Chapter 472 Gu Tingyan (19)

Her heart palpitated, and finally she felt a bit of trembling and panic.

This question is difficult to answer, as it defines her as the dominant one. She can freely talk to him about her thoughts about him, such as his popularity in school and society at his age. There must be a long queue of girls who like him. , then why did he not pick a flower for so many years just to wait for her to grow up? How did he do it.

Influenced by Lin Xiao, Jiang Nuannuan also understood that his mother liked girls from the right family and daughters who were helpful to the family. His father even went so far as to openly dislike her as a person with a foreign surname. As a personal son, what are Gu Tingyan’s values, emotions and views on marriage?
She never understood that it was him who was trying to infiltrate her life, and she was always ignorant of his situation.

Has he mistakenly confused the line between liking a girl and liking his sister?

Jiang Nuannuan was hesitant. Those intimate physical contacts seemed ambiguous, but in fact they maintained a certain distance and grace. He did give her a unique preference, but if he really fell in love, would he get married again?

Forgive her for thinking too far in a short time, and she came up with an unlikely answer.

In a bloody family drama, a love that is opposed by her parents is destined to have a bad end, not to mention that they are also her nominal adoptive parents. After many years of getting along with her, it is impossible for her not to care about their thoughts.

Gu Tingyan likes her, and she can accept falling in love with him, because there is no possibility of rejection in the golden bird's nest, but love and marriage cannot be linked, and she is afraid that she will be hurt.

It would be sad to end without a cure.

"I don't know, now is not the time to ask this." Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath and finally answered. She heard the noise in the corridor on the other side of him, and she made an excuse to hang up the phone.

"You go and do your work first, and we'll talk about it when you come back?"

"I may not come back tonight, but I will definitely come back on your birthday." Gu Tingyan whispered.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Well, I'm done."

"Go to bed early."


Not long after hanging up the phone, Su Ke sent a WeChat message asking her about the status of the submission of information. The deadline was coming soon.

Lun Yi stopped signing up two days after her birthday.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to wait until the last day.

As it was the birthday of the little princess of the Gu family, Lin Xiao, who wanted to have a big birthday, naturally spent a lot of money to decorate the venue at home. All the people invited that day were celebrities from high society.

At this time, there is no clear news that the Gu family will collapse, so everyone will pretend to be in the past.

Gu Tingyan will arrive late today. Jiang Nuannuan changed into a formal dress in the room. The makeup artist helped her put a small crown on her head and praised: "What a natural beauty, how can you be so bright and flamboyant no matter how long you grow?" To what extent? She’s like a little fairy.”

She looked at the girl in the mirror, a smile appeared on her lips, and there seemed to be stars escaping from her eyes, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

Jiang Nuannuan had always known that she was beautiful, but she had a random question: Did Gu Tingyan take a fancy to her face?

It is indeed beautiful after all.

Lin Xiao opened the door and came in, interrupting her thinking, and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go. There are many people here today, come with me to meet them."

Jiang Nuannuan lifted up her skirt and stood up, "Okay." When she faced Lin Xiao, the other person's eyes flashed with surprise, and she said proudly: "Nuan Nuan, who was raised proudly, will definitely be the winner of the audience tonight." focus."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Thank you Aunt Lin, you are also very beautiful tonight."

The people who came today also included Feixin, Fu Shiliu, and Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng swung his wine glass and joked: "There is an anxious father at home who is about to go bankrupt. Gu Tingyan still has the heart to organize such a luxurious birthday party. This little princess really doesn't want to be poor even if she eats steamed buns." Got her."

Feixin couldn't comment, "I can't understand why he likes this little girl so much."

The person next to him paused for two seconds and suddenly said: "It's because of this face. I really don't have a choice. I like it too."

"Is it so beautiful? I didn't see you praising me like that last time."

Feixin saw that his eyes were fixed on something, and there seemed to be a slight commotion. She turned her head and saw that the girl in the skirt was really dazzling and beautiful.

"She's really pretty." She raised her eyebrows and said, "Just like the little princess in "Beauty and the Beast", she took advantage of Gu Tingyan's dog. She has a sharp nose and good eyesight, much better than you."

Lu Cheng laughed out loud and clinked glasses with her, "Tsk, just scold him. What are you doing to me?"

There were too many eyes on Jiang Nuannuan, and she had long been accustomed to taking it calmly. Until Lin Xiao brought her to Fu Shiliu and her daughter, she realized her purpose.

At this moment, Lin Xiao seemed to have forgotten how much his son disliked this girl, and introduced the two parties enthusiastically, "This is your Aunt Fu and sister. Normally our two families have a good relationship."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flashed slightly, and she still greeted him with a decent smile.

She hadn't seen her much before, but now that Fu Shiliu's mother had seen her, she had to compliment her, "The little princess has grown up and is as graceful as she is."

Lin Xiaoxiao was happy, patted Jiang Nuannuan's hand and said: "She suffered a lot when she was a child, and I brought her up. She will always be the daughter I hold in my hand for the rest of my life, and she will be the daughter of my daughter who I want to marry with glory in the future. "

Fu's mother smiled delicately and took Lin Xiao's hint, "Yes, she is not much different in age from our Shiliu. We can take her out to play together in the future."

Lin Xiao said: "When Gu Tingyan comes back, let him have more contact with Shiliu in the future, and take this sister out to play together."

Jiang Nuannuan completely understood Lin Xiao's intention tonight.

She didn't want to break up with her openly, so she used this method to remind her that she would always be the daughter of the Gu family, Lin Xiao's daughter, and would never be Gu Tingyan's wife.

Fu Shiliu curved her lips and smiled, taking the initiative to express her kindness and extending her hand to Jiang Nuannuan, "Let me introduce you to the friends in our circle. Last time we had dinner together, we were in a hurry and we didn't have a good chat."

"Yes." Jiang Nuannuan took her hand and followed Fu Shiliu away at Lin Xiao's signal.

They were joined by three other daughters, and the topic of conversation happened to be Fu Shiliu. When they saw her bringing the family's daughter, they stopped gossiping.

Fu Shiliu said gently: "It doesn't matter, she is just Gu Tingyan's sister. Now that she is an adult, there is no need to avoid her."

A girl in a black dress immediately gossiped: "We just talked about the Gu family's financial problems. Do your parents still have any intention of getting married? I feel like the situation is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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