit his ears, and the girl's sweet fragrance penetrated into his nose. Gu Tingyan's eyes fell on the face of the little girl who was close at hand. He kicked the door with his heels, hugged her and sat down by the bed, without a second thought. Put her down for a moment.

"What do you think? Do you want me to talk to her?"

He passed one hand under her arm and pressed it against her thin back, and his fingers lightly rested on her tailbone.

The man's gaze was too focused and deep. Jiang Nuannuan's sixth sense told her not to make him unhappy. She smiled and said, "No, I don't like her. I don't like her as soon as I meet her."

"Are you serious?" Gu Tingyan moved his fingers and pressed her waist.

The tailbone was just a little above her buttocks. She had just fallen. When he pressed it, she let out a soft cry and complained softly, "It hurts."

Hearing her boneless scream, Gu Tingyan took a deep breath, deliberately put his fingertips into the clothes and touched them, "Is this here?"

His freshly washed hands were very cold, and Jiang Nuannuan shrank when they felt cold against his skin, and hummed softly, "It seems so."

Gu Tingyan's Adam's apple rolled slightly and his face was calm. "Change your position and I'll rub it for you." "Huh? No, no need. You go to the study first. Aunt Lin wants to talk to you." Jiang Nuannuan put a hand on his chest. , one hand reached around and held his wrist, his soft face flushed, "You can take it out now."

"Then wait until I come back." Gu Tingyan obeyed her wishes and stopped, "If you're bored, just read a book."

After the person left, Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the bed for a while. She casually picked up the book on the bedside table and read a few pages. She couldn't read it. She accidentally thought that Gu Tingyan had given her Nanfu Ji on Valentine's Day. Pastry, is it a coincidence?

He has become very strange since he came back that day. Just now he was very direct
Should I ask?
Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment and found that no matter which answer it was, it was not good.

Lin Xiao obviously did not ignore Gu Lun's feeling that his brother could have an affair with his sister. Although she was not related by blood, she was also the adopted daughter of the Gu family with a foreign surname. This was reflected in Lin Xiao's fondness for Fu Shiliu and the closeness she had just seen with Gu Tingyan. Well you can see it.

In the past, Gu Tingyan rarely hugged her, and the maximum limit in social situations was to hold hands, but now it was different.

If it goes beyond the scope of sister control and turns into him wanting to have a lover, she, a little bird, will definitely survive in the family. Uncle Gu has been quite critical of her existence.

There is no such thing as mismatched marriage in a wealthy marriage. Jiang Nuannuan thought about it and felt that her golden bird's nest was about to be smashed. Uncle Gu was still in charge of the Gu family. Gu Tingyan had just graduated from his senior year and was not fully in power. He probably Can't protect her.

London, the fashion capital, has emerged again, and the little bird can only fly there if it wants to fly.

Thinking that her head hurt, Jiang Nuannuan simply closed her book, changed into pajamas, and got under the quilt to take a lunch break.

Let's take it one step at a time. Even if things don't work out, she still has a house of luxury goods. If she sells them, she can become a rich little woman and go to London to study hard and realize her dream.

Turning over, Jiang Nuannuan frowned because her swollen feet suddenly hurt. But to be honest, if she really sold those luxury goods, she would definitely feel pain. She felt pain just thinking about it now, and many of them were It was a limited edition. Due to her age and status, she had never carried it a few times. It would be a pity to sell it directly.


Raising a daughter is hard.

Bow to money.

In the study room at the other end, Lin Xiao asked in a rare serious tone: "I've been thinking about one thing lately. Jiang Nuannuan has been raised at home for so long, and she has developed a relationship with me a long time ago. Her household registration is still there. Let’s just leave it in the name of the country couple, shouldn’t we give her a title?”

Gu Tingyan put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it slowly, "What status do you want to give?"

Lin Qiao's face softened a lot, "Even outsiders can see that your status is inappropriate and you are too close. In order to avoid others' gossip in the future, go and transfer Jiang Nuannuan's household registration. Before, you only gave it to the other couple. There is no formal adoption agreement for a sum of money, so just find a day to do it while you are on vacation, let her into our family, completely change her surname and include it in the family tree."

In this way, Gu Tingyan and Jiang Nuannuan will no longer have a chance, and she will become the little princess of the Gu family. She will continue to live a luxurious life in the future, nothing will change, and the family will still be happy.

The study was quiet for a while, Gu Tingyan stared at her indifferently while chewing a cigarette, without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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