Chapter 469 Gu Tingyan (16)

Seeing her serious attitude, the man put one hand on the edge of the table and leaned in front of her loosely, "Are you sure? Do you want to take it off and take a look again?"

Jiang Nuannuan took a breath, put down the pen in a daze, and actually raised her hand to touch the glasses on the high bridge of his nose.

Gu Tingyan didn't expect that she would suddenly be so bold. He stayed still and watched the little girl's eyelashes tremble in front of him. He gently placed his fingers on his face and let her pinch the edge of the frame and take off the lenses.

His dark, ebony eyes, unobstructed by the lenses, stared at her quietly. A few strands of hair that had been unintentionally hooked rested on his eyelids, adding a hint of laziness to his delicate face.

"How are you? Are there any dark circles under your eyes?"

He lowered his head slightly and was about to speak close to the little girl's face.

Jiang Nuannuan was still a little dazed holding her glasses. She was seduced by his sudden approach and beauty. Her heart skipped a beat. She put down her glasses and raised her hands to hold his face, fearing that he would make another move.

"It's quite heavy." She said hurriedly, pressing her fingers on his bluish lower eyelids, "Really, he looks quite decadent and tired."

"Doesn't it look good?" he asked.

How could it not be good-looking? He was still wearing the black shirt he wore at work, with loose and curved cuffs. The exposed arms had the strong lines of a mature man, and paired with this angular face, it was a kind of decadent and melancholy beauty.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but rub it twice with her fingers. "It looks good. Do you still suffer from insomnia?"

"Yeah, insomnia." Gu Tingyan admitted generously.

She frowned, "It's just a matter of trouble at work. I hear you talking on the phone every time in the middle of the night."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped talking mid-sentence, looking embarrassed.

Gu Tingyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile appeared on his lips, "You care about me very much? You even learned how to eavesdrop."

"No, I found it accidentally when I went out to drink water when I was thirsty." Jiang Nuannuan put down her hand and returned the glasses to him, "Forget it, I'll continue with my homework."

Seeing that she was shy, Gu Tingyan stepped back appropriately, inserted a piece of mango from the fruit plate on the side and put it into his mouth, then fed her another piece. Jiang Nuannuan didn't notice that he was using the same fork, he stretched it out and opened his mouth. He bit into it and rolled the pulp into his mouth.

After being quiet for a while, and seeing that she was almost finished writing and checking, Gu Tingyan relaxed his posture, leaned on the chair and said to her calmly: "When I picked you up when I came back when I was 13 years old, you recognized your bed, and you always secretly hid under the quilt and cried at night. I’ve put you to sleep a few times.”

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned. Too much time had passed, but the hazy image was still there.

After she suddenly left her parents and her courageous energy passed, she felt empty and overwhelmed for a period of time. She felt panicked and couldn't sleep in the black bedroom where she couldn't see her fingers. Either she felt there was someone under the bed or at the end of the bed. There are people, but nowhere is safe.

When she learned about the situation at that time, it was not Lin Xiao who accompanied her, but Gu Tingyan who brought her back in person.

He was not very good at coaxing people, so he just hugged a quilt and lay next to her, patted her back and told her that he would always be there.

From then on, she was no longer afraid of sleeping alone in this empty luxury room.

Later, he got used to the life here, and he was busy studying for exams. The relationship between the two gradually became that of an unfamiliar brother and adopted daughter, and they never slept together again.Jiang Nuannuan handed her homework to him for inspection again, and her lips moved, "I know, I have the impression that during that time, I often couldn't sleep at night and dozed off during the day. It was you who came to accompany me when you noticed something was wrong. After you came I'm not afraid anymore, I won't worry about an evil ghost suddenly coming out of the pitch-black darkness,"

If he hadn't been deliberately alienated in those years, she would really like him as an older brother, like him very much.

Gu Tingyan checked his homework without raising his head, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, showing a faint smile, "I also want to tell you that that period was the time when I slept the best."

"Huh?" She was surprised, "I thought you would think I was noisy. I must have been unruly when I was little."

When he mentioned this, his expression changed slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at her, a bit dumbfounded, "Is your sleeping position better now? No more rolling on the floor?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head and pursed her lips, "How can that be possible?"

After he checked the homework, circled the mistakes and asked her to correct them carefully, and explained everything to her clearly, he put down the pen and went to the terrace to smoke a cigarette.

Jiang Nuannuan took the only small fork and prepared to finish the rest of the fruit. She looked at the fork and then at the fruit, and then suddenly realized that the servant had taken a fork tonight, and they had been eating alternately. .
She put down her fork and turned her eyes to the man smoking on the balcony. Among other things, he leaned over and pressed his arms against the balcony to smoke. His buttocks were so upturned.

The metal spoon fell to the ground.

The man turned around, put out his cigarette and went into the house, "Something fell."

"Fruit fork, it's okay." Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly and looked up at him, "Then you go to bed early tonight?"

This is the meaning of seeing off guests.

Gu Tingyan didn't object. He already had things to deal with. He rubbed the top of her hair and said, "Well, I'm leaving."

He left simply, leaving Jiang Nuannuan with a confused mind as to why she would comment on his body like that.

When the maid came in and took away the fruit plate, she finished washing and rolled into bed and closed her eyes to sleep.

I don't know if it was because of Gu Tingyan's words that Jiang Nuannuan didn't sleep well. She woke up again at around three in the morning, and thoughts about what Gu Tingyan was doing kept popping up in her mind, urging her to go see it. look.

After thinking again and again, she lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and quietly opened the door. The corridor was dark, and the light in the study was indeed on.

Jiang Nuannuan looked around and moved over quietly.

Gu Tingyan, who was getting a drink downstairs, had long heard the movement upstairs. He walked softly and slowly went upstairs until he saw a girl wearing cartoon pajamas in the dark, bending over and putting her ear to the door. Under her short pajamas, Two long white legs were exposed, and her bare feet were stepping on the cool wooden floor.

There was a hint of darkness in his dark eyes, his throat rolled slightly, and he took a sip of wine.

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

(End of this chapter)

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