Chapter 470 Gu Tingyan (17)

The sudden sound from behind made the little girl almost jump up.

Jiang Nuannuan turned back sharply, her eyes shrinking in horror. She pressed her back against the door and watched the blurry black shadow approaching, looking down at her.

"Why are you outside?" she asked tremblingly, biting her red lips nervously.

"Thirsty." Gu Tingyan held the wine glass in one hand and held the doorkeeper in his arms with the other. He leaned down and asked with interest: "You stayed up so late at night and eavesdropped in the corner again?"

"I didn't!" She realized that the loud voice would wake Lin Xiao, so she quickly lowered her voice and said, "I can't sleep, so I just wanted to come and see if you were asleep."

"Are you having insomnia?" He touched the long hair hanging by her ears, helped her tuck it behind her ears, paused, and whispered: "Do you still want me to coax you to sleep?"

Jiang Nuannuan followed his words, her ears that were touched went numb, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

After learning about his thoughts and after he said that he wanted to pursue her, sleeping became a sensitive word in the relationship between men and women.

She knew that she couldn't get involved with him in anything more than companionship, but sometimes it was beyond her control, especially when the other party deliberately teased and tested her.

She pursed her lips and her almond-shaped eyes trembled like a frightened deer, not knowing how to answer.

The veins on the back of Gu Tingyan's hand holding the wine glass were bulging out. He knew that he could never press her against the wall and kiss her wildly, or even destroy her delicate appearance. He had to be patient enough like a hunter.

So he suppressed his desire, tilted his head close to her ear, and breathed softly, "As long as you open your mouth, I will coax you."

The excitement spread in the middle, and Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on her clothes, "If I don't tell you, what time do you plan to go to bed?"

He thought for a while and answered the question seriously, "There are still some things to deal with. It won't be until after four o'clock if nothing else."

"Then what time do you get up?"

"At 7 o'clock, the company has a morning meeting at 8 o'clock."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes widened suddenly, which meant that he could only sleep for less than three hours at most.

"You should take more care of your own body." She pursed her lips, "Don't let your youth wear you down. I don't mean anything else."

"Yeah." He responded softly, came to her and looked at her for a while. He thought in his heart that he couldn't be too dirty. He took two steps back and said softly, "I didn't mean to scare you. Go back to sleep."

"I just care about you, so I came to take a look." Jiang Nuannuan took two steps to the side, then stopped to look at him.

Gu Tingyan nodded and said calmly: "I know, go to bed."

He pushed open the study door and was about to step in, when the little girl who was supposed to leave suddenly grabbed the hem of his clothes. He turned around, and the warm lamp shone on her innocent and beautiful face. She hesitated, and her flashing eyes bulged again. After gaining enough courage, I looked up at him clearly and said softly: "Forget it, how about you sleep with me now."

It would be nice if I could sleep for an extra hour.

She simply thought so, and she was really worried about how much pressure he had to bear as the heir.

She had no idea how tempting her words were to the hot-blooded man in front of her.

Gu Tingyan looked at her with wolfish eyes, then turned off the light in the study and said in a deep voice, "Go back to the room first, I'll take a shower."

Jiang Nuannuan was still there. He leaned over slightly and said, "You still won't leave? Shall I take you back?"

"I'm leaving. Remember to bring the quilt." She quickly took two steps back, turned around and ran away.Gu Tingyan stood there for a while, then walked away, his leisurely pace much faster.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know why she blurted out those words at that time. She pressed the pillow on her face and felt the hot breath filling her face.

She knew so well about the difference between men and women. Apart from the impulse caused by the heartache and heartbeat of asking him to come, she couldn't think of a second explanation.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became. She huddled in the quilt for a long time. When she heard the bedroom door being pushed open, she immediately froze and did not dare to move.

"Fell asleep?"

The steps he walked over were very light, and the scent of shower gel with a cold fragrance was close to him. The mattress next to him was dented, and there was a man leaning over behind him.

He didn't do anything extraordinary, he just reached over and helped her pull down the quilt. Jiang Nuannuan quickly turned around and stared at him with her eyes open, her cheeks red.

"I didn't fall asleep, I'm just not used to it."

Gu Tingyan, who had just taken a shower, had her hair still half-dried, messy and casual, and the buttons of her satin pajamas at the collar were open, revealing a section of her collarbone, which was abstinent and sultry.

He turned sideways and looked at her, with another lump in his throat, "What about telling a story?"

"No, just turn off the lights and go to sleep." She said hesitantly.


He raised his hand and turned off the light. The heavy curtains blocked the moonlight outside the window, and it was so dark inside that he couldn't see his fingers.

This rich color gave Jiang Nuannuan a sense of security. She didn't have to feel trembling and excited because of Gu Tingyan's overly hot eyes. She slowly calmed down, fell asleep on the pillow, and asked softly: "The rest of the work is okay. Bar."

Gu Tingyan lay on his side and looked at her blurry outline, "Because it was your request, I dragged her back."

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her grip on the edge of the pillow. These words sounded like the words of the foolish king who did not have to go to bed early for the sake of beauty.

But the surprisingly blushing and heart-beating feeling was useful again.

She turned her back to him and said angrily: "Go to sleep, good night."


After all, it was getting late, Jiang Nuannuan's sleepiness finally swept over her, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she fell asleep.

Her sleeping appearance has never been good since she was a child, but she couldn't notice that she was sleeping alone with no one around. When a calf jumped out of the quilt and kicked on Gu Tingyan's thigh, he had already expected it and casually held it with his hand. He stayed and stuffed himself into his bed.

Within 5 minutes, her hand came over, and she turned over again, and the quilt fell off. Now she was cold again. She subconsciously followed the nearest heat source on her legs, without looking for the quilt, and just rolled away naturally. Entered Gu Tingyan's nest.

He lay on his side and didn't move the whole time, letting the little thing come over on his own. Then he slowly stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms, adjusted the position, locked her, and covered her with the quilt. He lowered his head and kissed her face again, feeling extremely satisfied. .

Being able to sleep with me in my arms is such an unexpected surprise today.

He hoped that this joy could last for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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