Chapter 471 Gu Tingyan (18)

When Jiang Nuannuan woke up, she was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her clothes were neatly dressed and she could tell that she had slept peacefully last night. She felt relieved and turned around.

The quilt next to him had been lifted, and the sound of rushing water came from the bathroom. The frosted door still vaguely reflected the figure of the man taking a bath.

He actually used her bathroom to shower.

Jiang Nuannuan silently looked away, pretending not to notice. She got up and changed her clothes first. When the man came out in a bathrobe covered in moisture, she subconsciously lowered her eyes to organize the books on the table.

Gu Tingyan didn't go over to get close to her, knowing that she wasn't used to the relationship that the two of them would be lying on the same bed in the future. The deliberate teasing last night was already over the line.

He retreated to the door, "After washing up, come down and have breakfast. I'll take you to school on the way."

"Hmm." She nodded slightly.

They did nothing but simply slept next to each other all night, but Jiang Nuannuan felt that his scent was everywhere on her body, and the cold fragrance lingered around the tip of her nose for a long time.

The relationship between the two has also become a lot closer. Although no one said it explicitly, there is something different after all.

He never stopped coming to pick her up from school every day to help her adapt to his existence, and sometimes he would bring her a small cake on the way. If there hadn't been something wrong with Gu's father's investment and it made the news, Jiang Nuannuan would really think that He is as calm and relaxed as he pretends to be.

In order to attend Lunyi, she spent nearly two months completing her design work, and then she learned something amazing.

I still remember one night when Gu Fuxiong said arrogantly at the dinner table that he would definitely succeed and the company's assets would double. On the penultimate day of Jiang Nuannuan's birthday, turmoil broke out.

Chatfreely has raised more than 5 million US dollars in four rounds of financing in 4 years, with more than 7 investors, and the total amount exceeds 5 billion US dollars. Gujia wholly-owned accounts for the majority. Not only did it fail to go public, it suffered heavy losses, but also because of the sudden sweep of major networks in recent months. New communication, innovative changes combined with video mail and other integrated apps.

In just two months, Chatfreely was overtaken by the other party's marketing strategies and downloads, and gradually lost its mainstream status.

If the venture capital investment fails, Gu's father's company may fall into a financial crisis, but these remarks are just some expert predictions in financial news.

Similarly, as the heir, Gu Tingyan will suffer both prosperity and loss. Jiang Nuannuan understands this truth very well. He will be in big trouble. If he is not careful, he will be saddled with a lot of debt because of Gu's father.

Her heart suddenly sank.

Gu Tingyan didn't come to pick her up from school today. He only told her on his phone that he had to work overtime and that the driver would come to take her home.

When she got home, Lin Xiao sat in front of the sofa and was worried. When she came back, he managed a smile and said, "Hurry up and wash your hands and eat."

"Um. "

Jiang Nuannuan finished the meal with her and couldn't help but said, "Aunt Lin, there's no need to hold the birthday party the day after tomorrow."

There is no reason why she should celebrate her birthday at a time when the company is in crisis.

But Lin Xiao just glanced at her, shook his head and said decisively: "What we have to do is to tell outsiders that our family will always be good, and you are a member of our family, the little princess of the Gu family. Gu Tingyan is the sister he loves most, and he will not allow you to miss his birthday."

At this time, Jiang Nuannuan didn't know that Lin Xiao was not interested in drinking. Since they had to do it, she had no reason to refuse.

It was almost 7 o'clock after dinner, and Gu Tingyan hadn't come back yet. Instead, he came back with a cart full of this year's show dresses.

The servants had to use movable display racks to push the clothes in, occupying three rows in the living room. This did not include the jewelry that matched the clothes.Jiang Nuannuan was surprised to see these things and subconsciously observed the expression on Lin Xiao's face next to her.

When the situation was very bad, Gu Tingyan spent a lot of money to buy these things, which made Lin Xiao think that there was something wrong with his style. Her face suddenly changed, and the combination of anger, disappointment, anger, and various emotions was extremely ugly.

Lin Xiao wanted to scold her son, who had always been excellent and far-sighted, for wasting unnecessary money at this juncture. Was it because there were not enough dresses with tags in Jiang Nuannuan's cloakroom?Or maybe the piles of jewelry in the safe were not enough, so he was so stupid that he did such a wasteful thing when his father's capital chain was broken!
Jiang Nuannuan also felt that Gu Tingyan had dug a hole for herself at this time. She coughed lightly and asked softly: "There should be some clothes in here that my brother prepared for Aunt Lin, right?"

"Yes." The servant pushed a row in front of Lin Xiao. They were all brands that she should wear at her age.

Her son was not carried away by his adopted daughter for a moment, and knew how to prepare for her, although it seemed to her that this was just a deliberate means to appease her.

Lin Xiao's expression softened a little, but he hurriedly picked up his phone and walked out. Before leaving, he said, "Nuan Nuan, let's pick first. Just choose one or two items. We won't waste the rest of the returns."

"Yeah." Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

She randomly selected two items and settled on them. She asked someone to go back and called Gu Tingyan. When he picked up the phone, the voice on the other end seemed to be in a noisy conference room.

"Have you received the clothes?" His voice was still calm and reassuring.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, went upstairs with her phone in hand, and asked softly: "You knew something was going to happen to the company a long time ago, and you have been working overtime in the study until midnight every day during this period, right? I heard that the company's capital chain has been broken. Why did you buy me so many clothes when I couldn't make up for the shortfall? Aunt Lin was angry when she saw it."


The noisy voice on the other end faded away, and the sound of leather shoes hitting the tile floor became sudden and quiet. Gu Tingyan stopped in the deserted escape passage, lit a cigarette for himself, and asked her: "Do you think I can spend money?" Do you support your father’s money?”

Jiang Nuannuan was confused for a moment and answered honestly, "Probably? After all, you just graduated from college."

The other end chuckled, his voice deep, "My little girl, I earned all your money myself since you were a child. I raised you with my own hands. Whatever I buy has nothing to do with them. "

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat, those words "my girl" actually made her soften for a moment.

She clenched her cell phone and sat down at the desk, "Okay, but you spent too much money tonight. After all, something happened at home. This is your future asset. You have to help. I heard in the news that you are not careful. You’ll owe a lot of money.”

"I want to help, but the shareholders are quarreling now, and it's not my turn to make the decision." His voice sounded a little more relaxed, and he didn't seem to want to take care of it.

Father Gu is still in charge now, so it makes sense for him to say this.

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but ask: "Will it really go bankrupt?"

"Probably." Gu Tingyan smoked half a cigarette and said vaguely, "It depends on how dad handles it, anyway." He smiled softly again, "I still have enough money to support you, don't worry too much, you I will always light your way forward."

He may not know how damaging these words are to Jiang Nuannuan.

Her eyes suddenly felt a little moist, and her eyelashes became heavy with moisture, and she completely believed that what he said was not mixed with any lies.

"Do you really like me?" She lowered her head and her voice was as weak as a mosquito.

Gu Tingyan's pupils reflected the flickering sparks. After a few seconds, he pinched his cigarette and replied warmly: "Then tell me, if I don't like you, who else can I like?"

(Composition: Today’s update)
(End of this chapter)

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