Chapter 462 Gu Tingyan (9)

"." Lin Xiao was frightened by the sight of her son. He was growing up too fast. When other people's children were enjoying their days of independence and money, he had already begun to strategize and take over the project. This son of hers had been growing up since he was a child. I didn't understand what he was thinking.

Just like that year when he suddenly brought the Jiang child back, no one could figure out what he meant.

"Ting Yan, if you want to marry a wife in the future, if Jiang Nuannuan is to be kept at home, she can no longer be surnamed Jiang. This is outrageous."

Gu Tingyan took off the cigarette and said calmly: "She doesn't need to change her surname, and she doesn't need to be included in the family tree. She just needs to be included in my household registration."

"What did you say?!"

The tea cup that Lin Xiao had been holding in his hand broke into pieces and hit his feet, causing hot water to splash everywhere.

These words undoubtedly struck a thunderbolt in her ears, making her look pale, "She is your sister! She has called you brother for four years since you picked her up! What are you thinking!"

Gu Tingyan looked indifferent, "I know exactly what I am thinking."

"When?" This was no warning to Lin Xiao. The brother and sister had kept their distance in the past few years, and she never thought that such a thing would happen.

Gu Tingyan raised his hand to flick the ashes into the ashtray and looked up at her, "Always."

Lin Xiao was completely shocked, her legs went weak and she fell into the chair, "How old was Jiang Nuannuan at that time, and how old were you? You were not interested in others your own age, but you were interested in her since you were a child."

Before the next words were spoken, Gu Tingyan answered the question for her, "Do you have any delusions that you shouldn't have?"

He sneered and said slowly: "Mom, she should have been mine."

"You're crazy!" Lin Xiao was shocked and angry, accusing: "I don't care what kind of abnormal psychology you have, do you think your dad will agree? When your dad finds out, he has to drive Jiang Nuannuan out. Why do you like to feel embarrassed when an unwanted daughter comes into your home? I helped you stay in the first place, but now I won't care about it anymore!"

She breathed a sigh of relief, "Either let Jiang Nuannuan change her surname to Gu, or she should continue to have her surname Jiang, but you must find a well-matched girl to fall in love with and get married. You are the sole heir to the family business, and you need a good wife. If both of you can If you don’t choose, I will tell your father to let her go! Anyway, I have absolutely no idea of ​​my daughter becoming a daughter-in-law!"

Gu Tingyan didn't take his mother's threat seriously at all. What did they think he had been busy with in the past two years?Once again, he had plenty of means to make the couple compromise.

"Mom, there's no rush." ​​He threw away the cigarette he had finished smoking, stood up and said, "Wait a moment."

Lin Xiao thought he had compromised and would think about it, and then he calmed down and took a breath, "Okay, don't worry, but you must keep your distance."

Gu Tingyan didn't respond to the latter sentence at all. He walked out of the study door and went to Jiang Nuannuan's room.

She never had the habit of locking the door when sleeping, so he went in easily.

The indoor curtains were drawn, and faint light penetrated through the gaps, shining on the girl sleeping on the bed.The weather was hot, her feet were smeared with ointment, and her butt hurt. She had already thrown the quilt aside, and a corner of her clothes was piled above her waistline. Two long, white and slender legs were exposed under the short pajama pants.

Such a seductive little girl was defenseless as she slept, unaware that a wolf had entered the bedroom.

Gu Tingyan sat down on the bedside, his eyes swept from his legs to his unbearable slender waist, his eyes changed from light to dark, and then he tried his best to endure it and checked the time on his phone.

She had slept for more than an hour.

It's almost time for tutoring. I can still find time to watch a love enlightenment movie with him in the evening.

Jiang Nuannuan heard someone talking in her ear, turned over and opened her eyes, "Huh?"

The man leaned over, hooked the hair on her cheek behind her ear, and asked in a low and sexy voice: "Does your butt still hurt?"

"Yes." Jiang Nuannuan nodded subconsciously, "It hurts when I lie down."

"I'll turn on the light and take a look. Apply heat to the bruises." Gu Tingyan turned on the light.

Jiang Nuannuan closed her eyes reflexively. In the darkness, her body was picked up by Gu Tingyan, her legs were pushed apart by him, and she spread her legs and sat on him.

There was a chill in her waist and abdomen, and she suddenly woke up, "What are you doing?"

"Lie down, I'll check it out so you don't have to go to the hospital." The man held her back and forced her into his arms, looking down at the girl's white-skinned lower back under the light.

He pressed his fingers up to find the location, "Is this where it hurts?"

He was answered with a soft hum, and Jiang Nuannuan had to mumble against his chest shirt: "Are you bruised?"

"No, it's probably just a pain from the impact." His voice was a little hoarse, and the movements of his fingers were not ambiguous, "Don't tense your body so tightly, I will rub it for you."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know where to put her hands, so she had to put them on his waist and said softly: "I don't have it. It's the same thing if you ask a servant to help."

Gu Tingyan: "You don't like me touching you?"

She paused and shook her head, "No, I just think you made Auntie unhappy today. It's not appropriate for us to do this."

"As long as I make you happy, it's okay as long as I think it's appropriate, so don't worry about her." Gu Tingyan whispered to her.

(End of this chapter)

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